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Necro (Scourge) looking for WvW guild (EU-server)


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Im looking for a WvW guild (EU server). I played in a few semi-hardcore WvW guilds as Necro (Scourge atm).

But recently i can only raid on wednesdays due to work.


My previous guild wants at least two raids a week. Therefor i left it.


If someone has any suggestions to a good WvW guild that requires at least one raid and runs on wednesday then you would make me verry happy :-)

Hope i posted i right though XD


Servertransfer is no problem

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Hello! We're not a main WvW guild but we do have several raids a week. I'll copy paste you our guild info below :)


If you're looking for a familiar guild (PvX) where you actually feel like a part of it, keep reading!


We're a small community (currently 50 people, we all know each other very well) and created a guild about a week ago.


We're a small, active and cozy guild. We do not plan to be a huge guild where faces will get lost in the crowd. Everyone is getting along very well, we spend time together and are supporting each other. We are looking for people who appreciate the same thing and look for a small and familiar place where you get to know the people and eventually win some friends.


We don't just talk in game with eachother, we have a very chatty and active discord where people talk to each other the whole day. We do lots of activities within the game and also are there for each other.


Currently we're working on the guild hall upgrades (lvl 10 atm) and we're looking for people which would also be ready to pitch in and build with us a community which will last and which we can be proud of when we finally reached our aim.


We want everyone to be happy and try to do our part in that. We're part of an alliance with 2 other guilds, which we have daily events with. Those events rotate weekly, so we have a lot of guild activities too. We're still working on certain schedules and planning events, certain things have to be determined (training PvE raids for instance) still.


Current Event schedule (we do stuff apart from these things, these are simply scheduled):


- Monday: HoT Map Meta (changes weekly)

- Tuesday: PoF Map Meta (changes weekly)

- Wednesday: Teq & WvW Raid

- Thursday: PoF map Bounties (changes weekly)

- Friday: WvW raid

- Saturday: to be determined

- Sunday: WvW raid


If you're interested in a chatty, chill guild and also are happy pitching in, then message me on discord: Midna Le Fay#6535, ingame katkota. 7956 or simply type below if you're interested.


If there are any questions, feel free to ask!


Much love



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