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Mad Kings Tower - under-tuned


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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @Rashagar.8349 said:

> > Making completing it arbitrarily more difficult just for the sake of it would be stupid,


> And yet that is exactly what the OP suggested.


> In fact Adding arbitrary difficulty for the sake of it sums up every single suggestion to make things more a "Challenging"


> Good to know I am not the only one that thinks its stupid.


Ok why have the JP at all then? There should be teleport at the bottom to the top of the tower and JP part should be purely elective! While at it why should players kill bosses in raids? At every boss there should be pickable weapon that will one shot said boss, killing it regular way should again be purely elective for these that want challenge! Better yet! why even do that? Players should be able to pick what they want(title, items, achievements) from drop down list without moving at all!


Game without challenge is pointless

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> @Nutshel.7264 said:


> Ok why have the JP at all then? There should be teleport at the bottom to the top of the tower and JP part should be purely elective! While at it why should players kill bosses in raids? At every boss there should be pickable weapon that will one shot said boss, killing it regular way should again be purely elective for these that want challenge! Better yet! why even do that? Players should be able to pick what they want(title, items, achievements) from drop down list without moving at all!


> Game without challenge is pointless


True. However, one player's challenge is another's nightmare. I'm not sure where the Clocktower stands in the continuum of difficulty in jumping puzzles. My guess is that if it is not at the top, it's close. So, the question becomes, "What is the continuum of players ranging from those who find it easy down to those who find it impossible?"


It may be that this JP is too easy for some people, but for how many? Were ANet to make a JP that was, say, ten times harder, how many would want to complete it?


The difference in interest and skill among a large player-base is not an easy thing for developers to deal with. This is why WoW switched from an old-style dungeon/raid endgame to one with tiers of both. The idea was, "Something for everyone." My suspicion is that the Clocktower was part of "Something for everyone." as far as JP's go. If it isn't hard enough, then perhaps the next hard JP will be harder. So far, ANet's approach has been to avoid tiered difficulty outside of fractals. I suspect they will neither increase the difficulty of this puzzle, nor create a harder version. I hope, for your sake, they do produce something that will scratch your particular itch at some point.

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> @DebraKadabra.5278 said:

> It is most definitely NOT undertuned. That was one of the hardest fought JP completions I've ever gotten (took 4 years of trying). The only way I'd accept the solution OP offered is it if was optional.


This! This is my fifth year trying and I finally got it. BTW, I am great at JP's. I don't understand why this one was so hard for me, but I don't believe it is under-tuned.


While I know that all people are not great at JP's, I believe when they are attached to festival achievements they should at least be moderately attainable. Most people in my guild and those I have talked to believe that the Clocktower is the hardest of the JP's.

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OPer "It is cakewalk for me therefore it can't possibly be an impossible challenge for anyone else and I'm piece of shit who can't understand that people could possibly have different opinions from me. Now watch me make fun of people for not being as super L33t as I am."


Content shouldn't be locked behind something that not everyone enjoys, especially not holiday content. The rewards should have multiple different means of acquisition, from open world to a JP. Let each person get the rewards from the things that are fun to them.

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> @Ellisande.5218 said:

> OPer "It is cakewalk for me therefore it can't possibly be an impossible challenge for anyone else and I'm piece of kitten who can't understand that people could possibly have different opinions from me. Now watch me make fun of people for not being as super L33t as I am."


> Content shouldn't be locked behind something that not everyone enjoys, especially not holiday content. The rewards should have multiple different means of acquisition, from open world to a JP. Let each person get the rewards from the things that are fun to them.


Since it is not impossible for me, and many others it is not impossible for anyone else - same rules apply to us all, we all have equal chance and opportunity to finish content as far as game mechanics that is. You don't see me bitching about not being able to get phat loot from raids or fractals or w/e is the hot pve content right now. You also don't see me bitch about not getting pvp title because I am unable to reach required ratting. According to your logic I should be able to receive rewards from pvp, fractals, raids without actually doing the content on required level for said reward.


You've said so yourself one should be able to acquire rewards by many different means. So if JP turned out to be something someone can't do for the reward is is non issue as there are plenty other ways to acquire the reward. So yes let each person chose how to get reward but that does not mean that every way should be tuned to lowest common skill denominator.

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