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Deadeye = official weakest elite class


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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> I know other weapons can shine with it, but I think the main focus on buffs and fixes should be its signature weapon which is the rifle. They should not balance the raids/fractals using any other weapon then the rifle for DE. The rifle has to become 33k dps viable.


Absolutely disagree. Balancing Deadeye to be useful and desireable should have priority over trying to force rifle.

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> @Smite.3087 said:


> > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > I know other weapons can shine with it, but I think the main focus on buffs and fixes should be its signature weapon which is the rifle. They should not balance the raids/fractals using any other weapon then the rifle for DE. The rifle has to become 33k dps viable.


> Absolutely disagree. Balancing Deadeye to be useful and desireable should have priority over trying to force rifle.


You don't like the rifle then because I love the crap out of my rifle, and I want it too truly shine as a weapon because I am sick to death of melee only weapons being good on thief. I want a good long range alternative which was promised us, and I won't stop asking for those buffs to the rifle and DE until it happens. If you want to play as d/d or whatever to get those 33k damages, then I say stick to the bloody Daredevil. Leave it out of Deadeye until the rifle gets that treatment.

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> You don't like the rifle then because I love the crap out of my rifle, and I want it too truly shine as a weapon because I am sick to death of melee only weapons being good on thief. I want a good long range alternative which was promised us, and I won't stop asking for those buffs to the rifle and DE until it happens. If you want to play as d/d or whatever to get those 33k damages, then I say stick to the bloody Daredevil. Leave it out of Deadeye until the rifle gets that treatment.


It's got nothing to do with wether I like Rifle or not?

I absolutely do think that Deadeye as an elite spec should be prioritized over forcing a rifle upon players by blindly buffing it. If you bring up Deadeye as a whole, that also means Rifle becomes better. Wether that leaves Rifle in a bad place or not has more to do with the way Rifle itself plays than Deadeye potential.




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> @Smite.3087 said:

> > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > You don't like the rifle then because I love the crap out of my rifle, and I want it too truly shine as a weapon because I am sick to death of melee only weapons being good on thief. I want a good long range alternative which was promised us, and I won't stop asking for those buffs to the rifle and DE until it happens. If you want to play as d/d or whatever to get those 33k damages, then I say stick to the bloody Daredevil. Leave it out of Deadeye until the rifle gets that treatment.


> It's got nothing to do with wether I like Rifle or not?

> I absolutely do think that Deadeye as an elite spec should be prioritized over forcing a rifle upon players by blindly buffing it. If you bring up Deadeye as a whole, that also means Rifle becomes better. Wether that leaves Rifle in a bad place or not has more to do with the way Rifle itself plays than Deadeye potential.





How about this since I am tired of trying to convey something none of are you getting, and quite frankly, it is starting to piss me the hell off because I hate talking to walls. I am just going to let you believe whatever the hell you want at this point because I am done with it. I will continue to talk about buffing both while ignoring whatever the hell you have to say because you don't care for the rifle at all. /peace

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> As I was saying, the DE is currently weak because the rifle isn't up to par yet, but hopefully with some balance patches it will get to where it needs to be with the rifle hit the DD's 33k damage mark making it a viable spec.


**What I'm saying is they should focus on Deadeye as the priority when it comes to buffs as it brings up multiple things in power D/D, P/P And Rifle.** Which are all a bit on the low side atm, and could use the buff, that way you have Deadeye being more desireable. Does that leave the Rifle itself lackluster? Yes, but then it can be buffed aswell, but Deadeye should be a priority over Rifle.


How you got "You don't like rifle" from this is beyond me. I'm not saying only buff Deadeye, or Rifle. I'm obviously saying buff both, but make Deadeye the priority as it has multiple playstyles not just Rifle.



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> @Smite.3087 said:

> > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > As I was saying, the DE is currently weak because the rifle isn't up to par yet, but hopefully with some balance patches it will get to where it needs to be with the rifle hit the DD's 33k damage mark making it a viable spec.


> **What I'm saying is they should focus on Deadeye as the priority when it comes to buffs as it brings up multiple things in power D/D, P/P And Rifle.** Which are all a bit on the low side atm, and could use the buff, that way you have Deadeye being more desireable. Does that leave the Rifle itself lackluster? Yes, but then it can be buffed aswell, but Deadeye should be a priority over Rifle.


> How you got "You don't like rifle" from this is beyond me.




