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LF small, casual/semi-hardcore PvE guild (very late night NA/EU)


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Howdy, I've been out of the game for an extended period of time and looking to jump back into it before the next expansion. As all my previous friends have moved on, I'm looking for a new home and to develop new friendships.


Please reply to this thread if you think I might be a fit. I may be working on one of my alternate accounts, so mail responses may be delayed.



* I am looking for a small, semi-hardcore PvE guild with a focus on instances (dungeons, fractals, etc.). I am welcoming if you are a casual guild with an established or looking to establish a semi-hardcore group within your casual guild.

* I play during very late night NA/morning EU hours. I should also note that I work excessively (workaholic).

* Preferably less than 25 _active_ members guild size.

* I highly prefer Discord over the other VoIPs.

* This account is on NA region, but I have a second account on EU region (not as developed).

* Please be willing to accomodate a very rusty, if not incorrectly geared, player.


**Brief history about myself:**

2012 - 2015, semi-hardcore solo dungeons

2015 - 2016, hardcore fractal/dungeon speedruns

2016 - 2019, semi-hardcore WvW solo roaming/small havoc groups


I should also note that play other MMOs from time-to-time to keep my favorite ones fresh.

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