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[Wishlist] necro tweak note


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# base


get life force when boon remove target, cond transfers, disable target


# weapen


## axe


[Rending Claws] low down cast time, life force 1%

[Ghastly Claws] low down cast time

[unholy Feast] low down cd


## dagger


[Necrotic Slash] buff dmg, life force 1%

[Life Siphon] low down cast time

[Dark Pact] low down cd


[Deathly Swarm] more easy successful

[Enfeebling Blood] low down cd


## scepter


[blood Curse] one more bleed stack at last hit, life force 1% at last hit

[Grasping Dead] add torment or o1 more stack bleed

[Feast of Corruption] add 1 more stack torment


## staff


[Necrotic Grasp] 50% random cond 1 stack

[Mark of Blood] more regen or bleed

[Chillblains] more stack or low down cd

[Putrid Mark] boon remove

[Reaper's Mark] life force


## focus


[Reaper's Touch] low down cd

[spinal Shivers] boon transfers to cond


## torch


[Harrowing Wave] low down cd

[Oppressive Collapse] fire field


## warhorn


[Wail of Doom] more easy successful , low down cd

[Locust Swarm] Swiftness for allies too, add torment, removes movement-impairing conditions, Combo Finisher: Blast



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## minion


[summon Bone Fiend] Delivers a crippling every 5 seconds. [Rigor Mortis] low down cd

[summon Shadow Fiend] Delivers a blindling every 10 seconds.

[summon Flesh Wurm] life force 1% every 15 seconds.

[summon Bone Minions] Delivers a bleeding every 10 seconds. [Putrid Explosion] add poison


[summon Flesh Golem] Delivers Vulnerability on hit [Charge] add Vulnerability 5 stack

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## Well


[Well of Corruption] Converts 2 boon into condition per Pulse.

[Well of Power] Conditions Converted to Boons: 2, give stab per Pulse. for allies too

[Well of Darkness] low down cd


## Signet


[signet of Spite] give cond dmg too

[Plague Signet] Conditions Transferred: 2, Conditions Sent: 7

[signet of Undeath] give Life Force without combat


* Signet passive effects are preserved while in a shroud. without trait


## Spectral


[spectral Armor] low down cd or ( Protection for allies too, Breaks Stun for allies too )

[spectral Grasp] low down cd

[spectral Wall] work for who stand on it too


[Lich Form] 3 stack stab, Breaks Stun


### Lich Form


[summon Madness] Summon 2 minion each Interval, when Explosion deal posion


## Corruption


[Epidemic] WvW affect targets with resistance too, Epidemic applies up to 30 stacks

[blood Is Power] 5 stack bleed


[Plaguelands] Target area, Range: 300 or 600, stab


![](https://imgur.com/lY7i3c5.jpg "")



## Punishment


[Trail of Anguish] 3 stack stab


[Ghastly Breach] Target area, Range: 300 or 600, give barrier per Pulse


* PVE all Boons Converted to Conditions work for target without boon too

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## heal


[summon Blood Fiend] life force 1% every 15 seconds. attacks every 2 seconds or give more heal [Taste of Death] life force 10%


[Consume Conditions] low down cast time


[Well of Blood] low down cast time


[signet of Vampirism] low down cast time, Passive/Active Cooldown: 0.5 second, [Vampiric Mark] 10s, life force 1%, work for other necro too

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## Shout


["You Are All Weaklings!"] boon for allies too

["Nothing Can Save You!"] life force 1% per hit, Unblockable for allies too

["Rise!"] Protection for allies, add Vulnerability when hit

["Suffer!"] add Swiftness and for allies too, removes movement-impairing conditions and for allies too


["Chilled to the Bone!"] 3 stack stab, Breaks Stun, stab for allies too

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## trait


### Death Magic


[Flesh of the Master] (or any other trait in Death Magic) add lowdown minion and its skill cd


[soul Comprehension] get life-force 1% when u and each minion hit target with poisoned every 20s (cd for each minion


[Death Nova] also trigger when use minion's active skill


[unholy Sanctuary] get life-force 1% every 5s when ur life force low than 25%


[Reaper's Protection] Breaks Stun


[Deadly Strength] also get cond dmg


[beyond the Veil] also trigge when Breaks Stun




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### Blood Magic


[Vampiric] mark Siphon health when trigge


[Ritual of Life] get regen for u and allies


[Quickening Thirst] remove Health Threshold


[Life from Death] get life force for each allies


[banshee's Wail] warhorm skill effect area is more big


[Transfusion] Siphon health


[blood Bond] all shroud skill get Retaliation 2s for u and allies


[Life from Death] all shroud skill get regen 2s for u and allies


[unholy Martyr] all shroud skill remove 1 cond

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### Spite


[Reaper's Might] all shroud skill get might for u and allies, get 1 more might on self


[spiteful Renewal] get life force for each cond remove


[signets of Suffering]

* [signet of Vampirism] get life Siphon when hit (cd: 1s

* [signet of Undeath] get stab 1s when casting this skill (every 50s


[spiteful Spirit] add troment , all shroud skill deal troment, cripple


[unholy Fervor] axe skill more fast


[Chill of Death] aoe target: 3


[Death's Embrace] aoe target: 3


[siphoned Power] might for allies too


[bitter Chill] aoe target: 3


[spiteful Talisman] allies deal more dmg for no boon foe too







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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @Lahmia.2193 said:

> > Did you just go through almost every necro skill and add buffs?


