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Medal ranking additions


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Recently I am writing some articles about gw2 for my blog. I have a great passion for game design and by analyzing the systems that encourage players to do better and help each other I discovered a point that could be a great improvement for Gw2.

Rewarding players for doing better changes a lot the way people view various game activities .


In particular, I believe that the current ratings for participation in open world events displayed with medals could be extended to activate virtuous behavior.


I think it makes a lot of sense to create more medals after gold in order to encourage people to do better.

There is no need for any reward, even just compliments are enough as an in-game message (similar to what happens for rides with mounts).

The mere presence could lead people to deepen the gameplay and consequently activate positive behaviors.


I believe it can be not only a simple system to implement (since an asset already exists) but also has a very high impact at play.

What do you think?

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Because the reward for completing many events is so inconsequential (a bit of Gold, some XP, some Karma), I don't even stick around much any more. Just long enough to get participation, and then off to another.

Thus, I'm not sure more 'medals' would be enticing.

Plus, leaving early promotes better community gameplay in regards to lower-level character-players getting a chance to earn participation.

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