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[Request] Keychain (Key Collector), a Library and more compilation items?


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Maybe it's already been mentioned before but the amount of keys/tokens used to open chests and things are getting pretty insane! Other than HoT, SW and PoF having different keys and in HoT for EACH zone, there are also keys for jumping puzzle chests or Mad King's Chests and a million other things! This is taking up an insane amount of precious inventory and bank space.


Can we please be provided or at very low affordable in game cost allow us to have a keychain item which contains and tracks all these keys like those portal tomes.




On the other hand we really need a Library shelf in our home instance so we can deliver all the random memoirs and books with pages and so on we keep collecting. Players are just throwing them out but they do contain some interesting lore and effort from the Anet team.


There are also a crazy amount of trophies in PoF. Some can be consumed for mastery or karma but some are actually really interesting. My favourite is the Statue of Joko defeating Abaddon. I so want to keep it. But it's using up room!


An easy way might be just to have a shelf in our home instance and we can just deposit all or any trophies we want to keep to it. It'd be like a separate almost unlimited bank just for trophies




A real quality of life, extra luxury improvement would be to have a collection of tonics as well. It's not likely to be able to use all the tonics in one go so they collect and take up alot of bank space. But this isn't that urgent


I'm trying to keep as much as I can but Anet please please introduce more ways to compile and deposit these items. So we can keep stuff and revisit or use it later without killing our inventory space. At this rate it is becoming way too much to handle


Thanks for reading!

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Sadly Anet as ignored the communities request about a key ring. Ever since HoT came out and the addition of a multitude of zone specific keys, the community as begged Anet to create a key ring. This would save us a lot of grief in trying to remember which toon as which keys. But alas we must continue to suffer. With the arrival of PoF I was hoping to see a key ring, alas my hopes where quickly dashed. I can not see Anet changing this any time soon. After all we now have the new ( very expensive ) 32 slot bags ( Anets answer to the key ring ). I will continue to dream and hope ( not holding my breath ), that someday this will change.

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> @DearlyMe.5320 said:

> If only. I'm a collector of most stuff like that they toss at me. It is pretty neat and interesting stuff. I really liked the books full of all the notes you've found so you can reread them. But it takes up so much room and I don't want to delete all my hard work.


Anet is shooting itself in the foot like this! They put work into the little details in PoF and everywhere else and I'd love to keep so much of it.


> @trucker.5386 said:

> Sadly Anet as ignored the communities request about a key ring. Ever since HoT came out and the addition of a multitude of zone specific keys, the community as begged Anet to create a key ring. This would save us a lot of grief in trying to remember which toon as which keys. But alas we must continue to suffer. With the arrival of PoF I was hoping to see a key ring, alas my hopes where quickly dashed. I can not see Anet changing this any time soon. After all we now have the new ( very expensive ) 32 slot bags ( Anets answer to the key ring ). I will continue to dream and hope ( not holding my breath ), that someday this will change.


Honestly, eventually it's a must, we are running out of inventory and bank space just purely on things like keys and tonics even at max capacity bag slots and bags, which are temp fixes, eventually we will probably max out if they keep this up for every new addition to the game

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+1 to this. I love all the QoL stuff and we could really use these features, all the items mentioned in this thread just clutter the inventory, no matter how big your inventory is. I'd love to see some sort of Hero panel storage or unlock for permanent tonics and gizmos (I might actually use my fairly large collection then). A bookshelf would be great too!

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> @Glacial.9516 said:

> Oh lordy yes please. I think I want a key ring even more than build templates.

> You could also add gizmos with the tonic storage as a combined Toy Chest.


I would love being able to access my toys everywhere I go. Sometimes I just feel like showing off my balloons or starting a water fight. And then I remember that these items are either in a bank stash or on a storage character. Same as for tonics. A toy-chest or toy-tab in the hero panel would be greatly appreciated.

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At one point i believe they were looking into the key ring idea. Back when they were asking what more material storage to add. The books should be something to add now, since they keep adding more and more. One way would be to make it like that portal scroll for LWS3. It brings up a menu of your books, and let's you choose which one to reread. And if they just do it like a material deposit. Would allow you to deposit and withdraw them and can add other things then like the zephyr airship model or kryta's torch beacon thing lol.

As for the tonic's, that can be "easily" achieved by using a system similar to wvw/pvp finishers. That way not only would your endless ones go into it but your other ones aswell. Or can make it like the mini pet list and have it be endless ones only. Right click on endless tonic to add to your account. And if they ever did that it would temporarily raise prices of tonics as lots of players would buy them just to add to their collection. Kind of like what happened to dye's when they first went account wide

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