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What are your Hopes for the Coming Mesmer Changes

K THEN.5162

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Ambush attacks need to be looked at for sure. As to buffing scepter, I honestly like it as a heavy hitting single target weapon, but I agree that it doesn't always hit as heavily as it should considering its a single target weapon. Some changes to that aspect would be nice, but overall I don't think its the weapon that needs the most work (that would be GS or Staff just due to them having 5 skills each)

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Focusing on PvE-only, PvP is its own beast and any changes here wouldn't factor in how other classes are being balanced for the next season.

- Boost personal and shatter damage. Phantasm builds are a good learning build, should not be meta.

- Boost ambush damage across the board. Considering what we have to sacrifice for it, there should be no situation in which an ambush is a damage loss over the standard autoattack. It's not a shatter.

- Infinite Horizon merged with minor. Mirage is pointless without it.

- I'd love to see some buffs to our less used weapons. History indicates this is an "either-or" situation though, and I'd rather not have another half a year of "scepter auto-attack speed increased by 5%".

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> Ambush attacks need to be looked at for sure. As to buffing scepter, I honestly like it as a heavy hitting single target weapon, but I agree that it doesn't always hit as heavily as it should considering its a single target weapon. Some changes to that aspect would be nice, but overall I don't think its the weapon that needs the most work (that would be GS or Staff just due to them having 5 skills each)


Honestly, each of these weapons ought to be looked at. Staff needs buffs (especially in pve) to its AA & iWarlock (maybe give it some condi component to make it hybrid), and skill 4 rework. Chaos Storm could use some love too, maybe not shorter cd, but I'd really appreciate more control over its interrupt aspect. GS is okayish in PvP as far as I'm concerned, but it's underwhelming in Pve, the dps needs serious buffs (skill 3 is very poor, too). Scepter is decent for duelling, but outside of that it just feels totally awful. It is a 99% single target weapon. Either give it some aoe or make it a single target king, because right now it fails at both (it also has the worst animations and visuals out of all mesmer's weapons).

And yeah, I agree that ambushes are underperforming, especially in PvE imo.



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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> Ambush attacks need to be looked at for sure. As to buffing scepter, I honestly like it as a heavy hitting single target weapon, but I agree that it doesn't always hit as heavily as it should considering its a single target weapon. Some changes to that aspect would be nice, but overall I don't think its the weapon that needs the most work (that would be GS or Staff just due to them having 5 skills each)


I'm happy for sceptre to be a single target weapon, but it needs to pull ahead of the other options for single target then.

Staff could use a buff on Chaos Storm (maybe PvE only?) and I think we've always been a bit disappointed with #4 since Chaos Armour got an ICD on procs.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/862/small-staff-rework-suggestion#latest


> If you guys want to look at what others think about buffing staff. The general consensus is that the AA needs to be faster, both the attack and projectile speed, and that chaos storm and chaos armor need some love


While I think for the most part staff does play a good role in this game for mes, I think it would be nice if chaos armor provided resistance as one of the possible random boons, even if it was for a short duration.

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> @Xstein.2187 said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/862/small-staff-rework-suggestion#latest

> >

> > If you guys want to look at what others think about buffing staff. The general consensus is that the AA needs to be faster, both the attack and projectile speed, and that chaos storm and chaos armor need some love


> While I think for the most part staff does play a good role in this game for mes, I think it would be nice if chaos armor provided resistance as one of the possible random boons, even if it was for a short duration.


no we don't want more resistance source in gw2 unless it gets nerfed .

some self alacrity . or self condi dmg increase buff would be nice


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> @musu.9205 said:

> > @Xstein.2187 said:

> > > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/862/small-staff-rework-suggestion#latest

> > >

> > > If you guys want to look at what others think about buffing staff. The general consensus is that the AA needs to be faster, both the attack and projectile speed, and that chaos storm and chaos armor need some love

> >

> > While I think for the most part staff does play a good role in this game for mes, I think it would be nice if chaos armor provided resistance as one of the possible random boons, even if it was for a short duration.


> no we don't want more resistance source in gw2 unless it gets nerfed .

