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Waiting time in-between joining groups


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Hello all

I've been regularly noticing something about a feature in game for quite some time now, but never took it to the forums to talk about it, as it may appear trivial at times. In advance I'll apologize for my writing, this might be a tough read, idk, too tired and can't think too hard.


So I'm just wondering, what purpose does the waiting time when you "joined too many groups" serve. I do not see it. Blocking the oh so dreaded "trolls who join too many groups"?

As of now I'm ready to bet, and I'll go all-in in fact, that the feature bothers regular players more than it does said eventual trolls. Or am I just not thinking of something?

To me, it just seems this feature is just not in phase with the way the game is being played and has been played over the years. It's often that you have to join several different squads for a meta event until you find one with a map that is not full. I just missed a chak gerent meta event because of a waiting time a minute, or several minutes long, that prevented me from joining the "4 comm not full" squad that just popped in the LFG window. Man...


So if the real reason behind this waiting time eludes me, I'll be happy to read any educated guess or informed opinion on the matter. Otherwise, ANET FIX PLS THX S**T'S DRIVING ME NUTS.

A good evening to all


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^seriously, what exactly are you doing that you experience that constantly to the point of being a noticable issue for you?


> @"DemKin.9063" said:

> As of now I'm ready to bet, and I'll go all-in in fact, that the feature bothers regular players more than it does said eventual trolls.


I really doubt that tbh.



edit: apparently this can be a bit buggy, possibly occuring when you fail to join a party for some reason and try to rejoin it soon after ...or something

(based on a single thread, so might be completely wrong).

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I tend to encounter it a lot. I don't always have a lot of time for play, so I tend to do Ley-Line anomaly > Chak Gerent > Tarir in one go as part of my daily routine, during the peak activity hours. The Ley-Line > Gerent transition is the tricky part, as people do seem to rush that event a quite a bit, so I have to hurry, join a map, and look for a squad with a map that's not full. It's especially during those times that I get this issue.

Again I'd like to clarify, this is obviously not a major issue, just a feature that I don't get why it's in the game as it just doesn't appear to be in accordance to the way many of us play.

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