Fine, this is the last time I will say it. I got you don't like rifle because you refused to acknowledge that rifle needs the 33k and the 31k shouldn't enter the discussion because it's not rifle. I don't want Anet to get complacent because they see oh D/D does 31k. We don't need to buff rifle because they already have the D/D set, so we should just focus on DE traits and not the rifle itself. That's basically what you are advocating to Anet. You are advocating for them to ignore the rifle if they just focus on DE itself.

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> Fine, this is the last time I will say it. I got you don't like rifle because you refused to acknowledge that rifle needs the 33k and the 31k shouldn't enter the discussion because it's not rifle. I don't want Anet to get complacent because they see oh D/D does 31k. We don't need to buff rifle because they already have the D/D set, so we should just focus on DE traits and not the rifle itself. That's basically what you are advocating to Anet. You are advocating for them to ignore the rifle if they just focus on DE itself.


:+1: whatever you say my man.

Ps you forgot to read/include the last part of my previous post.

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> @Smite.3087 said:

> > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > Fine, this is the last time I will say it. I got you don't like rifle because you refused to acknowledge that rifle needs the 33k and the 31k shouldn't enter the discussion because it's not rifle. I don't want Anet to get complacent because they see oh D/D does 31k. We don't need to buff rifle because they already have the D/D set, so we should just focus on DE traits and not the rifle itself. That's basically what you are advocating to Anet. You are advocating for them to ignore the rifle if they just focus on DE itself.


> :+1: whatever you say my man.

> Ps you forgot to read/include the last part of my previous post.


That last part must have been added because when I was typing it out that was not there. As for the added part, I don't want the DH situation to happen where the rifle gets left in the dust like the LB. They focused more on the DH spec then the weapon it came with, so I am trying to avoid that situation by having them focus more on the rifle first. I don't want history to repeat its self.

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The problem with forcing the Rifle will only pigeon hole DE to using the Rifle. I believe that's not a good policy going forward. The Rifle is there is you want it, but it shouldn't be the "must have" weapon.


If you look at the DE trait line. The top traits are obviously benefiting the Rifles and the middle traits are benefitting P/P. Every other combination is for other weapons set.


Sure I can go skirmish with the Rifle, but P/P is so much better. In the forum about kneeling, I've made a suggestion that will improve Rifle without any DPS change. IMO, this is the area it's lacking, not damage.

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Already look into your suggestion it barely change the way rifle play, since im sure that any competent rifle player are able to "move" way farther and faster while "kneeling" (been there done that). At this point im pretty much repeating my own word over and over, Rifle need malice stack -> other weapon doesn't -> malice stack benefit faster weapon & aggressive tactic -> rifle has slow attack & better at long term combat = malice system punish player for using rifle properly.


As for other weapon or improvement in general, the easiest way to do that is to tweak the DE utility. Seriously, Long cooldown and relied on malice that take forever to build is the reason why i barely seen anyone fully utilized DE utility (aside from shadow meld which is super awesome). Tweaking on just cooldown alone will change DE rotation a lot. Imagine if Mercy has less than 20 second cooldown, that change alone could make loads of DE build extremely effective while at the same time boosting DE presence on raid DPS chart :D

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Again, Deadeye is fine in PVE, It works well in PVE, the spec is not the problem, you are. You need to learn how to actually play a thief beyond your spamming a high DPS skill hoping to get a kill off.

If Deadeye were as trash as any of you were making it out to be, I wouldnt be running it to solo fractals, dungeons, champs in.. Name a map. Again, Deadeye is Fine. Go back and read all of your traits, not just the Deadeye traits. Now go back and read all of your Utility skills, again, not just the Deadeye ones, all of them.

You know.. I was just about to detail 2 builds that you could roll through PVE with.. But screw it. You're right. Make this class stronger. Keep buffing it. That way, while you're all crying about not being able to play unless your spoon fed your damage by easy to spam classes, those of us who are actually good at it can solo this game even more. Maybe we can get it to the point where I wont need you for Jormag. Hell, its already to the point that I don't need you for the Risen Priest's.

Again, Go back and read it all, use that brain in your head to put together a rotation that's not "5,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3" Because news flash, 3 is hot garbage, just like waiting on the malice stacks.

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> @Kallist.5917 said:

> Again, Deadeye is fine in PVE, It works well in PVE, the spec is not the problem, you are. You need to learn how to actually play a thief beyond your spamming a high DPS skill hoping to get a kill off.

