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Group Attribute Combinations

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The combination of how many attribute combo options we have and their being fixed on (non-legendary) gear is become more and more problematic. It's overwhelming deciding what to collect vs forego, and it discourages experimentation.


I propose that every attribute prefix be grouped into different roles based on their major attribute(s) (options would also be somewhat limited based on gear level in the same way they are now). The idea of groupings is pretty flexible, so Anet can do it how they see fit, but here's an example:


Power - Berseker, Soldier, Zealot, Forsaken, Valkyrie, Captain

Precision - Captain, Rampager, Assassin

Toughness - Knight, Cavalier, Nomad, Settler

Power/Precision - Commander, Marauder

Power/Toughness - Vigilant, Crusader



Then, allow any piece of gear to freely change between the different attribute combos that are part of that group when outside of combat. Legendaries would retain the ability to switch between the groups in addition to the individual prefixes.


Future attribute combinations could be introduced through an unlocking system. Once you obtain a piece of gear with the new set of attributes, it is unlocked for any existing gear you have with that _role and slot_.

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Theres a simpler solution that is long overdue....


Get Rid of Gear Stats!!


Without Gear Stats, theres no need for all this garbage all around "Prefixes and adding lots of variosu prefixes, just so that the peopoel can get together somehow through them the Stat build you want of your dreams.

100% free instinctive Character Progression does not require at all any Gear Stats... Anet has added gear Stats only to the game, so that they can fill up the Craftign System through that will millions of recipes for all kinds of Stat combinations to craft, tzhat then again can be gained only through various materials and as part of the games economy to work as gold/material sink this way..

But Anet sacrificed there just for the game econmy alot for a better and easier Class balancign and much better feeling of Character progression and Freedom of Choice, that we had back in GW1 already, where every player was from begin on 100% free in his choice, how you build your character, because you were able to freely distribute you points on your character builds, as you like, and if you were udner the impression, that you eventually misbuilded your characte, then there was ALWAYS the option in the game, to reset your settings quickly for loudy 500 Gold, what was in GW1 like 5 silver ....


GW2 doesn#rt need a gazillion of Stat Combination Prefixes, it needs in fact NONE at all, to reduce this overcomplex and unneccesarely artificialyl slow downign system for characte progression to one, which is again much more intuitive to the player, can be anytime resetted and freely 100% decided by youself, without having to grind either gold or materials for it, just so that you can get the illusion of having 100% freedom of choice.


The materials and gold costs can be easily redistributed to other aspects and thigns of the game, to ensure, that the removal of Gear Stats from the Game wouldnt end up in an ingame economical desaster.


Player Characters should simply gain while levelign up from 1 to 80 all the Attribute Point,s that a Character at Max level should have at this point, with that the player can do then whatever he wants, to freely distribute the points as you like.

if then also each Attribute becomes more impactful, by providing from then on a primary and a secondary effect, then we woukld also a much better balanced game, where not only just offensive attributes count, but also defensive/supportive ones equally, because Dual Effects would allow Anet very simple to rebalance the Attribute System in itself by making sure, that offense and defense become finalyl equally good as a choice to make.

A game, which basically by design is already from begin on in some kind of felt 70/30 favor towards offensive gameplay, because of the fe, if it would be 50/50, we might see the return of the holy trinity, has already failed, before it has begun, because when a game design takes over for you the decision ,that offensive gameplay has to be favored over defensive play styles, just so that the game can run smoothly, then this is just bad game balance and shows also thst on the combat system is somethign wrong, if offensive play styles must be favored over defensive ones, just so that offensive playstyles are made sure, that they are the most efficienty way to play the game ..., which goes completely against the motto of "play GW2 as you like"


Gear Stat Removal would allow ANet to improve the Character Progression in a much more depthful way, than what we have now.


Weapons and Armor could be made much more unique, interesting and effectful, through the addion of "Talents" instead of Stats, so that they provide instead more useful effects, which can either affect your combat system elements of your class, your boons or conditions or even directly the skills of your class, how they work, what they do exactly and so on, what would be alot more build diversity also too and like mentioned much more freedom of choice for the player.


Accessoires especialyl also too could be made through their oqn unique effects much more interestign, than they will ever be through Gear Stats


Rune Sets could be all better rebalanced around providing Effects only, instead of wastign half of the potential for interestign and useful Rune Sets by lettign them give us 50% of them small to big stat boosts, depending on how many runes ohe same type have been used.

Through this rework and rebalance of Runes I think it should be also much more important, that each Rune Set should provide a much stronger, more fundamental Set Bonus Effect, that is not just a 6th Effect, but instead an additional 7th and 8th effect, as primary and secondary bonus effects, that one shoudl receive, for using a complete Set of a specific Rune.




**Rune of Flames**

1) Burning deals 33% lesser Damage to you and extinguishes 25% faster on you

2) Fire based Skills and such, which can cause Burnings will have 20% increased Range

3) Fire based Skills and such that can cause Burnings will recharge 10% faster for you.

4) Projectiles you shoot, cause now Burning additionally for a second.

5) Critical Hits have now a Chance for you to cause Flame Bursts that deal small AoE Damage and scorch the ground,. causign a Fire Field that can be used for Combo Effects


7th Bonus Effect for using 6 Runes of Flames (Head, Hands/Arms, Shoulders, Body, Legs, Feet): Gain Might Stacks when using either your Healing or Elite Skill and gain a Fire Aura too, which Burns foes on contact and grants you more Might.

8th Bonus for using 6 Runes of Flames: Unlocks a visually more stunning Skill Skin Version of the Skill that looks more epic and heroic/mighty for Skills X. Your Burnings cause now 33% more Damage and last 25% longer and receive the side Effect, that your Burns have the unique behavior of spreading over to nearby foes, like a disease if they get too close to each other, while one of them burns. and when you dodge roll, then you leave a trail of fire foe a few seconds, that damages foes on touch and causes burnings


Just a simple example, how Rune Sets could be made more interestign, with a design, thats based on 100% effects, no Stats.. as stats are Character Progression, which belogns 100% to the leveling process of reachign just level 80. Once you are Max level, the player should not worry at all anymore about Stats at all, you should have liek everyone else then maximum stats you can receive and no additional higher tier armor, like Ascneded shoudl change anythign on this fact.

The only thign different between Exotic and Ascended gear would be its looks, and that Ascended Gear has for each part a slightly higher Defense (Armor) Value, which is there to just better differentiate the class types and to ensure, that a Warrior for exampel is significatnly sturdier, than say for exampel a Mesmer, due to their Armor Type differences of the one weing light robs, and the other heavier armors that are better made for redicign incomign damage, than just light robes are, which is logical, that the armor types need to give at least their different defense values, so that the removal of Gear Stats wouldnt destroy the class type system.

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