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[NA][PvE]Vieille Garde [Old) Looking for Casual, Family-Friendly players to restart guild


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The Vieille Garde [Old] are recruiting!


**Who we are:**

Founded shortly after launch (8 years ago), the Vieille Garde was intended to be a home for "older" gamers, being a splinter of the 30plus gamers' group. Today, it's predominantly me (call me "Rats!", I am a returning veteran player) and my kiddo (newb). We are looking for casual, family-friendly players to build up the guild, start a guild hall and, in general, to explore the full game with people of a like-mind (currently PvE, but not excluding Fractals, Dungeons, Raids, Guild Missions, etc).


The guild is based on Tarnished Coast but, as WvW isn't a focus, any server will do.


Feel free to contact me (Ratsback.3081), I am on most nights (Eastern, between 8-10), for an invite.


Look forward to seeing you all in Tyria.


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Re-posting the original recruiting ad from February 1st, 2012... we are an old guild of old folks =) I have used strikethrough for those items that no longer apply.


> Vieille Garde (Old) is a casual, family-oriented, fun-centric North American~~ and Oceanic ~~Guild on the Tarnished Coast server. ~~We are members of the 30+ gaming clan, and as such, we do not recruit members below the age of 30.~~ We are looking to expand our roster with like-minded individuals; new players or old hands, we welcome all!


> Who we are:


> +A fun and friendly community of MMO veterans.

> +~~An unofficial branch of the 30+ gaming clan (www.30plus.org), which has been around since 1997.~~

> +~~Adults over the age of 30, from North America and Oceania.~~


> What we offer:


> +Small, social community of older gamers **(younger gamers)** who are playing for the fun of it.

> +~~Voice comms (Mumble).~~

> +New player assistance/guidance. We grow when you grow.

> +Love to explore, great! Want to run dungeons, awesome! Looking to try your hand at PVP or tournaments, bring it! We are game for anything.

> +Flexibility; real life takes precedence, we know it, we live it.


> What we ask of our members:


> +~~Recruits must be over the age of 29 1/2 years old, members must be over the age of 30.~~

> +~~All members must adhere to the 30+ charter (http://www.30plus.org/charter.php).~~

> +~~New recruits should register at the 30+ forums and post under the Guild Wars 2 forum (http://forums.30plus...showtopic=32473).~~


> What's in a name?


> The Vieille Garde (French for Old Guard) were the elite veteran elements of the Emperor Napoleon's Imperial Guard. As such it was the most prestigious formation in Napoleon's Grande Armée. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Guard


> For more information, contact Ratsback.3081.


> See you in Tyria!


(Original Reddit post...

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As a long-time, but VERY casual player of this game, I'm looking to invest into this game a little more heavily and attempt to explore much of the content I've basically ignored until now, such as Fractals, and maybe even Raids. Running a guild with certain end-game goals involves finding the balance between how important progress is vs how accepting you want to be of members with differing levels of skill and commitment. I'd love to talk to you about it and see if this is a good fit. I'll look you up in game in the next day or 2 and see what you think.


Do you have any plans for in-game chat, such as Discord of anything else?

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