> If Deadeye were as trash as any of you were making it out to be, I wouldnt be running it to solo fractals, dungeons, champs in.. Name a map. Again, Deadeye is Fine. Go back and read all of your traits, not just the Deadeye traits. Now go back and read all of your Utility skills, again, not just the Deadeye ones, all of them.

> You know.. I was just about to detail 2 builds that you could roll through PVE with.. But screw it. You're right. Make this class stronger. Keep buffing it. That way, while you're all crying about not being able to play unless your spoon fed your damage by easy to spam classes, those of us who are actually good at it can solo this game even more. Maybe we can get it to the point where I wont need you for Jormag. Hell, its already to the point that I don't need you for the Risen Priest's.

> Again, Go back and read it all, use that brain in your head to put together a rotation that's not "5,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3" Because news flash, 3 is hot garbage, just like waiting on the malice stacks.


May I ask what weapons you are using though? At the moment, rifle damage is not that high for Deadeye due to lack of sustain.

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > @Kallist.5917 said:

> > Again, Deadeye is fine in PVE, It works well in PVE, the spec is not the problem, you are. You need to learn how to actually play a thief beyond your spamming a high DPS skill hoping to get a kill off.

> > If Deadeye were as trash as any of you were making it out to be, I wouldnt be running it to solo fractals, dungeons, champs in.. Name a map. Again, Deadeye is Fine. Go back and read all of your traits, not just the Deadeye traits. Now go back and read all of your Utility skills, again, not just the Deadeye ones, all of them.

> > You know.. I was just about to detail 2 builds that you could roll through PVE with.. But screw it. You're right. Make this class stronger. Keep buffing it. That way, while you're all crying about not being able to play unless your spoon fed your damage by easy to spam classes, those of us who are actually good at it can solo this game even more. Maybe we can get it to the point where I wont need you for Jormag. Hell, its already to the point that I don't need you for the Risen Priest's.

> > Again, Go back and read it all, use that brain in your head to put together a rotation that's not "5,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3" Because news flash, 3 is hot garbage, just like waiting on the malice stacks.


> May I ask what weapons you are using though? At the moment, rifle damage is not that high for Deadeye due to lack of sustain.


Assassins Rifle on the DPS. Sinister Rifle on the Condition build. Run both Mercy and Roll for Init for the DPS. Condi only needs Mercy.

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> @Kallist.5917 said:

> > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > @Kallist.5917 said:

> > > Again, Deadeye is fine in PVE, It works well in PVE, the spec is not the problem, you are. You need to learn how to actually play a thief beyond your spamming a high DPS skill hoping to get a kill off.

> > > If Deadeye were as trash as any of you were making it out to be, I wouldnt be running it to solo fractals, dungeons, champs in.. Name a map. Again, Deadeye is Fine. Go back and read all of your traits, not just the Deadeye traits. Now go back and read all of your Utility skills, again, not just the Deadeye ones, all of them.

> > > You know.. I was just about to detail 2 builds that you could roll through PVE with.. But screw it. You're right. Make this class stronger. Keep buffing it. That way, while you're all crying about not being able to play unless your spoon fed your damage by easy to spam classes, those of us who are actually good at it can solo this game even more. Maybe we can get it to the point where I wont need you for Jormag. Hell, its already to the point that I don't need you for the Risen Priest's.

> > > Again, Go back and read it all, use that brain in your head to put together a rotation that's not "5,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3" Because news flash, 3 is hot garbage, just like waiting on the malice stacks.

> >

> > May I ask what weapons you are using though? At the moment, rifle damage is not that high for Deadeye due to lack of sustain.


> Assassins Rifle on the DPS. Sinister Rifle on the Condition build. Run both Mercy and Roll for Init for the DPS. Condi only needs Mercy.


Why assassins? Wouldn't zerker work better since the rifle is power?

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > @Kallist.5917 said:

> > > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > > @Kallist.5917 said:

> > > > Again, Deadeye is fine in PVE, It works well in PVE, the spec is not the problem, you are. You need to learn how to actually play a thief beyond your spamming a high DPS skill hoping to get a kill off.

> > > > If Deadeye were as trash as any of you were making it out to be, I wouldnt be running it to solo fractals, dungeons, champs in.. Name a map. Again, Deadeye is Fine. Go back and read all of your traits, not just the Deadeye traits. Now go back and read all of your Utility skills, again, not just the Deadeye ones, all of them.

