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Bug (?) with Mesmer's Skill Visual Effect

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I don't know if this is the right section of the forum to be posting this in, but i've noticed something that really bothered me :( i was playing with a friend, and i use a Human Mesmer. He plays a Human Thief. We both play the game on the highest settings, but on his screen, my abilities have a bunch of visual effects and particles and on my screen there aren't any, just the AoE marks on the ground when i cast it. I think the visual effects are pretty and i'd like to see them, but i can't tell where the problem is, since everything is set on the highest possible setting. Can someone help me?

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> @"No One.3716" said:

> Try un-checking Effect LOD in graphic options. It limits the detail of particle effects.


Just tried it and it didn't work. The skill in specific i'm testing is Chaos Storm, there are lightning particles and distortion particles on my friend's screen but on mine none whatsoever.

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