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Medium Armour Trenchcoats-Anet plz


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> @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> No. Trenchcoats and buttcapes for lyfe. Embrace the edge, dye everything shadow abyss


I use charcoal, looks more like actual black leather than Shadow Abyss.


Either way i personally like the trenchcoats come from WoW where my Rogue's armor was just glued to his skin but some variety in designs would be nice yeah. I like the idea of an asymetrical one and such.

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> @Griever.8150 said:

> > @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> > No. Trenchcoats and buttcapes for lyfe. Embrace the edge, dye everything shadow abyss


> I use charcoal, looks more like actual black leather than Shadow Abyss.


> Either way i personally like the trenchcoats come from WoW where my Rogue's armor was just glued to his skin but some variety in designs would be nice yeah. I like the idea of an asymetrical one and such.


Speaking of WoW, tabards, or tabard-like armor pieces would be greatly appreciated in my books, trechncoats are cool and all, but I'd like to see some more unique styles (T3 cultural armor for norn comes to mind, with a asymmetrical aesthetic to it and a opening at the back). I LOVE the elonian armor personally since its such a departure from the status quo, but some more unique ones are def needed (chains with physics on some shredded trenchcoat missing a whole one side anet please)

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I love the trench coats in this game, so I say they make more because they actually do trench coats right. FF14 has 2 Trench-coats while WoW has none, so I like the fact this game has a lot of trench coats in it's armory. Also, tabards are freaking ugly, so I hope they keep away from tabards. If you want your guild symbol shown, just have little symbols of it on the shoulders or something.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> > No. Trenchcoats and buttcapes for lyfe. Embrace the edge, dye everything shadow abyss


> Nothing edgy about trenchcoats. They just look silly and very uncomfortable due to how hot it gets in them.


Well then, you aren't wearing an official 100% cotton trenchcoat...no problems with how hot you get now.

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Please, ANet, add more medium armor options to GW2 that would actually fit a Ranger! (1) the left-handed glove, (2) more hoods, more bare skin (shoulders etc.), shorter tops, (3) more jackets and pouches etc., some bare chest and decent footwear

![](https://i.imgur.com/McYnkfI.jpg "")


More medium armor options, please: Casual with no butt capes. <3

![](https://i.imgur.com/GdEmamV.jpg "")


Further medium armor options: the motorcycler ;) a.k.a. "Please add an option to turn trenchcoats into jackets, thank you."

![](https://i.imgur.com/kCCKduj.jpg "")

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> Please, ANet, add more medium armor options to GW2 that would actually fit a Ranger! (1) the left-handed glove, (2) more hoods, more bare skin (shoulders etc.), shorter tops, (3) more jackets and pouches etc., some bare chest and decent footwear

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/McYnkfI.jpg "")


> More medium armor options, please: Casual with no butt capes. <3

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/GdEmamV.jpg "")


> Further medium armor options: the motorcycler ;) a.k.a. "Please add an option to turn trenchcoats into jackets, thank you."

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/kCCKduj.jpg "")


**The left-handed glove**

YES PLEASE! Especially females as they seem to screw up female clothing more than males.


**More Hoods**

Only if I have my hair. If not... no. I can't agree to that.


**More bare skin**

And for females less bare skin. I say even it out. I don't like sometimes looking like a hoard of bees... or a stupid trenchcoat being the only next option (heavy armour have some decent armour but... talking normal looking clothing here).


**More jackets**

Once again I would like. also some that's short sleeved. Please? Once again, FEMALE TOO!


**More jackets and pouches**

As the jacket one, would like and make some short-sleeved too (yatta yatta female too yatta yatta)


As to the 2nd image line, the left ones always looked like light armour to me. Make them light armour. It would help a lot.

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Leather armor that looks like leather armor please. Also can you please, please, PLEASE stop making certain armors stupidly skimpy on females while the male counterpart looks better. I am fine with skimpy armor in the game but at least give some of us OPTIONS to choose between the two.

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I was looking through armor options for my Ranger now that he's a Soulbeast, and it really is sad. Almost all trenchcoats. The only decent "cuirass" tops were the PvP special armors, and I don't care to farm for those. They really need to just add some more shirts, especially ones that gloves go over, maybe some short jackets, maybe some tanktops. A Soulbeast would look so great in sort of an exagerated bomber jacket look, with a big furry "mane" on it.

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At the very least put in the Norn elite jacket from GW if you have to remain fixated on greatcoats. Or look at how many Krytan sets have been purchased when you design new armor and take a hint.


Even the common Druid or Tyrian ranger armor from GW would be a nice change, just give the guys short jackets.


I'd also wager that Elite Gladiator or Kurzick from GW would outsell the flaming, spiky, skully and HUUUGE pauldron junk we keep seeing. Particle effects are a gimmick, go back to designing nice armors that don't look like Warhammer cast offs.


The new elonian medium armors are a good direction IMO, even though you got confused on where Ritualist headgear came from. They still cant touch the original GW sunspear mediums.


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