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REAPER Suggestion: Shroud Cooldown Trait Change


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# Suggestion for Speed of Shadows de-Nerf

## Problem:

Despite being a relatively weak class, Reaper got heavily nerfed last patch. The theory is that this is a nerf related to the power of the Scourge in the upcoming expansion.

Many Reapers are REALLY feeling the recent removal of the Shroud cooldown on the Speed of Shadows trait.


## Suggestion:

Add Shroud cooldown reduction of 20% (which was on the old Speed of Shadows) to Relentless Pursuit in Reaper line.

The reason for this is that the Reaper, and ONLY the reaper has access to this trait.

This would mean that the Scourge wouldn't be OP with reduced Shroud recharge and the Reaper would be playable again.


I'm just throwing this out as an idea, it's not a demand, it's not an expectation: Arenanet has a record of introducing new mechanics, whereas players tend to work out solutions from whatever already exists in the game.



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To be honest, at this point in time my only issue with the change to Speed of Shadows is that the condition removal is bugged. Outside of that, I'm pretty much already used to the normalized 10-second cooldown. I only ever use Speed of Shadows in a single build anyway (granted that single build is my go-to Power build, but bygones). Ultimately I think the removal of traits of this nature are a good thing as it normalizes what you can expect from every Necromancer in the field, but they should probably make the same adjustments to other classes as well. Thief should no longer have the Steal reduction trait, Guardians should no longer have cooldown reduction for their Virtues, etc. If you're going to make it so that one class can't modify their class mechanic to become more efficient, then why continue to allow other professions to do it?


No salt, I'm just not entirely sure of the balancing/conceptual decision behind this one. I can understand that normalizing the cooldown allows them to produce certain effects down the road where the lack of variance leads to better balance, but if they're only removing this trait in the face of Scourge then I'm not too understanding of how/why other classes should keep the traits that they have that continue to add variance to their class mechanics.

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Great idea OP and I would really like to see it implemented.

Reaper synergizes well with the shroud cooldown reduction, a lot more so than the Scourge.

It is almost mandatory to me as it promotes more interactive play on a Reaper when you can rotate in and out of shroud faster.

Scourge doesn't need to rotate at all in that regard since the F1-F5 skills are available for use at all times.

As of now, I see almost no reason to play Reaper without that reduction. Scourge just blows Reapers out of the water with shorter Cooldown F skills, no cast times and availability at all times which a Reaper just cannot compete.

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