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New as Mesmers looking for an updated build.


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Hi guys,


I've been playing Gw2 for 2 months now, and I decided few days ago that I wanted a mesmer to port people around, specially from my guild. But playing mesmer while leveling became fun, and I decided I'd love to try this profession even more. Today I made it lvl 80 and I was already able to get the first elite spec that is mirage. The weapons I like playing more are Greatsword + Sword/sword. My gear is full berserker with strength runes and I use sigil or air + bloodlust on my weapons. my traits are domination, duelist and illusions. I like having those mini mes to help me out. As you can see I am a total noob and have no idea on what I am doing lol. I found this build pretty fun against bosses, champs veterans, but against lots of mobs 3-4, I struggled and even died more than I wanted to, because I didnt feel I had much mobility (used to my daredevil thief -.-), that heal skill has long cd, and I didnt find a way to get away from immobilization skills. I think maybe it is because I think a lot as a thief in a fight. Maybe mesmers arent even dps classes, are all about supporting/tanking but I wouldnt know.


After I open my noob mesmer heart for you all, what could you guys advise me? I mean, I'd rather keep using the same weapons I already have, gs and s/s, but ofc I am up for new things. I like power builds although I know people only love condi builds in this game, I was once kicked from a t4 fractals group because they only wanted condi and I thought they were joking lol. Which armor, runes, traits would you guys recommend to me? It can be power or condi, I could give it a try. I just want to play my mesmer and feel that she completes me in a way I wont think about switching back to my thief right way.


I mostly do pve stuff, Open world, metas, fractals, raids, rarely pvp.

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Swap GS for Staff and you will get the necessary mobility when fighting against groups. U can successfully use Staff 2 also when you are rooted/immobilized to push you away from mobs.

I recommend to slot Phantasmal Disenchanter and summon at least one in every fight, it is your best condi clean skill, especially in combination with Phantasmal Haste (Illusion T2).

If you want more survivability, swap Domination for Inspiration.

I use a set of Superior Rune of the Privateer. Since Pre-PoF-Balance Patch and our new Phantasmal Force trait (Illusion T3) it synergizes very well with a power build.

Use the healing signet only in group play, because when soloing you'll want the healed HP more than faster summoned illusions. Personally I prefer Ether Feast over the signet when doing open world stuff, becuse it heals faster even if the signet is traited.

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> @OlsenSan.2987 said:

> Hi guys,

> I like power builds although I know people only love condi builds in this game, I was once kicked from a t4 fractals group because they only wanted condi and I thought they were joking lol. Which armor, runes, traits would you guys recommend to me? It can be power or condi, I could give it a try. I just want to play my mesmer and feel that she completes me in a way I wont think about switching back to my thief right way.


Have you ever done T4 fractals? Please don't just join T4 fractals expecting to "tag along". T4 fractals require full ascended gear to even survive due to agony resistance requirements.


You weren't kicked because you were a power build. You were kicked because a mesmers (or more exact a chronomancers) role in T4 fractals is alacrity and quickness provider. Your usual setup for this is Sword+Shield/Sword+Focus. You went in as Mirage (which is not really part of the T4 meta and on top of that is a condition elite specialisation in pve) with a greatsword and Sword+Sword equiped. That's pretty much as instant kick as it can get.


You might want to read up on fractals before joining groups again. If you haven't done any fractals at all, you should start at T1 (level 1-25).


> I mostly do pve stuff, Open world, metas, fractals, raids, rarely pvp.


Open world you can keep running whatever you want. Same goes for open world meta events mostly.


Fractals require specialiased builds once you reach T3 and above. Raids even more so.


EDIT: as with all things, there is a lot of information in the wikis (as well as youtube):




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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > @OlsenSan.2987 said:

> > Hi guys,

> > I like power builds although I know people only love condi builds in this game, I was once kicked from a t4 fractals group because they only wanted condi and I thought they were joking lol. Which armor, runes, traits would you guys recommend to me? It can be power or condi, I could give it a try. I just want to play my mesmer and feel that she completes me in a way I wont think about switching back to my thief right way.


> Have you ever done T4 fractals? Please don't just join T4 fractals expecting to "tag along". T4 fractals require full ascended gear to even survive due to agony resistance requirements.


> You weren't kicked because you were a power build. You were kicked because a mesmers (or more exact a chronomancers) role in T4 fractals is alacrity and quickness provider. Your usual setup for this is Sword+Shield/Sword+Focus. You went in as Mirage (which is not really part of the T4 meta and on top of that is a condition elite specialisation in pve) with a greatsword and Sword+Sword equiped. That's pretty much as instant kick as it can get.


