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No player stats?


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I was reading about some WoW players getting to max level through gathering, without a single kill on their record, and that got me thinking... Do we have any interesting stats like this in GW2? IIRC, Anet released a long time ago, how much time players spent on mounts, so there must be something in the backend players cannot see. It’d be cool if players can see individual player stats.


How many hours did I spend in each map? How many of each metas/world bosses have I done? How many enemies have I killed? How many nodes have I gathered? How much time did I spend on each mount?

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Based on what we have seen I think Anet are capable of collecting and tracking huge amounts of data. For example they've produced infographics showing things like the total time spent riding each mount and the enemies with the highest and lowest kill to death ratio. In interviews they've mentioned being able to produce heat maps which show where players spend most of their time in the game and in each map, and being able to identify bots by tracking the paths characters take and spotting the ones which are always the same down to the exact steps (something a human couldn't do if they tried but a computer needs special programming to avoid).


The question is how easy it is to collate and share that. It's likely a lot of those infographics and things are produced manually by someone running the reports and queries and possibly combining bits from different reports to get the end result. They'd probably have to build and maintain a new system to report on all this stuff, and then the question becomes whether it's worth the time that would require for what's basically trivia.

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