> some self alacrity . or self condi dmg increase buff would be nice



Yes, because Temporal Enchanter gives mesmers access to waaaay too much resistance.

Mesmer balance doesn't equal overall game balance.

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Staff: Better Attack Speed with skill 1, faster projectile speed with 1 and lower aftercast - delay from 1.


Greatsword: Better Dmg in Low Range, and more aoe (maybe reduce the CD from 3 and a little bit more dmg....

annnd maybe you can remove 1 condi from yourself when you using this skill). <3


Sword: Faster Attack Speed with 1, moving while casting sword 2, and changing skill 3 since it fails 2 of 4 times (not the range, i know about the red line under the skill), it fails because there are some little height differences on the ground) maybe change it to throw an illusionary sword....(effect and dmg still the same)...or use the ammo-system on skill 3 with throwing a sword...


Healing Mantra: Give us more Heal with it, compared to other Heals it is really low and we still need to cast it....ok we can use it instant after we cast it....

but we still have a high cast time....


Mantras (all): Give us back our third charge, since you removed the trait you should give us that....


Yeah, thats all.... :)

I am happy with my mesmer but i still hope for some changes. :)

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> @Xstein.2187 said:

> > @musu.9205 said:

> > > @Xstein.2187 said:

> > > > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/862/small-staff-rework-suggestion#latest

> > > >

> > > > If you guys want to look at what others think about buffing staff. The general consensus is that the AA needs to be faster, both the attack and projectile speed, and that chaos storm and chaos armor need some love

> > >

> > > While I think for the most part staff does play a good role in this game for mes, I think it would be nice if chaos armor provided resistance as one of the possible random boons, even if it was for a short duration.

> >

> > no we don't want more resistance source in gw2 unless it gets nerfed .

> > some self alacrity . or self condi dmg increase buff would be nice

> >


> Yes, because Temporal Enchanter gives mesmers access to waaaay too much resistance.

> Mesmer balance doesn't equal overall game balance.


He has a good point. Resistance in its current form is entirely too powerful of a boon, and needs to be nerfed hard. I cannot agree with increasing access to it at all, on any class, until it is brought in line with other boons.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> > @Xstein.2187 said:

> > > @musu.9205 said:

> > > > @Xstein.2187 said:

> > > > > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/862/small-staff-rework-suggestion#latest

> > > > >

> > > > > If you guys want to look at what others think about buffing staff. The general consensus is that the AA needs to be faster, both the attack and projectile speed, and that chaos storm and chaos armor need some love

> > > >

> > > > While I think for the most part staff does play a good role in this game for mes, I think it would be nice if chaos armor provided resistance as one of the possible random boons, even if it was for a short duration.

> > >

> > > no we don't want more resistance source in gw2 unless it gets nerfed .

> > > some self alacrity . or self condi dmg increase buff would be nice

> > >

> >

> > Yes, because Temporal Enchanter gives mesmers access to waaaay too much resistance.

> > Mesmer balance doesn't equal overall game balance.


> He has a good point. Resistance in its current form is entirely too powerful of a boon, and needs to be nerfed hard. I cannot agree with increasing access to it at all, on any class, until it is brought in line with other boons.


I agree, it needs to be brought down to 33% like protection. However, at the same time I can't say the game is balanced when some classes have way more access to resistance than others. I believe these are both major problems. Would a 25% chance at getting 1 sec of resistance every second while you have chaos armor be that op? What about 1/2 sec of resistance? What is even more of a problem in my opinion is cleanse being the only widely accessible way to deal with long duration condis.

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It doesn't even have to be brought down that far as long as it no longer provides immunity from control/secondary effects along with any sort of damage reduction. It needs to be either immunity to secondary effects or partial damage reduction (even if it is up to ~66%), but it absolutely cannot provide both. And as long as it does, I cannot support the notion to add more resistance to any class in the game, period.

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I just stated condi damage reduction to 33% because it would bring it line with protection.