> You might want to read up on fractals before joining groups again. If you haven't done any fractals at all, you should start at T1 (level 1-25).


> > I mostly do pve stuff, Open world, metas, fractals, raids, rarely pvp.


> Open world you can keep running whatever you want. Same goes for open world meta events mostly.


> Fractals require specialiased builds once you reach T3 and above. Raids even more so.


> EDIT: as with all things, there is a lot of information in the wikis (as well as youtube):

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractals_of_the_Mists

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Agony_Resistance

> http://dulfy.net/2013/01/07/gw2-fractal-of-the-mists-fotm-guide/


I am lvl 76 on fractals I have donet t4's with randoms and guildmates, very smooth runs. If you know your profession and have the gear and know fractals you can run with any build you feel comfortable with, or change some utilities or even specs between stages according to the situation. I have full ascended Svaard's armor, what is the ascended version for marauder. I crafted myself since I am grandmaster on leatheworking. I am also a huntsman's grandmaster and weaponsmith. Crafted my pistols as well. And I got calabog dagger from achievement. I have ascended riffle and I only miss an ascended staff (work in progress). All my trinkets are ascended from fractals, guild commendation and lws3/laurels. All of them are infused. My rings have 3 slots, after being infused and attuned and my backpiece 2 slots. I have a total of 153 AR, without potion and using only 1 ascended weapon on hand, or 162 if I use 2. Depending on my build on certain situations in the game. So I can tell you I have it all. I dont die much as a thief because I have good dodging and gear and I also have a great dps. I just meant that poeple rather having condi on their team, and I feel at higher lvls, they dont respect power build so much. So I asked for some advise on what build should I go for even if it is condi (for MESMER).


Thanks for all fractals guide but I am here only to get some advise for mesmer builds, power builds, condi builds, since I don't know anything about this class. I main a thief and I have everything I need to run any end game content and I already do, I think you misunderstood the main point of my post since you didnt comment anything about it. And my opinion about fractals whoever estipulate which build opther people should run, probably needs to work more on their gameplay/skills. If Anything I am I doing fails, I will try to find out on my build what I can do to help the group, if I feel the group is missing anything, not kick people because they dont have certain build to make my life easier lol. And I dont pick classes to join me, everyone is welcome, because any profession should be able to do any content in the game, as long as they know their classes.

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> @Lanhelin.3480 said:

> Swap GS for Staff and you will get the necessary mobility when fighting against groups. U can successfully use Staff 2 also when you are rooted/immobilized to push you away from mobs.

> I recommend to slot Phantasmal Disenchanter and summon at least one in every fight, it is your best condi clean skill, especially in combination with Phantasmal Haste (Illusion T2).

> If you want more survivability, swap Domination for Inspiration.

> I use a set of Superior Rune of the Privateer. Since Pre-PoF-Balance Patch and our new Phantasmal Force trait (Illusion T3) it synergizes very well with a power build.

> Use the healing signet only in group play, because when soloing you'll want the healed HP more than faster summoned illusions. Personally I prefer Ether Feast over the signet when doing open world stuff, becuse it heals faster even if the signet is traited.


Hey Lan, thanks a lot really. I am going to log in now and try some of your suggestions, see how it goes for me using staff. And try some skill changes with what you just suggested. I really appreciate it, most of guides Ive read about mesmer's builds are from 2 months ago, when Pof wasnt still realeased. Now that people have been playing the new spec for over a month now, I wanted to see if there was something new going on for this class. Much appreciated.

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> @OlsenSan.2987 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > @OlsenSan.2987 said:

> > > Hi guys,

> > > I like power builds although I know people only love condi builds in this game, I was once kicked from a t4 fractals group because they only wanted condi and I thought they were joking lol. Which armor, runes, traits would you guys recommend to me? It can be power or condi, I could give it a try. I just want to play my mesmer and feel that she completes me in a way I wont think about switching back to my thief right way.

> >

> > Have you ever done T4 fractals? Please don't just join T4 fractals expecting to "tag along". T4 fractals require full ascended gear to even survive due to agony resistance requirements.

> >

> > You weren't kicked because you were a power build. You were kicked because a mesmers (or more exact a chronomancers) role in T4 fractals is alacrity and quickness provider. Your usual setup for this is Sword+Shield/Sword+Focus. You went in as Mirage (which is not really part of the T4 meta and on top of that is a condition elite specialisation in pve) with a greatsword and Sword+Sword equiped. That's pretty much as instant kick as it can get.

> >

> > You might want to read up on fractals before joining groups again. If you haven't done any fractals at all, you should start at T1 (level 1-25).

