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New Player - spend or save


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@"ShadowCatz.8437" thats a whole load of info to digest...


Glyphs: Looks like glyphs will be something I can look into too when i start to gather a bit more, will consider those carefully even if I don't buy infinite tools. Though with a baseline of 80G+ for the more useful looking ones, i'll have to think about time invested to get a return.


A - Gem Sale: Have bookmarked that thread, will be a useful one to keep an eye on re when to buy - thanks for the link!


B - Crafting: I plan on just getting one character to 80 first, would it make sense for this character to be my crafter? I heard its a good idea to level crafting professions to craft the 'time gated' crafts which you can only make 1 of per day as a quick way to make gold - are there any specific ones worth going after? (i'm a thief if it makes a difference).


C - Bank Slots: Thats very helpful, I think bank slot enlarging will be one of the first things I aim for :)


D - Material Storage & Ectos: Not capped any items quite yet, and planned to sell stock excess of 250 for now, but again, will bear in mind that i can expand this. Re Ecto's I saw a vid which said Ecto's salvage to some sort of dust/powder which is almost as valuable as the original Ecto. The byproduct being luck to increase magic find. Would you say its worth doing this to up magic find massively? Was considering buying ecto's and selling dust if this is.


E - Saving Space: Invisible bags seem like a good shout, and i'd not thought about stacking unidentified items up, I always just identify and salvage straight away - may be a good idea though! Also noted re oiled bags.


Wiki & API: Will be checking Wiki a lot , though API related stuff may be beyond me at the moment, but is something i'll look into when I can, seems like it could be helpful in many ways.


Story Mode purchase: Got it, buy from Gem Store! (Are these ever on offer?)

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> @"WorldofBay.8160" said:

> > @"Morvran.8265" said:

> > > @"WorldofBay.8160" said:

> > > > @"Morvran.8265" said:

> > > > > @"Vincible.1065" said:

> > > > > Cheers for additional thoughts everyone, i'll be sure to keep an eye out for the tax, and will look at episodes and bank slots etc. as additional possible gem purchases.

> > > >

> > > > If you're interested, here's a recommendation for [the best store items](https://catchupguides.com/gw2-recommended-gem-store-purchases/). Should help you get the most out of your gems.

> > >

> > > solely from the fact that VIP passes are mentioned as "must have" i question the usefulness of this "guide". wvw starting location, pvp lobby or guild hall provide the necessary VIP functions (anvil, general vendor, bank access) in a better way: you can get back to your previous position and they are free.

> > > the things listed under lower tiers are way better, especially bag slots and bank tabs.

> >

> > Bag slots and bank tabs don't do anything unless you have already reached the limits of your storage options. For new players that may be **months** away, possibly a year if they use their character slots well. VIP passes can be huge timesavers from day 1 especially if you are crafting a lot, but I agree, that one is questionable. I've been considering knocking that down a tier, might just go for it now. I tend to rate items higher if they get more value out of a shared slot, and passes certainly do.


> don't get me wrong, VIP passes would be a good idea ... if and only if they would not cause additional time spent getting back where you were.


That's why Mistlock Sanctuary is rated higher than the other passes for those things, since there's a "go back where I was" option in the portal. Well, and it's fun to go and bounce around there from time to time.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> That's another reason I think it's a good idea to wait until you find yourself needing an item before buying it, a lot of useful QoL stuff is only really useful later on, and it helps to learn what the alternatives are before going for the paid option.


> I find the infinite gathering tools extremely useful now, but I didn't get them when they first came out because I didn't need them until I reached the point where I was mainly playing on level 80 characters and therefore jumping around between maps a lot. Before that my characters were usually progressing through the maps based on level, so it was easy to make sure they had appropriate tools for the map they were in. Even after that I could have just used Ori tools for everything, but for some reason 'wasting' them by using them on low tier materials bothered me more than buying infinite tools to use on everything.


> I think the first non-cosmetic gem store items I bought were character slots, but even then it's because I spent the betas planning characters I wanted to make and had more than 5 ideas planned. Now I think the one I use most is shared inventory slots, but those are only really useful if you're regularly going between characters. I think bank tabs are a definite must-have, but I only get 1 per year (and only when they're discounted) so again that's not something I'd buy right away.


> I'd be especially wary of buying bag slots when you're new, because those are tied to the _character_, not the account or character slot, so if you decide you don't like your character and want to delete them you'll lose the slots you paid for.


