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Fell From The [TREE] sylvari based social guild, all races welcome, PvE, casual raid training, fracs


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Fell From The [TREE] is a sylvari based social guild, we currently do PvE mostly but have some PvP players. Current interests : raid training (for fun only), fracts, PvE metas, PvP sometimes, possible interest in WvW (no particular server as of right now). Events : future raid training on Fridays on reset or 1h after reset, guild missions 3pm EST Saturdays. We are a chill guild based on having fun and socializing, we don’t ask for rep, allow all members to rep on any character and accept all races in the guild. We have a discord that is optional but very recommended as we post announcements and such to keep our members informed, updated and to announce our events. “Why is it sylvari based tho?” you might ask, well the vast majority of us love our sylvaris and the story around them (even tho we are not an rp guild, tho we do have some rpers as do most guilds). We used to be racial based rep wise, but our members loved the guild so much that they kept asking us (the leadership) if they could rep on none sylvaris so we eventually got rid of it. If this is not enough info or if you want to join in on the fun, you may contact me via mail in game with your account name in the mail,

my account name : GabSnowZ.3520

or you may contact me through discord

my discord name : Snowy#0646

Hope to see some of you around!

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