> >

> > > I mostly do pve stuff, Open world, metas, fractals, raids, rarely pvp.

> >

> > Open world you can keep running whatever you want. Same goes for open world meta events mostly.

> >

> > Fractals require specialiased builds once you reach T3 and above. Raids even more so.

> >

> > EDIT: as with all things, there is a lot of information in the wikis (as well as youtube):

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractals_of_the_Mists

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Agony_Resistance

> > http://dulfy.net/2013/01/07/gw2-fractal-of-the-mists-fotm-guide/


> I am lvl 76 on fractals I have donet t4's with randoms and guildmates, very smooth runs. If you know your profession and have the gear and know fractals you can run with any build you feel comfortable with, or change some utilities or even specs between stages according to the situation. I have full ascended Svaard's armor, what is the ascended version for marauder. I crafted myself since I am grandmaster on leatheworking. I am also a huntsman's grandmaster and weaponsmith. Crafted my pistols as well. And I got calabog dagger from achievement. I have ascended riffle and I only miss an ascended staff (work in progress). All my trinkets are ascended from fractals, guild commendation and lws3/laurels. All of them are infused. My rings have 3 slots, after being infused and attuned and my backpiece 2 slots. I have a total of 153 AR, without potion and using only 1 ascended weapon on hand, or 162 if I use 2. Depending on my build on certain situations in the game. So I can tell you I have it all. I dont die much as a thief because I have good dodging and gear and I also have a great dps. I just meant that poeple rather having condi on their team, and I feel at higher lvls, they dont respect power build so much. So I asked for some advise on what build should I go for even if it is condi (for MESMER).


> Thanks for all fractals guide but I am here only to get some advise for mesmer builds, power builds, condi builds, since I don't know anything about this class. I main a thief and I have everything I need to run any end game content and I already do, I think you misunderstood the main point of my post since you didnt comment anything about it. And my opinion about fractals whoever estipulate which build opther people should run, probably needs to work more on their gameplay/skills. If Anything I am I doing fails, I will try to find out on my build what I can do to help the group, if I feel the group is missing anything, not kick people because they dont have certain build to make my life easier lol. And I dont pick classes to join me, everyone is welcome, because any profession should be able to do any content in the game, as long as they know their classes.


Here: https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/mesmer/fractal-chrono-quick-guide/


Or more or less the same build on metabattle: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Chronomancer_-_Utility_DPS


That's basically what people expect from mesmers in fractal T4. Running anything different means you are geting carried. Run arcdps for a couple of runs if you don't believe me.


There is no fractal damage mesmer builds which are decent for fractals (maybe core power with afk phantasms for some bosses at best).

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im more curious why that group asking for a condi build in fractal , unless they have really bad time with protection but power mesmer could certainly help with that . not saying anyone should bring dps mesmer (condi or power ) to t4 . but seems to be a weird reason to kick op .

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I run sword sword mirage full melee full hybrid glass in roaming and open world and I don't even swap weapons bc there has never been a need. No problems soloing champs, bounties, even Lab Horror lately and fractals and mobs. Solo'd four vet hydras I aggroed as well with the random vet dust mites. Mirage has some serious dps and burst.


It has multiple stunbreaks. I'm running decoy or sand shards , illusionary ambush, blink, jaunt for tougher situations. I have the trait where dodging is condi removal and stunbreaks , you will never miss a beat. It seems jaunt also stun breaks? At least it seems like I've used it like that before. It also removes condi? With both dueling and illusions traitlines, clone production is insane and sword skills are on like 9 s cooldowns. You also have vigor. Grab some food for endurance regain, the one I use is the meat stew? I can't remember what it's called?


constantly spamming sword 2 for that great cleave and evade and sword 4 for a block if I need it. Now other than the aoe skills already with jaunt, when you're dealing with swarms of mobs you want to be constantly shattering, keeping phantasms is for boss large HP pool fights. If you get a chance you can retarget your illusions but illusions along with mobs die so fast and your illusion production is so often it's kind of needless to try to keep that retargeting. Anyway that shatter aoe will help clear things fastwhile soloing. You pop in, do your bursts, you have plenty gap closers and get aways. And most things should be dead.


You have so many evades, pace yourself, don't spam all the evades and ambushes all in one go. Most of the time I try to just dodge once and pair with other weapon skills. And save half my endurance for survival. If ever an issue blink or jaunt far away. It really is like thief style. If you truly play thief style you shouldn't have a problem with hit hit hit and run. Maybe a bit less running and more sticking with mirage in a gives zero f mode.


