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deadeye mark and revealed?


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Does anyone else feel that making it so marked targets gain the revealed debuff would make for a good design choice?


It always felt like being marked means you shouldn't be able to stealth away. I also think that if deadeyes could reveal with their marks it might make them more valuable as a thf and mesmer counter.


Obviously since mark pulses for like 25 seconds, you shouldn't have revealed be a pulse as well. So it makes sense to me for a target to get a revealed debuff when a mark is initially applied. I also think that the reveal should also trigger again at some point during the duration of the mark. Maybe when the mark reaches max stacks of malice it should apply reveal again? I also thought it would be interesting if a marked target also applied reveal in a radius around itself too. So if an enemy is close to his allies, him getting revealed via a mark also applies revealed to his allies around him. But that might be overbuffing.


What do you guys think? Revealed on deadeye mark? Overpowered? Not enough?

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> @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> Maybe not have the revealed debuff, however what if it gave you an option to shadowstep to the market target within x amount of units? It would force the DE to go melee, if they are stealth it could also reveal them (the DE being, not the target).


Why would a DE want to be forced into melee for marking a target they intend to snipe?


I guess you're calling for a nerf?



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What about an F1 sequence skill that allows you to apply revealed to your marked target upon activation. Give it a 30 sec cd that refreshes when the mark is cast again so the revealed skill only happens once, but you choose when.


I'm all for increasing Deadeye utility so long as the Unforgiving and Be Quick or be Killed synergy of rifle Deadeye with Deaths Judgement gets more counterplay and becomes less oppressive. Turns out the revealed debuff on cast isn't sufficient counterplay against unblockable ranged stun and quickness two shot from stealth.

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> @Kuya.6495 said:

> > @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> > Maybe not have the revealed debuff, however what if it gave you an option to shadowstep to the market target within x amount of units? It would force the DE to go melee, if they are stealth it could also reveal them (the DE being, not the target).

> >

> Why would a DE want to be forced into melee for marking a target they intend to snipe?


> I guess you're calling for a nerf?




Not at all. I call a target myself for the quickness from it, flank them for additional quickness (like 6-8 seconds) and go to town with D/P. Rarely pull up rifle unless its a group fight, otherwise im balls to the wall D/P. Only reason I take DE is the stealth elite works very well with my build and the quickness on calling mark. Sometimes I scrap rifle and go P/P instead....but this is only me. I dont do meta myself so that throws a lot of people off guard a lot of the time (kinda sad how many people dont expect someone to run meta).


Also quickness with P/P is way stronger than DJ imo.

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