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Clocktower - same route, same speed- success, now fail

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The only thing that's changed is my fps. Dropping down to a 45. I can make it 55 by hiding my interface, but usually I have fps at 70. 60 normally and 70 with interface turned off. Not sure why my fps has randomly changed. I'm not much of a tech person. It might not be the game, because my graphic settings are still the same as when it was 60.


So 50% of the time, even with low fps, the jumps are fine but they feel "un-natural" I make it to the leap of faith and the platform is covered and I'm grabbed the moment I land. This only happens when my fps is low. It doesn't happen when my fps is average or above average.


I know there are players who are able to complete the clock tower with low fps. To me it feels like going from using a keyboard and then suddenly having to learn to write quickly and neatly with a pen. Players who have always had to use a pen are going to find it more familiar than players who switched from keyboard to pen due to fps drop.


I do think fps matters in the same way exotic and ascended matter in open world. Sure, you will probably find a player who can solo difficult enemies in fine gear. But they soloed the enemies in spite of the disadvantage. It doesn't mean the disadvantage doesn't exist. It just means some players are better at countering and overcoming disadvantages. Just as some players back in the day could breeze through the JP even if a charr or norn were blocking the way, before orbs. That's just my opinion, though. Just sharing my reasons why I have that opinion.


I'm not one of those players who deals well with disadvantages of any kind. Even being equal to everyone else in fps, I still won't have perfect runs. Having a disadvantage on top of being below average at JPs? Not a chance. I did complete clock tower 5 times "for real" (aka I got to the chest) and way more than 5 times "semi for real", (aka I made it to the clock but didn't make it in despite jumping at the same time as when I have made it in - when lightning strikes. )


I think there are two possible advices I'm asking for. Because you might know more about one than the other.


For techys,. Could there be any changes I can make to my computer to increase fps? I've done what I could to increase fps in gw2 graphics. If you need any further information, let me know as I'm not exactly sure what information to give that would be helpful.


For those with low fps who breeze through clock tower. What shortcuts do you take? How do you whip the camera angle around fast when jumping from the beam to the stone blocks but not overwhip it? attached to the leap of faith stairs? How do I overcome the "weird" feeling I have jumping at this fps. It feels wrong. It's hard to explain. I've been thinking of maybe trying to aim for the wooden platform that's next to the leap of faith platform? Because given how slow things are going, it will probably be out and ready by the time I jump off. But I'm worried that if I've miscalculated, I won't land on the wooden platform, I'll land into the goo. Is there any way of knowing that the platform is covered, I should aim for the wooden block instead, before I jump off?





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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> Good to hear that your fps is back to normal.

> Should the problem return and the leap of faith become a problem: You don't have to land on the big platform. You can wait for the rest of the jp to set itself up and jump straight into it. You won't get the small chest on the way, but you'll be safe from the green goo.


Yep! I'll definitely see if I can twist onto that rather than trying to make a land onto the platform. It's a pretty solid bet that by the time I get there, it's either ready or readying itself and will be ready by the time I get there.

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