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Necessary Necromancer changes


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Hello all! I'm a necromancer player since the beginning of the game and i really fell in love for the class. I love the necromancer theme and i loved the new mechanics from scourge, and even more being a reaper. But, as everybody here knows, necromancers are in a bad spot right now.


I'll share some of my toughts here but maybe i'm wrong and i would be glad to see what you guys think about.


Talking about scourge first, it was REALLY overpowered when PoF arrives and that was a necessary bugfix/nerf. And here the problem was born. When they bugfixed it, they "saved" sPvP and WvW(or tried, i really dont play much to know it) by the price of killing the spec at PvE. Scourges just won't get slots in end-game PvE content while dont get real buffs. Scourges are good at sPvP, no need of buffing there, it still strong and works well.


About Core Necromancer and Reaper spec, they need some changes for PvP, because, at least for me, they are a little underrated and get even more with scourge pressure, since they wont shine with scourge so better. And, obviously, they need real changes in PvE content, since power reaper dont stand a change against other power builds like Elementarist's ones.


And here is the problem that ANet apparently dont know how to deal. They cant nerf scourge or reaper or even core necro like they did because of PvP and not consequently kill the PvE content for the class. And they cant really buff the class in a way they wont break sPvP and WvW again because it wont be enough to rise the needed DPS to raid(the difference its really huge, almost ridiculous). I dont know why they refuse to split the balances, maybe a lot of work to do? I really dont know.


Some points that i think they could improve are:



•Death Magic Spec


•Blood Magic Spec


•Reaper Spec:

-Focused on power vertent since reaper was made for this.



-Buffs for damage or support, to get, at least, one function at raids and stuff.








-I would love a gap close for "3" xD


I saw a lot of balance change ideas from the other players and some of them are really interesting but no one knows what ANet is going to do.


Dear Devs, i don't know if you are reading this or not but you need to know that you can't balance all 3 game modes if not splitting the balance changes. PvE needs A LOT OF buffs to be, at least, competitive with other classes and sPvP/WvW cant receive this buffs without braking the game, but remember that power reaper and core necromancer still needing buffs at pvp scenarios too. I really hope you could give us a good answer to the actual problem and the community already asked for a balance split.


Thank you for reading, i tried just to resume what people are saying the whole 2 weeks. Sorry for english problems and if you didn't agree with something i said, please, comment below justifying it. ?

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