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Any tips for Sunqua – 15 minute achievement?

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I tried multiple times to make it through this fractal in under 15 minutes. But unnecessary NPC talks and invincible bosses while phase change make it very hard. Best try was 10 % left at last boss so far.


We skipped with gg through the first and second part (after one makes it to the boss). Bosses are not very hard and go down easily. But even with about 6 - 7 minutes left we can't take down the last boss in time. I guess we could save some time if we bring 1 more DPS instead a Healer. For fire boss it seems doable. For the other 3 I doubt that. Condi damage seems the best way to deal with the last boss and power DPS for the first 3 bosses I guess.


Any advices?

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Basically know all the fights , be able to dps hard, and 0 wipes. For example first voice you need to do balls fast and be able to be able to dps as fast as possible. You can also save time by porting on the first jumping puzzle part so people don't take all the balls, but I dunno if that is an issue . I had 1 person go ahead and port, while the rest chilled and waited. You CAN gg after first boss and path is revealed to save few seconds , and be sure to kill vet eles only on fire, don't need to kill the others. Other than that dps race , good luck.

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Well, I made it today. Team was a HFB with quickness, condi Rev with Alac, condi Scourge, power Holo and Dragon Hunter. We saved quite some time on the way to the boss (about 1 minute, I think), but even so we had about 1.30 minutes at the last 3% Boss health which was mind blowing. And furthermore our power Dragon Hunter died at water phase, so we had to revive him while doing the chain mechanic. So, not so bad at all. Nevertheless, it was not a pleasant experience.

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In case anyone else needs some tips here, these are the things that helped my group shave unnecessary time off:

* In the intro jumping section, grab your first two charges and kill the first air elemental. Grab the charges that spawn after that to cap it out and ignore the two subsequent air elementals. Stability helps there so they can't fling you around.

* On the air boss, you can meet a dps check to avoid the red circles spawning on you during the post-33% burn phase.

* > @"Kameko.8314" said:

>be sure to kill vet eles only on fire, don't need to kill the others

* On the fire boss, break quick and dps hard. The 33% meteors should be placed close to the boss so you're not wasting time running back for the final burn.

* When running past water elementals, stack stability and projectile blocks. You can all gg as soon as one person gets past all of them, but respawn carefully. There will be a couple elementals right at the respawn point.

* For final boss: you can dps after the meteors strike on the fire phase -- it's a bit risky but can get you 5-10% bonus damage. In the air jump phase, grab your three charges and DON'T GET THE CLOUD RIGHT ABOVE YOU. Rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise and get the cloud there, then rotate again, grab charges, and get the cloud there. This is also how to get the 10 second achievement there.


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> @"Aaron Forestman.4758" said:

> * For final boss: you can dps after the meteors strike on the fire phase -- it's a bit risky but can get you 5-10% bonus damage. In the air jump phase, grab your three charges and DON'T GET THE CLOUD RIGHT ABOVE YOU. Rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise and get the cloud there, then rotate again, grab charges, and get the cloud there. This is also how to get the 10 second achievement there.


Worth to mention that if your dps is high enough you can completely skip the clouds phase

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