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How to scour the community for Voice Actors?


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I'm doing a for fun non-profit anime abridged series. And I need voice actors. Up to 3Male 3Female, Minimum 0-1 Male, 1-2 Female. Lines range from a single sentence to half a page in length. Anywhere from 8 minutes to maybe maximum 2 hours of a person's time would be necessary depending on the role. Lines can be modified to fit comfort level if necessary. Characters range from E for everybody to something slightly under M for mature rating.


Seeing how such things are a give and take relationship....


I was hoping I could find people who play gw2.....and with a spending budget of 500 gold, pay people via gold to help with the VA'ing.


Does anyone know a good way to go about scouring the community for these people that might be interested and could do such a thing? I looked at the forums here.....community creations I could maybe post an LFG, but seems rather empty and not up to it. Reddit is also off the list, would just get trolls.


I do wvsw, so scouring people via the teamspeak is what I can do atm. Outside of that and asking my guilds......I don't really know. So any suggestions would be wonderful.


If you are reading this and interested, you can send me a pm here or preferably mail ingame via my account name displayed on this posting.

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I'm afraid you're asking a question that nobody knows the answer to. It is hard to gain prominence or even notice in the GW2 community, let alone with people you can trust and people who are interested in such a thing. Other than a forum/reddit post, I wouldn't know of any method to peruse the playerbase for volunteer voice actors.

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