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[SUGGESTION]New titles for WvW, Thief Killer, Necro Killer, Ranger killer, etc...


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WvW doesn't need more titles..


WvW needs a third unique Borderline Map

WvW needs a fundamental gameplay redesign based on Factions to fix the populations issues, which never will be solvable with a Server/World System. It needs a server shared Faction System, where multiple servers of different time zones can work together under the Banner of a shared Faction to combat together other multiple servers of various time zones against an other shared Faction

WvW needs more Character Progression in form of class based WvW Rank Skills, so that all those 10000 Ranks you can earn become actualyl finalyl more meaningful and useful for you, to give your Character in WvW a better feeling of progression. Progression which currently has stopped for multipel years at like 1350 around ranks or so, and from that point on it has become so far meaningless to gain any further WvW Ranks and collect more Rank Point,s which you can't use for anything!! There are peopel out there with multiple thousands of Rank Poiunts already, that they can#t use, because the game offers no content for those Points to use them on.

Thats really sad and just showes us, how much Anet negclected WvW as Game Mode over the last 4 years

WvW needs rebalanced own Skills for each Classs, so that Skill Balance Patches which change anythign on the Skills can#t possitively, nor negatively influence anymore WvW, if all Classes would have in WvW their complete own Skills and Traits, that are designed and balanced around this own game Mode.

Sure, playing a Thief with this would feel then compoletely different, like playing one in pvP or PvE, but people will adapt to this quickly.

Giving all Classes their very own unique WvW Skills would help anet also too to give all classes better defined "Roles" for WvW which define better, how you should play each class in WvW and it could help also in splittign up the players, more, so that this eternal zerging finally stops

WvW needs to receive more strategetical and tactical gameplay elements to force players to split up more into smaller groups, like splittign up Supply into multiple different important ressources, like Food, Water, Wood, Ore, Energy Crystals and the like, so that is more important to ensure, that you have from all those ressources enough. Beign everythign just only "Supply" made WvW too simple minded and is one of the reasons, why the game mode turned into such a mind numbing zerg fest, that is is since release of the game...

WvW needs better and more interesting unique Reward Tracks, not just copies of PvP Reward Tracks, where you earn exactly the same stuff from, but just slower as if you'd play PvP, where you progress in the reward tracks faster, because PvP games are simply made quicke,r than the ticker of a WvW match that lets you only progress slowly every few minutes continously on the reward track, which is also a reason why AFKing has become a problem in WvW and Queuing, because peopel dont log off instantly, they block off due to this bad designed reward track system the joining of others, as longt they can earn passively while afking progress on the tracks, forcign this way others to wait longer, until they can join the maps, which want to actually participate and help they servers actively and not just leech for some minutes afk reward track progress after having juts zerged long enough to reach the maximum point progress per reward point trigger threshold you can get, until it becomes lesser again for afking too long


could surely list up some points more, but what I essentially want to say only here is, that WvW absolutely has way more important problems right now, than too less titles ...

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I don't agree with all of the above post specifically, but I do agree that as an open world pvp mode, WvW needs a lot of love to make it feel like something other than an attempt to make players feel like they're playing a strategic siege metagame without actually having a strategic siege metagame.


Until WvW stops rewarding players more efficiently for avoiding enemy forces than engaging them, and starts rewarding holding territory more than intentionally losing it and taking it back when the attacker leaves, every other change to the mode is still just putting lipstick on a pig.


But hey, every time Anet tries to make solid design improvements there its community riots.

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