> > > > You know.. I was just about to detail 2 builds that you could roll through PVE with.. But screw it. You're right. Make this class stronger. Keep buffing it. That way, while you're all crying about not being able to play unless your spoon fed your damage by easy to spam classes, those of us who are actually good at it can solo this game even more. Maybe we can get it to the point where I wont need you for Jormag. Hell, its already to the point that I don't need you for the Risen Priest's.

> > > > Again, Go back and read it all, use that brain in your head to put together a rotation that's not "5,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3" Because news flash, 3 is hot garbage, just like waiting on the malice stacks.

> > >

> > > May I ask what weapons you are using though? At the moment, rifle damage is not that high for Deadeye due to lack of sustain.

> >

> > Assassins Rifle on the DPS. Sinister Rifle on the Condition build. Run both Mercy and Roll for Init for the DPS. Condi only needs Mercy.


> Why assassins? Wouldn't zerker work better since the rifle is power?


The build is designed to sustain might at 25 easily, and runs the assassin Signet. With Assassins signet popped, I gain another 540 power bringing my gain up to 1290. Now which is more valuable at those levels: 72 extra power, or hitting them more consistently at 268% damage? When your not attacking fast, that 72 power is not worth the loss of 3% critical in my book.

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> @Kallist.5917 said:

> > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > @Kallist.5917 said:

> > > > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > > > @Kallist.5917 said:

> > > > > Again, Deadeye is fine in PVE, It works well in PVE, the spec is not the problem, you are. You need to learn how to actually play a thief beyond your spamming a high DPS skill hoping to get a kill off.

> > > > > If Deadeye were as trash as any of you were making it out to be, I wouldnt be running it to solo fractals, dungeons, champs in.. Name a map. Again, Deadeye is Fine. Go back and read all of your traits, not just the Deadeye traits. Now go back and read all of your Utility skills, again, not just the Deadeye ones, all of them.

> > > > > You know.. I was just about to detail 2 builds that you could roll through PVE with.. But screw it. You're right. Make this class stronger. Keep buffing it. That way, while you're all crying about not being able to play unless your spoon fed your damage by easy to spam classes, those of us who are actually good at it can solo this game even more. Maybe we can get it to the point where I wont need you for Jormag. Hell, its already to the point that I don't need you for the Risen Priest's.

> > > > > Again, Go back and read it all, use that brain in your head to put together a rotation that's not "5,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3" Because news flash, 3 is hot garbage, just like waiting on the malice stacks.

> > > >

> > > > May I ask what weapons you are using though? At the moment, rifle damage is not that high for Deadeye due to lack of sustain.

> > >

> > > Assassins Rifle on the DPS. Sinister Rifle on the Condition build. Run both Mercy and Roll for Init for the DPS. Condi only needs Mercy.

> >

> > Why assassins? Wouldn't zerker work better since the rifle is power?


> The build is designed to sustain might at 25 easily, and runs the assassin Signet. With Assassins signet popped, I gain another 540 power bringing my gain up to 1290. Now which is more valuable at those levels: 72 extra power, or hitting them more consistently at 268% damage? When your not attacking fast, that 72 power is not worth the loss of 3% critical in my book.


I can see your reasoning with it. Granted, you only have access to assassins signet every 30 seconds, so the down time is still there. I can see where you are going with it.

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Last census I heard, Engi was the new lowest DPS elite, right next to Mesmer. Would you people please make up your minds, or better yet, just play the damn game!


Here's a fun fact for ya. To be top dps at any class takes time and research. That's right, you actually have to know how to play the class well to be amazing at it. There is nothing wrong with DE or the rifle. You just have to know how to play the class and enjoy the playstyle. If you don't, then move on. I did for 5 years, I hated everything about the Thief class, now DE is here and I'm maining it, because I love the playstyle.

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> @Raiff.6742 said:

> Last census I heard, Engi was the new lowest DPS elite, right next to Mesmer. Would you people please make up your minds, or better yet, just play the kitten game!


> Here's a fun fact for ya. To be top dps at any class takes time and research. That's right, you actually have to know how to play the class well to be amazing at it. There is nothing wrong with DE or the rifle. You just have to know how to play the class and enjoy the playstyle. If you don't, then move on. I did for 5 years, I hated everything about the Thief class, now DE is here and I'm maining it, because I love the playstyle.



![](http://orig15.deviantart.net/68e7/f/2013/153/f/3/emanuelatantrum_by_setonami-d67iaij.gif "")



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