I would kinda have to disagree. Best balance case scenario for me (if resistance didn't get changed) would be significantly diluting it out between skills. For example, instead of having a skill that gives 2 sec of resistance, divide it between two skills that give 1 sec of resistance. Whatever the case, even if resistance doesn't get changed, I don't believe the best scenario is just to leave everything like it is.

Edit: I know I'm getting a little of topic, but oh well its just a discussion anyway.

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> @"K THEN.5162" said:

> Hi there my Mesmer brethren, with the approaching balance patch what changes do you want to see done to the Mesmer class?


> As a PU power main, my biased hopes are...

> - Projectile reflect on Mass Invisibility no longer revealing

> - Sword 3 range increased from 600 to 900

> - GS 3 having more utility than just removing a boon


Reading suggestions such as these, I can't help but be flabbergasted that many players seem to want ANet to essentially waste time on such detail, minute, changes. This isn't meant to be a personal attack, K THEN, not at all really, just feels like I have a very different idea of what classes need to be balanced.


For one, I see massive **design** issues with many classes. For Mesmer there's the general clone vs phantasm vs shatter issue, as an example.


Hence, what I would like them to do is changes where entire class bars get replaced, skill *types* removed, skills completely reworked, trait lines replaced entirely, such things. I don't feel number changes and small mechanical adjustments are sensible. They might lead to a local maximum of balance but we'd be standing on a tiny hill of balance surrounded by vast mountains which we cannot reach because no one ever dared to cross the valley (that is, intentionally make things worse with massive class reworks).


I know this is incredibly unrealistic though. Because the slow cadence and small scope of the patches we get indicates a lack of manpower to me, and proper design reviews and reworks would require quite a lot of that. If management doesn't want to pay for balancing, then well, we get what they usually do. :disappointed: Which doesn't mean the changes we get are bad, they just aren't much more than a drop in an ocean.

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> @Carighan.6758 said:


> Reading suggestions such as these, I can't help but be flabbergasted that many players seem to want ANet to essentially waste time on such detail, minute, changes. This isn't meant to be a personal attack, K THEN, not at all really, just feels like I have a very different idea of what classes need to be balanced.


> For one, I see massive **design** issues with many classes. For Mesmer there's the general clone vs phantasm vs shatter issue, as an example.


> Hence, what I would like them to do is changes where entire class bars get replaced, skill *types* removed, skills completely reworked, trait lines replaced entirely, such things. I don't feel number changes and small mechanical adjustments are sensible. They might lead to a local maximum of balance but we'd be standing on a tiny hill of balance surrounded by vast mountains which we cannot reach because no one ever dared to cross the valley (that is, intentionally make things worse with massive class reworks).


> I know this is incredibly unrealistic though. Because the slow cadence and small scope of the patches we get indicates a lack of manpower to me, and proper design reviews and reworks would require quite a lot of that. If management doesn't want to pay for balancing, then well, we get what they usually do. :disappointed: Which doesn't mean the changes we get are bad, they just aren't much more than a drop in an ocean.


Thanks for the reply, although the changes I listed are biased hopes that would increase my personal enjoyment of the class (not for its overall class balance), I never expect nor demand these changes to be made. They're simply changes that I only hope would be implemented one day.


While I do agree that 9 times out of 10 the balance patches mostly consist of a 5% damage shave here or a 2% buff to some random auto attack with nothing really standing out, requesting full reworks and deleting/revamping skills completely is quite a feat even for the sake of balance. Even with there being many downright oppressive skills and traits (I'm looking at you defy pain @_@), I believe anet should work with what they have whether that is balanced or not because unlike the reworks you want, those skills are already in the game and it would take a lot of work that rivals the creation of elite specs (with no company profit gain) to completely change some underwhelming weapons/utilities

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hmm I'm not entirely sure about the daze when no boon, currently every class fart out boons faster than shattered concentration can strip and "no boon" is actually a big feat. Heck even daredevil has extremely high swiftness uptime on them. Only class that doesn't have consistent boon is meta inspi/illu/chrono. I'd say strip 2 boons and daze if you manage to strip 2 boons, could make GS3 actually decent especially on foes with stability.


