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Mandatory Trait Line ?


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> @RedSPINE.7845 said:

> Hello.

> I only play engineer in GW2 so I was wondering about other professions. As an engineer, nearly each build takes the Alchemy trait line, and most of them use the same configuration : Protection Injection - Self-Regulated Defense - HGH, just because Elixir S also seems mandatory.

> Are other classes stuck in such a way-to-build as engineers ? I do think it's a problem because if clearly kills diversity.


There's been pretty much no point in the game where ele's didn't have to take both Arcane and Water to be even remotely viable. Since arcane makes attunement swapping less awful as well as being the only meaningful source of vigor, which on the least durable class is important (and having evasive arcana, once you use it playing without it is painful), and our best boon source (especially for protection, fury, and swiftness), you pretty much have to take it to survive. For it's part, Water is the only source of condition cleanse that doesn't suck, and the cantrip traits are in there (cantrips of course being in pretty much every ele build out of necessity).

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> @Chaith.8256 said:

> > @Impact.2780 said:

> > > @Chaith.8256 said:

> > > > @Impact.2780 said:

> > > > > @Abelisk.4527 said:

> > > > > For Guardian it is actually Valor, but that isn't the case anymore since Firebrand offers the same level of sustain. The symbolic build does not run Virtues and Bunk FB does not necessarily need Virtues--it could take Valor. My power FB build uses Radiance/Honor.

> > > > >

> > > > Firebrand bunker takes Virtues. Core hammer takes virtues, and always has. Even outside of meta builds, DH took virtues. Menders symbol DH took virtues.

> > > > Valor is taken with meditations, and meditation guard (AKA hammer guard, medi-trap DH) has always taken virtues.

> > > >

> > > > As for warrior, it has indeed always been Discipline and Defense. Now that I think about it, Cleansing Ire is a Defense trait, which was key for hambow and shoutbow's self-cleanse.

> > >

> > > Virtues not necessary for firebrand at all whatsoever, even support. We're talking about must-slot traitlines no matter what role or build within that profession.

> >

> > Perhaps, but I'm not addressing any issue of viability. That presents too many variables and would quite possibly lead to a thread-derail. So far virtues is heavily used by Firebrand because it is believed by the vast majority including those whose opinion is viewed more highly due to their past achievements/contributions with respect to that particular class, to be optimal.

> >

> > Whether a potentially viable variant used by a minority is sufficient to establish that a trait line is no longer mandatory in terms of meta is a completely different question and separate issue. There are many ways you can argue yes or no in this, which is why I provided a definition for "mandatory" for the context of my response. This of course does not mean everyone must adopt the definition I used in the forming of their own opinions, it is just a tool by which I came to mine. To take an opinion out of context renders it an inaccurate account.


> Guardian doesn't have must-have traitlines like you were suggesting. Not a thread derail.. and discussing why a traitline is mandatory or not, hardly a thread derail imo. As for your comments about 'potentially viable variant used by a minority' and talk about sharing the opinions of notable Firebrand players, I just think you are out of touch with the evolution on what's now getting used by great Firebrands.


> Arken's solo queue hybrid support/power damage Firebrand is Radiance & Honor.


> Moobs conquest full support Firebrand is Valor & Honor. Very good build, very high personal survivability and support, something like this:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAneWn8ABNCjtCBeDBkCjlECDrBkBSB7B0DaD9qAEAOAA-jpQXABKWGAg9HAA


> Core Guard and DH are in need of Virtues traitline, but Firebrand while becoming stronger by taking Virtues, gains a kind of redundant strength when they can increase personal survivability better.


> The reason for ditching virtues specifically in the full support variant is because your personal survivability with Virtues is too low - you get focused and killed easier than the Scourges you're trying to protect when your tomes are down.


A discussion on what is and is not viable could derail! It's quite surprising what can derail a thread, tbh.


Anyway, I'm not so big headed that I won't say it's not possible for there to be developments I am not privy to or aware of. Admittedly, I know far less people now having switched back from NA to EU, and have little contact with my old team. Still, in the 1v1 servers, ATs and matches I play, I come across guardians using virtues. I cannot attest to the strength of Altruistic Healing since I seldom play guardian myself, and when I do it's in a damage dealing capacity.


You'll never hear me say that new and unrecognised builds are not worth mentioning, since I myself enjoy trying new things out. (Right now I'm dusting off the mesmer with a marauder/almost hybrid build that seems thus far to be dealing with everything, including spell breakers and eles, very well). When answering questions here though, I try to focus on what has been firmly established as a mechanism for ensuring information is accurate in the context it is given.

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