But you want to spam those illusions and shatters when dealing with mobs. Otherwise running a sword sword and sword focus might help too for that additional pull and warden. But in my experience you should have no problem even in full melee range with all the evades. You don't even have to move and should be able to keep yourself alive on mirage


If you want a more forgiving line and a bit less damage switch illusions trait for inspirations so each shattered illusion is a condi cleanse and heal. Get the mirage cloak gives protection trait. It keeps you going for a long long time.


For dungeons raids and fractals yes do consider Chrono but for roaming and soloing purposes which seems to be what op is talking about mirage is great.

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> @musu.9205 said:

> im more curious why that group asking for a condi build in fractal , unless they have really bad time with protection but power mesmer could certainly help with that . not saying anyone should bring dps mesmer (condi or power ) to t4 . but seems to be a weird reason to kick op .


No, Actually they didnt know me. They were asking for a t4 daily, only condi build or kicked, but it sounded as a joke for me, so I joined. It was only 2 people in the group. Then after I joined and entered fractals one of them came up to me to look at my weapons, I think, then I got kicked. I had 2 pistols on me at the moment. But I always seen people saying condi builds are meta builds, I've heard they rather a condi build thief for many meta contents, like raids and such. But I know I deal a pretty amazing dmg with my build. And I dont die easily for 3 reasons. I know mechanics, I have the necessary gear and AR to be there, I use pots and food and my thief has a perma swiftness/dodge. I am really happy about this power build and I dont feel like changing to condi, specially because when I change it I feel I lose a lot of my survivability/mobility/defense. And my thief has perma stack of might (25) also using bloodlust sigil (that can charge up to 25 stacks of power as well) I get over 3k power by killing foes and stacking power.


It's not even a big deal :P I just mentioned about being kicked on a funny way to say how people rather having condi build than power build on their team (like if it is something everyone should follow), since I usually see people talking about condi as being the meta build in the game that's all. Cheers!

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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > @OlsenSan.2987 said:

> > > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > > @OlsenSan.2987 said:


> Here: https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/mesmer/fractal-chrono-quick-guide/


> Or more or less the same build on metabattle: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Chronomancer_-_Utility_DPS


> That's basically what people expect from mesmers in fractal T4. Running anything different means you are geting carried. Run arcdps for a couple of runs if you don't believe me.


> There is no fractal damage mesmer builds which are decent for fractals (maybe core power with afk phantasms for some bosses at best).


Thanks so much Cyninja, I really appreciate it!

I will look into it since I am still searching for the build that fits me the most, I liked some previous advices for open world (here and in game) but more is always welcome. I am really enjoying mesmer and all illusions game play, it is really fun. Just bad I didnt find out about it before.


Btw, sorry for any rustic response -.- <3


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Thanks so much, @Takatsu!. Yes, Ive been trying mirage now on open world after a friend advised me and it is really great. I feel I can deal more damage and I dont take many. I can survive more and use my illusions more freely. I do shatter a lot specially when I see I am able to create more. All the shadowsteps, blinds along with mirage cloack. Also using Mirage's healing skill helps a lot (with some other regen traits). I didn't try it yet against champs,legendaries, but if anything goes wrong I will be checking your post to see if I can change something. I am using 2 different specializations tho. Domination and Chaos. I will try to change for the other 2 to see how it goes with mirage.

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> @OlsenSan.2987 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > @OlsenSan.2987 said:

> > > > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > > > @OlsenSan.2987 said:

> >

> > Here: https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/mesmer/fractal-chrono-quick-guide/

> >

> > Or more or less the same build on metabattle: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Chronomancer_-_Utility_DPS

> >

> > That's basically what people expect from mesmers in fractal T4. Running anything different means you are geting carried. Run arcdps for a couple of runs if you don't believe me.

> >

> > There is no fractal damage mesmer builds which are decent for fractals (maybe core power with afk phantasms for some bosses at best).


> Thanks so much Cyninja, I really appreciate it!

> I will look into it since I am still searching for the build that fits me the most, I liked some previous advices for open world (here and in game) but more is always welcome. I am really enjoying mesmer and all illusions game play, it is really fun. Just bad I didnt find out about it before.


> Btw, sorry for any rustic response -.- <3



No offence taken. I can be a bit brash on the forums. A lot of new people flocking to mesmer (which is great), but some of the recent questions have been the same thing over and over again. Sometimes when you've answered 2-3 peoples questions only for the same one to come up a day later.... I do get it though, mesmer is quite complex in that regard and less straightforward, especially with Mirage out now.


Anyway good luck and don't let some jerks in fractals deter you from playing mesmer. Once mastered it is a very fun and challenging class. Most of us have a love-hate relationsship with the class which is still going strong after 5 years. XD

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