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Stupid things you've seen in sPvP while queing on your own.


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> @choovanski.5462 said:

> > @Westenev.5289 said:

> > To be fair, the beasts can be quite difficult to defeat if you can't spot the charge (or fail to notice the enemy team).


> not being able to spot the charge & dying to beast is called ‘playing badly’, it’s not difficult at all. as far as getting ganked at beast, i’m not talking about that- i’m talking about two players vs one beast & them both dying.


> > @Westenev.5289 said:

> >Most thieves are rather glassy, and if you don't miss that charge, it HURTS. That's not to say they shouldn't practice - direct them towards the practice beasts in the lobby to train. Don't throw a temper tantrum over it, you won't fix anything...


> its not a temper tantrum dude, i’m very calm in my mapchat explanation. it’s just giving up when the game is lost.


> but like, what do you suggest dude? that i continue to try-hard in a match with two thieves that lose 2v1 vs beast. all that’s going to do is result in me losing the game & being frustrated. i’d rather lose the game without being frustrated, so i’ll just emote at spawn.


> like, sure humiliating them in map chat is not super helpful. but hey, if they don’t want to be humiliated they shouldn’t die 2v1 vs beast. maybe they will feel so bad they will quit pvp, or be inspired to practice. either way i get better games B)



Not a temper tantrum you say?

That is the epitomy of gamer rage

If you don't have the gonads to stay through the game, then that is very much the silent temper tantrum.


Good job you fall with every other afker out there. There ya go Anet, this is what you have spawned.

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> @Urud.4925 said:

> > @Westenev.5289 said:

> > Offing the newcommers does nothing except bottleneck a community who is already jumping ship at the top level. I mean, sure, it sucks when someone underperforms or doesn't act the way you'd expect... but there aren't any tutorials for this kitten that doesn't include montages of PERFECT circumstances, vague build guides and videos that take FOREVER to explain anything. If WE, as players, don't tell them how to play, how are they supposed to know?

> > (Flaming, Quitting and AFK'ing at spawn are another thing that peeves me off. Sure, a member of the group sucks, but is it fair on your other members who are actually TRYING?)


> Respect for you Westenev.

> I'm reading this thread to try to learn what I should NEVER do or what other players expect from my class to do in pvp, cause I'm a noob. I never played ranked matches because I know that I suck (I started to play in PvP only recently, after noticing that it's a faster way to complete my daily). However I like it, even when I find players that are even worse than me (very few). Pointing out someone in chat because s/he is not good, it's mean and soul-destroying for the people that actually want to learn, and they could likely stop to keep trying and come back to pure pve. While the ones that won't feel offended are probably the ones that will keep playing the way they always did.


> This said, I can understand the salt in automated tournaments (I would never join at my level), but in unranked arenas everyone should be able to have fun and practice. You are capped as daily gold/reward afaik, not as number of matches. So just play another match if you lost the previous one.


There aren't many helpful or benevolent people out there; you usually learn things the hard way. I was lucky I met someone who was willing to teach me the basics years ago. I still do mistakes and stupid things, but if I was a really good and irreproachable player (those that yell on map chat and calling everyone else a noob), I think I would gladly help less experienced players at least not to make the mistakes i used to do when I started.

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