Game have change a lot over the years, so what you describe is how you had struggle with the limitation that exist in that time. We didn't have Shared inventory slots so Bank slot where the only option when you want to move things across characters or needed store items that at that time didn't go into Wallet (that feature came also later) or Material Storage (not all map token did go there which is possible and then we have the limitation with stacks in MS).


For a new player I think it reasonable to focus on increase the number of bag each character can equip and then look at getting past 20 slot bags, up to 24 or 28, but not the max at 32 slots as that cost is too high from crafting (rune) and material needed.


When I started to play we only had max of 20 slots of each bag and at that time the Gold cost where rather high (for how easy it was to get Gold at that time). Buying Bank tab for Gold to Gem where more efficient then using that Gold to get a 20 slot from TP, but 18 slot where better price and most of my character managed with 15 slots, but it was really a PITA in Silverwastes RIBA meta as you needed to salvage each and every item one by one (now we can pick mass salvage from kits). I don't know how many times my Inventory where too full and I had to start dumping items outside of Inventory just to delete them so I could accept the new items that where in its own pop up window blocking interaction with everything else in UI. Today this happens very rarely and with only one salvage kit (copper-salvage-o-matic) instead of both 5 or more salvage kits and 6 gathering tools (2 x 3) its leave more space then in the old days.


Shared inventory slot is also more useful later in game as you get portal scrolls that can teleport you directly to maps you want to farm for meta events. With Tomes that work to keep LW maps in one slot instead of 3-4 slots for each Scroll and one don't need that many Shared Inventory to get around.




Don't delete character before you have read on support page/wiki and made sure that you really have moved everything to a safe place. Everything that are bound to character including your map progression, story progression will be reset when you start a new character and all items have been bought with Gems (that are on that character) like Bag slots will be lost. Be careful so you don't destroy Copper-Salvage-O-Matic by picking option "Destroy" in options as it is there when you right click to pick what to salvage. (Don't know if you will be asked to confirm like some other items do when it is considered an item that are hard to get).


Also check in Bank you don't have any Soulbound item that you want to get rid off as you can not move those item out on another character. You can not even Salvage those items as you need move them into Inventory to be able to Salvage those, so those items will get stuck and you need to ask CS for help. I believe this is an effect from changes that happened for how souldbound did work before unID items existed and how containers did work earlier. In old day most item where Souldbound as fast you get it into inventory and the only way to get around this was to deliver item as container (meaning container where bound, but not item). Today you get get items that have status that they will be Soulbound when you equip them or use them, but not before.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"WorldofBay.8160" said:

> > > @"Morvran.8265" said:

> > > > @"WorldofBay.8160" said:

> > > > > @"Morvran.8265" said:

> > > > > > @"Vincible.1065" said:

> > > > > > Cheers for additional thoughts everyone, i'll be sure to keep an eye out for the tax, and will look at episodes and bank slots etc. as additional possible gem purchases.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you're interested, here's a recommendation for [the best store items](https://catchupguides.com/gw2-recommended-gem-store-purchases/). Should help you get the most out of your gems.

> > > >

> > > > solely from the fact that VIP passes are mentioned as "must have" i question the usefulness of this "guide". wvw starting location, pvp lobby or guild hall provide the necessary VIP functions (anvil, general vendor, bank access) in a better way: you can get back to your previous position and they are free.

> > > > the things listed under lower tiers are way better, especially bag slots and bank tabs.

> > >

> > > Bag slots and bank tabs don't do anything unless you have already reached the limits of your storage options. For new players that may be **months** away, possibly a year if they use their character slots well. VIP passes can be huge timesavers from day 1 especially if you are crafting a lot, but I agree, that one is questionable. I've been considering knocking that down a tier, might just go for it now. I tend to rate items higher if they get more value out of a shared slot, and passes certainly do.

> >

> > don't get me wrong, VIP passes would be a good idea ... if and only if they would not cause additional time spent getting back where you were.


> That's why Mistlock Sanctuary is rated higher than the other passes for those things, since there's a "go back where I was" option in the portal. Well, and it's fun to go and bounce around there from time to time.


I have for several year used WvW panels "Leave WvW" which you find the lower right corner with an arrow. It is easy to overlook, but it does exactly the same as what you talk about. Both sPvP and WvW panel have that option, so what passes offer as base is not different from that view. This even save you a slot in inventory or shared inventory as you only need to move up mouse to the menu section and click on symbol for PvP or WvW to go there or make a key bind to open those panels.