Other than that there are a bunch of traits that need to be work on for both elite specs and core mesmer. But I'm not expecting anything nowadays. And if they're prioritizing PvE they should at least give some traits that benefit phantasm in mirage line.

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While I sure some would disagree I would personally love mirrors to be a system that we could build up and use at will with it not being tied to the dodge. So mirage mirrors wouldn't activate the blur/immunity portion anymore but it would activate the ambush skills. While our dodge skill would still give us the blur/immunity effects and still providing the superspeed . Would turn mirage mirrors into or f5 skill with 2 charges total that recharge over the course 10 seconds per charge or something. Then utilities that create mirrors would simply recharge a mirage mirror off its normal cd cycle.


Would also love a fix for axe 2 clone destroying phants and make the animation faster. Another improvement would be a change to staffs ambush skills targeting and projectile speed.

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> @Panda.1967 said:

> * Mantras 3rd charge returned

> * Reduced recharge rate on mantras (still longer than CDs, just not 2x CD... 1.5x would be better... 5s for Mantra of Pain)

> * Break targeting on Staff 2 Phase Retreat

> * Staff 4 Chaos Armor reworked to actually be usefull

> * Illusions to finally get reworked to not be a completely convoluted and confused class mechanic. (I.E. Short duration Phantasms, only shatter clones, illusions persist after target death, phantasms not counted to 3 illusion limit)

> * Ineptitude fixed to actually apply the stated 2 stacks of Confusion when blindness is applied by a shatter skill

> * Alacrity added to Time Warp

> * Menders Purity restored to removing 2 conditions, LIKE EVERY OTHER CLASS WITH A SIMILAR TRAIT!!!


> Just all around FIXING THE kitten CORE CLASS FOR ONCE!


This. 100%.


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I think mostly I want the core class to finally get fixed, get a proper identity and **please** resolve this more and more annoying clones-vs-phantasms-vs-shatters situation. :<


My take on the latter would still be:


* Make Phantasms occupy a fourth, separate, illusion slot. You can only have one at a time.

* Phantasms rebalanced to accomodate for this: Attacks keep their strength but most of the delay between attacks is removed to roughly keep 75%-90% of the current output.

* In return, clones do nothing now. They don't even apply conditions, though they visibly use the AA chain.

* Shatter skills will not use a Phantasm as long as even one clone is available. Only if there are none will the Phantasm be shattered which has the effect of a 3-clone shatter.

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> @Carighan.6758 said:

> I think mostly I want the core class to finally get fixed, get a proper identity and **please** resolve this more and more annoying clones-vs-phantasms-vs-shatters situation. :<


> My take on the latter would still be:


> * Make Phantasms occupy a fourth, separate, illusion slot. You can only have one at a time.

> * Phantasms rebalanced to accomodate for this: Attacks keep their strength but most of the delay between attacks is removed to roughly keep 75%-90% of the current output.

> * In return, clones do nothing now. They don't even apply conditions, though they visibly use the AA chain.

> * Shatter skills will not use a Phantasm as long as even one clone is available. Only if there are none will the Phantasm be shattered which has the effect of a 3-clone shatter.


I've seen a lot of Phantasm vs Clones vs Shatters fixes but we're already 5 years down the line, and we see no progress towards that. At this point, it would be much of a hassle and would anger some parts of the playerbase that actually likes the whole Shatter vs Illusions mechanics. You're preaching to the choir, at best if they really want it to be fixed and go away from the playstyle, it will be an elite spec.

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> @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

> I've seen a lot of Phantasm vs Clones vs Shatters fixes but we're already 5 years down the line, and we see no progress towards that. At this point, it would be much of a hassle and would anger some parts of the playerbase that actually likes the whole Shatter vs Illusions mechanics. You're preaching to the choir, at best if they really want it to be fixed and go away from the playstyle, it will be an elite spec.


True, although if anything then multiple of the PoF specs like Scourge, Mirage and Holosmith have shown that ANet seems to be creatively bankrupt on elite spec transformative design, too. :cry:


It's such a huge shame for the game that the design process seems to be entirely based on accretion, never going back and fixing things instead of stapling stronger things on top to try supercede the old stuff.

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