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Fix PvP Maps - Spirit Watch Achievement

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A.Net - can you simply put Spirit Watch back into the regular Ranked PvP rotation? Then the achievement will actually be possible. Why was it taken out in the first place?


PvP would also be improved if you simply made it possible to pick *any* of the maps at map selection, instead of only 3. Why not list all the maps?


Lets make GW2 Better!



I would have replied to this initial post but the old forum is closed down.


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  • 4 months later...

> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> You can get Spirit Watch achievements in unranked, really doable now that ranked isn't available


Spoken like someone who hasn't tried to do them. You can easily play 50 games in a row and never get spirit watch. You're looking at several hundred hours to finish all the achievements for that map.

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I don't think it's really an issue the way it is currently. Yes it can take forever to get, but I don't think there is really a change that would help that. If all maps were selectable, you would have such a lesser chance of having it chosen because everyone would choose the popular maps like Foefire overy and over again. It may suck to grind it, but it's just what comes with the territory. It was the second to last map achievement I finished and it actually felt gratifying to get unlike the easier to get ones.

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> @"Addiction.9685" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > You can get Spirit Watch achievements in unranked, really doable now that ranked isn't available


> Spoken like someone who hasn't tried to do them. You can easily play 50 games in a row and never get spirit watch. You're looking at several hundred hours to finish all the achievements for that map.


Even in the rare case you are the only one voting for map, 1 in 50 games seems very unlikely. Every time it is up for selection you have a minimum of 10% chance to play the map. There are 7 maps. So there is an almost 43% chance to have this map in the voting. So in worst case (you are the only person ever voting for this map and all 10 people vote) you will play this map on average every 23.3 matches. In reality you probably encounter this map quite a bit more often, since you are not alone with the achievement and some people actually like the map.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Addiction.9685" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > You can get Spirit Watch achievements in unranked, really doable now that ranked isn't available

> >

> > Spoken like someone who hasn't tried to do them. You can easily play 50 games in a row and never get spirit watch. You're looking at several hundred hours to finish all the achievements for that map.


> Even in the rare case you are the only one voting for map, 1 in 50 games seems very unlikely. Every time it is up for selection you have a minimum of 10% chance to play the map. There are 7 maps. So there is an almost 43% chance to have this map in the voting. So in worst case (you are the only person ever voting for this map and all 10 people vote) you will play this map on average every 23.3 matches. In reality you probably encounter this map quite a bit more often, since you are not alone with the achievement and some people actually like the map.


While your thinking seems to be correct, it sure as hell does not *feel* like I see Spirit Watch during map selection two out of five times I find a match. Can't give you any numbers, though, it's just human things.

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  • 2 months later...

I need to play Spirit Watch as well, because it`s in my overview and I want to get rid of it. It`s the only competition left. And I acknowledge the comment above. It never seems to come, but it should, at least in unranked, because the other maps can be played in ranked as well. They should appear more seldom in unranked. Spirit watch as a choice in at least very second game would be nice

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