Bought AB because it also have craftstations and I don't need to first go to EoTM (which some times are offline while WvW is updating all WvW maps scores) and then use portals from EoTM or any other starting point in WvW where there is portals going directly to LA. Structured PvP Lounge have the same feature where there also is a portal connecting sPVP to LA.


Mistlock Sanctuary pass isn't valued higher because of this feature you talk about, but because player don't really do their own research for option there is in this game. Mistlock Sanctuary offer some things like direct access to where Fractal are instead going through LA and NPC vendors related to Fractals.


Same way as Armistice Bastion have NPC vendors for WvW related token and stuff and those NPC will find in WvW starting area for each map, so there is no need to buy AB just for getting access to those NPC. There are even Golem where one can test changes in gear or weapon, there is no auto buff or any other play around there for Golem like for Raids where one can set buffs/debuff to simulate different type of boss fights, but it should give an indication how sigils/rune work if it hits several targets, the same as PvP lounge have. Mistlock Sanctuary have some ball game you can play around with and other things, but as basic feature both offer nothing that can not be accessed in game already for free.

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> @"ShadowCatz.8437" said:

> Mistlock Sanctuary pass isn't valued higher because of this feature you talk about, but because player don't really do their own research for option there is in this game. Mistlock Sanctuary offer some things like direct access to where Fractal are instead going through LA and NPC vendors related to Fractals.


> Same way as Armistice Bastion have NPC vendors for WvW related token and stuff and those NPC will find in WvW starting area for each map, so there is no need to buy AB


Fair, but I think you're kind of missing the whole point of passes. There are no exclusive NPCs you need a pass for, of course everything can be found elsewhere in the game, and the means of travel between these services can be optimized. But the point of a pass is exactly that: offering **the most optimal** route between different tasks and services.


Cutting down on loading screens, waypoints and travel time between daily chores for years to come is more than worth a small one time purchase for many, and the bonus features can be nice too.

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> @"Vincible.1065" said:

> @"ShadowCatz.8437" thats a whole load of info to digest...


> Glyphs: Looks like glyphs will be something I can look into too when i start to gather a bit more, will consider those carefully even if I don't buy infinite tools. Though with a baseline of 80G+ for the more useful looking ones, i'll have to think about time invested to get a return.


> A - Gem Sale: Have bookmarked that thread, will be a useful one to keep an eye on re when to buy - thanks for the link!


> B - Crafting: I plan on just getting one character to 80 first, would it make sense for this character to be my crafter? I heard its a good idea to level crafting professions to craft the 'time gated' crafts which you can only make 1 of per day as a quick way to make gold - are there any specific ones worth going after? (i'm a thief if it makes a difference).


> C - Bank Slots: Thats very helpful, I think bank slot enlarging will be one of the first things I aim for :)


> D - Material Storage & Ectos: Not capped any items quite yet, and planned to sell stock excess of 250 for now, but again, will bear in mind that i can expand this. Re Ecto's I saw a vid which said Ecto's salvage to some sort of dust/powder which is almost as valuable as the original Ecto. The byproduct being luck to increase magic find. Would you say its worth doing this to up magic find massively? Was considering buying ecto's and selling dust if this is.


> E - Saving Space: Invisible bags seem like a good shout, and i'd not thought about stacking unidentified items up, I always just identify and salvage straight away - may be a good idea though! Also noted re oiled bags.


> Wiki & API: Will be checking Wiki a lot , though API related stuff may be beyond me at the moment, but is something i'll look into when I can, seems like it could be helpful in many ways.


> Story Mode purchase: Got it, buy from Gem Store! (Are these ever on offer?)


As for (B): My first character where an elementalist which I have degraded to slaving at my craftstation. Depending on how want to do this we have three weight for armour, so it can be useful let your theif as a Medium Armour (MA) user take care about that weight. We have today 9 profession and three weight for armour going from Light, Medium and Heavy Armour. When you craft a full set you will need some space as from head to toe (boot) there are six pieces. For under water there is only one piece (head) and until now that part have been rather restricted, but might change with End of Dragon expansion as we will probably have more fights UW. Don't forget that with crafting armour you also get access crafting Rune that are considered as "upgrades". For a full set rune you need seven pieces as you will want to keep all bonus active also under water. If you use stacking sigil like Bloodlust, then I would advice you to also craft or buy the exact same one for your under water weapon. You will loose your 25 stack (max stack) if you dip your toe in water for short moment and are back on land.