> as it should be to bring us in line with other classes.... and to make necro able to stand on his own...


> necromancer weapons are the worst weapons in the game right now....


Mindlessly buffing every skill/utility/trait isn't the way to go about it. You'd be much better off making selective buffs for things we actually need, like:

A reason to bring us in a party (unique buff or debuff).

About +50% in damage modifiers for power necro, to bring it up to the lowest viable raid damage.

Pve specific buffs for Scourge - like with Demonic Lore, removing the ICD in pve only or making Sand Savant baseline and replacing with a trait that grants a party damage buff (about +5% damage/condi dmg over 8 seconds) whenever you apply barrier to them.


It won't take much to bring us up to the other professions level in pve.

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> @Lahmia.2193 said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > @Lahmia.2193 said:

> > > Did you just go through almost every necro skill and add buffs?

> >

> > as it should be to bring us in line with other classes.... and to make necro able to stand on his own...

> >

> > necromancer weapons are the worst weapons in the game right now....


> Mindlessly buffing every skill/utility/trait isn't the way to go about it. You'd be much better off making selective buffs for things we actually need, like:

> A reason to bring us in a party (unique buff or debuff).

> About +50% in damage modifiers for power necro, to bring it up to the lowest viable raid damage.

> Pve specific buffs for Scourge - like with Demonic Lore, removing the ICD in pve only or making Sand Savant baseline and replacing with a trait that grants a party damage buff (about +5% damage/condi dmg over 8 seconds) whenever you apply barrier to them.


> It won't take much to bring us up to the other professions level in pve.


why u thinking they will take all?

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## Curses


[barbed Precision] or [Target the Weak] **+20% bleed dmg**


[Chilling Darkness] add torment too


[Furious Demise] fury for allies too


[Path of Corruption] also add torment or chill or bleed


[Terror] one of these

1. when u get fear, conver it to resistance for 1s, (every 45s

2. fear effect on u , become Interrup every sec only when fear still on u ( skip run directly away effect


[Target the Weak] Increases cond duration 1% for each cond on foe


[Lingering Curse] Conditions inflicted by scepter skills have add 1 more stack/bleed at last hit


[Parasitic Contagion] when deal cond dmg get life-force 1% every 5s




[blood Is Power] 4 stack bleed -> 5 stack bleed, add fury for u and allies



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## Scourge


[Mantle of Sand] or [Demonic Lore] torment Duration Increase: 20%


[Mantle of Sand] Chance on Critical Hit: 33% deal torment


[Nourishing Rot] 10% Chance foe's boon duration -20% when remove a boon


[Desert Empowerment] target 5


[blood as Sand] one of these

1. also for cond dmg ( im not sure does it work for cond dmg or not now

2. work for allies too


[sand Savant] one of these

1 shade dmg Increase 25% ( for [Manifest Sand Shade], [Desert Shroud]

2. all shade skill add 200 dmg

3. all shade has more effect

> [Manifest Sand Shade] deal more dmg

> [Nefarious Favor] deal torment foe , add fury for u and allies

> [sand Cascade] more barrier

> [Garish Pillar] add ( Protection 1s or Stability 1s or Breaks Stun ) for u and allies





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It's a wishlist. Wishing is to make everything 'better', not 'tweaking' it to fit with other classes. Perhaps it will inspire a few changes, who knows. When I was a child, my list to Santa was a mile long and I got 1-2 things I asked for. LOL


Personally, I'd like to see a couple new minion choices, so we could have some variations, even naming them. Or more fun for myself ... able to catch and control a wild juvenile animal and turn it into a necro minion.. you'd only be able to have one at a time, losing the one you have when you catch another so you don't have the same collection as a ranger... but would add some uniqueness to each Necro in the game.


Necro's may not get a lot of love in the game.. but as a solo, casual player, I've greatly enjoyed the class.

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> @Chamelion.9536 said:

> It's a wishlist. Wishing is to make everything 'better', not 'tweaking' it to fit with other classes. Perhaps it will inspire a few changes, who knows. When I was a child, my list to Santa was a mile long and I got 1-2 things I asked for. LOL


> Personally, I'd like to see a couple new minion choices, so we could have some variations, even naming them. Or more fun for myself ... able to catch and control a wild juvenile animal and turn it into a necro minion.. you'd only be able to have one at a time, losing the one you have when you catch another so you don't have the same collection as a ranger... but would add some uniqueness to each Necro in the game.


> Necro's may not get a lot of love in the game.. but as a solo, casual player, I've greatly enjoyed the class.


im not hope everything better, but i lazy split it, so i put they all together

just give some idea, than hope anet can make something is real will better on necro

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> @Lahmia.2193 said:


> It won't take much to bring us up to the other professions level in pve.


this is my conclusion aswell. boost dps (condi and power) to the lowest viable number (because easy to play, high health pool and game breaking gimmicks in SOME instances aka epidemic). lets assume a steady 31k realistic dps on the golem and give the class an unique buff/debuff (preferably debuff) that fits in the current existing builds/traits (dunno, ignore toughness, debuff toughness. preferably with some active skill like blood is power/a minion/whatever. but i wouldnt mind a passive one like an addition to vampiric presence or shroud skills).


done. imo



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