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Viewing ATs and streaming


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I don't care who watches with or without asking as long as they're not participating in said AT they are viewing.

I've played in 2 ATs since this feature has been implemented and BOTH times Olrun has spectated every single game of ours(without asking) when he was waiting for his queue while he was going to be our competition in the finals. Thats stupid. No one competing should have an unfair advantage like that especially when we're not allowed the same courtesy.

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> @OlrunTheBlade.1486 said:

> I'd advise your friend to stop harassing other players if she wants privacy. The last time I played against her, she was harassing my teammates and calling people names because we didn't go easy on them in an AT. On top of that, she's still harassing my friend. If she wants privacy, then maybe she should just calm down instead of sending stuff saying how she's crying and puking and stuff like this: https://imgur.com/03mfjow


This is the same Guardian that was unable to push me off far point in a 2v1 so resorted to abusing the pull into wall glitch during one of the ATs.


I can say with confidence that no one in this game could possibly gain anything by viewing his/her game play, unless they want to learn how to repeatedly fail each AT. So Privacy is probably a step in the right direction for this special snowflake.

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I do agree that if you're entering the tourney, you shouldn't be able to spectate the opposition. As for observers not being able to talk in map chat, you realize everyone has the right to turn off map chat. Otherwise there is no way to ask for permission at all to shoutcast, spectate, etc. If this honestly bothers you, then that's some personal insecurity issues. The game doesn't revolve around 1 person or your feelings, meaning everyone has different viewpoints. For builds mostly of it is meta builds, which you can indeed find on meta battle. In the end, it doesn't matter if you know the builds. You still have to utilize better rotations, decision making, and outplay the opposite team better. Again this is more towards "higher" tier play or even at a decent tier. Just b/c someone has access to to something "new" or better, doesn't mean it's efforts are wasted. I'm pretty sure someone has made nearly the same build, but with different variant. There isn't much build diversity through the years anyway, people will mostly end up running the same thing. Find something new for it to work in some scenarios, but where it matters the most you find out it's mostly ineffective. There is unranked to have "fun" in. But when you come into Ranked or AT's, there isn't any room to complain when you're using an off meta build. I do agree it should have been publicly announced. But the tools were specifically towards current shoutcasters/partners, if it was made public for everyone then that's when they should have publicly announced it. It''s one of those things if it's not tools for the public, then they wont' announce it. Same with specific partner benefits, because they don't announce that to the public its NDA. We again as the people who have these tools, have no say. It is what it is.

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Yeah, it's not really something I plan to keep doing. I noticed I had access to it as the tournament started, so I was messing with it. I was even whispering your teammates and talking about it with them. I just didn't feel like responding to your incessant curses and insults in map chat and whispers. Maybe spamming "trashcan fatboy" at me isn't the best way to communicate. Just a thought.

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> @NotoriousNaru.1705 said:

> I don't care who watches with or without asking as long as they're not participating in said AT they are viewing.

> I've played in 2 ATs since this feature has been implemented and BOTH times Olrun has spectated every single game of ours(without asking) when he was waiting for his queue while he was going to be our competition in the finals. Thats stupid. No one competing should have an unfair advantage like that especially when we're not allowed the same courtesy.


This is the only valid complain here.

If you want privacy, you shouldn't be participating in public tournaments.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

We are investigating putting in a code solution for restricting the spectate options from anyone who is registered for that tournament. In the mean time, I'd ask any partners to not spectate any tournament that you are also a participant in.


I also agree, we likely should have had an announcement around it. As Marvin noted, we normally do not do mass announcements around partner tools. But in this case, since use of the tool is very visible to rest of the populace, we should have treated it differently.

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> @itsbadcompany.7893 said:

> 1. @OlrunTheBlade.1486, you were not told the truth. You can see from my screencap that he did a lot more than just say hi, and this typing did disrupt players, their concentration, and the match. Notice I have not included any whispered chat, as that in my opinion should be respected as being private.


> https://imgur.com/a/zlRQq


> 2. You will also notice that no permission was asked, and no permission was given.


> 3. The point of shoutcasting is to grow the PvP scene supposedly - but what has happened is that some players have been upset, and have been put off playing in Tournaments.


> 4. Choice and consideration need to be shown to Tournament entrants, and being streamed or shoutcasted should not be forced on them. Some players just want to play, and not be observed or broadcast (and judged, humiliated and trolled for their build, lack of skill etc).


Olrun, the peeping tom strikes again xd


oh yeah new meme:

-From Love Pure

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We are investigating putting in a code solution for restricting the spectate options from anyone who is registered for that tournament. In the mean time, I'd ask any partners to not spectate any tournament that you are also a participant in.


> I also agree, we likely should have had an announcement around it. As Marvin noted, we normally do not do mass announcements around partner tools. But in this case, since use of the tool is very visible to rest of the populace, we should have treated it differently.


maybe you should work on a new gamemode instead.

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I hope spectate becomes a public feature. I don't think pros should be able to hide builds, that's what's expected in every other competitive game. That would be the best way to establish a metagame, by seeing what the top players are using with a big prize on the line. Good players can and should be able to adapt to spectating.


The tournament streams like Jebros are really entertaining, I'd like to just spectate games myself too.

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> @Deathok.2914 said:

> I just don't get why it isn't available for everyone just like in GW1.. It doesn't make sense it worked perfectly well in GW1.

> Why is it so hard to implement that in GW2?

> Privacy is not an issue.


Limited space for players in Arenas, technology imposed spectator limits

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