If you look at wiki for Thief, you will see recommended crafting for weapons that thief may use (don't forget that elites add each and one a new weapon that core can't use and when you change trait back to core or the other elite it will disable that weapon: Daredevil can use Staves which only Artificer can craft; Deadeye make use of Rifle - which can craft and most Thief are using weapon that are crafted from Huntsmen.)


Something about Rune: there are three types of "Rune" in this game where two are part of crafting bags where you need to buy this item from NPC vendor that stand close to craft stations (Rune of Holding - different tier up to Superior which is needed for crafting 20 slots bag) and there are Rune that you need to buy from trade post as those are rare rewards from gambling (Supreme Rune of Holding)[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Supreme_Rune_of_Holding](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Supreme_Rune_of_Holding) and are needed for crafting 24 up to 32 bag slots.


Runes that I talk about here is in this context of making armour and which you can craft yourself that is considered to work as "upgrades" (when you use BLTP to search for Rune - also use exotic in filter as it is the highest level that you can purchase; looked up on wiki there is a Legendary tier, but those offer nothing useful compared to Superior rune version) together with Sigils that you can upgrade on weapon. To make it easy remember which is which: every crafter that can craft armour (LA, MA or HA) can also craft Rune that you can put on armour. If you have any type of weapon that a crafter can craft then it is Sigils that you can craft.





[Leatherworker](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Leatherworker) is Medium Armour crafter and can craft Rune (there are Rune you need to craft as those are account bound)

[Huntsman ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Huntsman)look like the best way to go as you can also craft Rifle for Deadeye.


You can change craft when you interact for a fee or you can buy a permanent access to have more craft discipline active at same without any fee when you change active crafting discipline. Normal price is 800 Gems, so it depends on how you plan to play your characters, but a third discipline in Cooking might useful if you don't want to pay a fee every time you want to change between active crafting. I wouldn't put that on the highest list for purchasing something on Gem Store, when there Shared inventory slot for 700 normal Gem price or any other thing that might be useful.


You will need to have one crafter that also can craft food - here is important to decide which one that should be you main for showing your Bloodstone crafted owen in Home instance. Outside of that it doesn't matter as you can craft ascended food on every character. Ascended food are account bound, but you can share it with other as it is a "feast" meaning it an item you place on ground and need to interact with to get food buff (easy to forget if you used to use normal food that you don't share with other in game world). If this isn't your goal then you can stop at level 400 increasing your crafting level to craft exotic level food. You can also buy food and utility from trade post as long it is exotic tier. There is no ascended utility as far as I know (yet).


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gourmet_Training - the achievement which brings up from 425 to 500 in cooking.


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Utility_item (here is wiki on utility items and which discipline that can which version - you can buy most of those higher version and some like Potent Superior Sharpening Stone you will need to be lucky to get the recipe to be able to craft yourself). Here ascended food provide you more with some reduction in damage taken or steal some heals and at same type boost attributes with extra magic find and so on. It is better to invest in ascended food for that reason, but not necessary the first priority.

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> @"Morvran.8265" said:

> > @"ShadowCatz.8437" said:

> > Mistlock Sanctuary pass isn't valued higher because of this feature you talk about, but because player don't really do their own research for option there is in this game. Mistlock Sanctuary offer some things like direct access to where Fractal are instead going through LA and NPC vendors related to Fractals.

> >

> > Same way as Armistice Bastion have NPC vendors for WvW related token and stuff and those NPC will find in WvW starting area for each map, so there is no need to buy AB


> Fair, but I think you're kind of missing the whole point of passes. There are no exclusive NPCs you need a pass for, of course everything can be found elsewhere in the game, and the means of travel between these services can be optimized. But the point of a pass is exactly that: offering **the most optimal** route between different tasks and services.


> Cutting down on loading screens, waypoints and travel time between daily chores for years to come is more than worth a small one time purchase for many, and the bonus features can be nice too.


As you should know by the title of this thread it is created from someone that wanted to know how to priorities which Gem Store item to purchase and how in general play this game.


Giving the impression that passes offer something that can not be done (even if it cuts down time) is misleading here and to be honest, when you actually can use a key press, open WvW Panel or sPvP, go there repair, sell junk, buy more Salvage kits and fetch your BL items and go back on PvE map, then I don't see how those passes actually even offer QoL features from this PoV. There are PvE players that have never even considered to look what WvW or PvP are for places so it is clear that mouth to mouth very fast can build an impression that Mistlock offer something that are need to play this game efficient.


The only thing they offer which where removed from WvW maps is craft station as more and more player either only got there to be AFK or craft and didn't leave which caused cue when WvW player wanted to play WvW.


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