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Guild hall invisible collisions from removed decorations

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Hey there,


there's a quite annoying bug which leaves some kind of trashy collisions remaining in the GH after removing decoration which was placed around it.


I first thought it's a GH map issue when I first experienced it after removing SAB decoration, but there are a lot more and bigger invisible collisions going on now where I removed loads of Halloween deocration:

![](https://i.imgur.com/UkJr804.jpg "")


- Every guild member is experiencing this, not just me.

- I made sure there really is no _actual_ decoration nearby causing this to happen.

- I placed decoration around the buggy spots in the hope of "recalculating" the collisions there, did not help (despite not even being _able_ to place decoration there anymore as the buggy collisions are picked up by the placement cursor).

- This does not seem to ever fix itself, neither through leaving the GH, not entering it with guild members for a day (forcing it to create a new "instance" or something). The initial buggy SAB collisions are still there.

- In case this _would_ be fixed by using the "Remove All Decorations" button, this is not an option for us, we have loads of other decoration placed with a lot of love and hard work, and don't want to erase that aswell.


I fear the place may be flooded with buggy invisible collisions eventually.

Can you please have a look at it? Thanks.

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