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One last time


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One last time I would like to sincerely beg Anet to make their currently amazing game even better and more appealing by implementing arenas.



I know 2v2 arena currently exists, but it is basically a non existent game mode. Doesn't even have its own forum thread.


I have played wow 3v3 arena for years, and the game mode is unique to it. There is something amazingly addictive and fun about putting together a team of 3 and fighting another team; not dictated by a circle, but rather total elimination. I've played both WoW and gw2 for a while now, and I am NOT trying to make this a "make guild wars more like wow" post, but rather point out that 3v3 arena has the potential to be another amazing part of the game.


Maps don't even have to be sophisticated; actually, the simpler the better. Not many are required too; maybe 3 or 4 to start, with new ones being added down the road?


The important thing is a ladder system; an easy mmr + point gain system for winners resulting in rating would draw in so many people, and keep them in due to how competitive it is. Easier to balance around 3v3 too rather than 5v5+map rotation gimmicks etc.



Plz Anet, even just a 3v3 map at this point would be amazing. It is my wet dream and thinking about 3v3 arena in guild wars 2 makes me moist every day.


I say this because sPvP does not appeal to me as much. And also because I feel so bored and stressed having to run around wvw just for the POSSIBILITY to find a good fight. SPvP is objective centered, and wvw doesn't have to means to actively satisfy the continuous pvp experience that to me, is what the survival of pvp hinges on. Look at League of legends, over watch, pubg, starcraft. All the most popular games are non stop back to back action. In guild wars, as AMAZING as the game is, the game lacks that "pure competitive pvp spark".


And thank you for the amazing game; I am buying a lot of stuff from gem store to support you ^_^.


All criticism/opinions would be appreciated and welcome. I know some people wouldn't like 3v3 but it couldn't hurt to develop a simple arena system and throw it in game... right? T_T

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Like imagine queuing up for 3v3 arena as a team, going over strategies, builds in comms and not knowing what you will fight; whether the enemy team will be condo heavy or power based; whether they will try to burst someone down or bunker tank you and whittle you down piece by piece till you can't stand.


Hurgh so moist. For now I will just stick to wvw roaming and continue getting run over by 7000 people zeros or a spell breaker that is basically 10 classes in 1 T_T.

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> @Abelisk.4527 said:

> Conquest is 50/50 fighting players and capturing points. There's still strategy involved. Comms are used a lot.


> But I do agree new game modes need to exist.


Conq has no strategy required. Run a map with 2 good teefs on a team vs a team with none and gg. Conq isn't strategy based game that's why ESL failed so badly with gw2 currently. When you make a game mode about speed then make a un godlike speedster (compared to a no speed boost at all player) then it can't go anywhere. Conq never has really been a strategy game hell stronghold is more strategic then conq. You have offense middle and defense not to mention treb, not 3 little circles to dance around.


3v3 tdm or 4v4 would be epic. 5v5 would be much for pvp unless you made the power ups on the maps far apart and well worth it. Circle dancing was boring after 3 months into guild wars 2 launch. My main gw2 start toon was a teef with my name. Got bored of ez pvp wins and moved on to other toons.

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> Back when Courtyard was added, everyone hated it. It's not even on the unranked rotation anymore because people who play the PvP in this game seen to simply hate Deathmatch and made Arena Net completely remove it.


> I don't see Deathmatch becoming a thing in GW2.


Courtyard was a half finished project that still had the same respawn timers, and game duration as conquest with no effort involved with the rules surrounding it other than the map, literally. Go play baseball in a swimming pool and let me know how well it turns out for you.

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> @Trigr.6481 said:

> > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > Back when Courtyard was added, everyone hated it. It's not even on the unranked rotation anymore because people who play the PvP in this game seen to simply hate Deathmatch and made Arena Net completely remove it.

> >

> > I don't see Deathmatch becoming a thing in GW2.


> Go play baseball in a swimming pool and let me know how well it turns out for you.


Aaaaaand you made my day XDDDD

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @Trigr.6481 said:

> > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > Back when Courtyard was added, everyone hated it. It's not even on the unranked rotation anymore because people who play the PvP in this game seen to simply hate Deathmatch and made Arena Net completely remove it.

> > >

> > > I don't see Deathmatch becoming a thing in GW2.

> >

> > Go play baseball in a swimming pool and let me know how well it turns out for you.


> Aaaaaand you made my day XDDDD


Same here too. :lol: But you have to admit, he is 100% correct.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > @Trigr.6481 said:

> > > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > > Back when Courtyard was added, everyone hated it. It's not even on the unranked rotation anymore because people who play the PvP in this game seen to simply hate Deathmatch and made Arena Net completely remove it.

> > > >

> > > > I don't see Deathmatch becoming a thing in GW2.

> > >

> > > Go play baseball in a swimming pool and let me know how well it turns out for you.

> >

> > Aaaaaand you made my day XDDDD


> Same here too. :lol: But you have to admit, he is 100% correct.


thats why the joke is even more funny XDDD

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> @Trigr.6481 said:

> > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > Back when Courtyard was added, everyone hated it. It's not even on the unranked rotation anymore because people who play the PvP in this game seen to simply hate Deathmatch and made Arena Net completely remove it.

> >

> > I don't see Deathmatch becoming a thing in GW2.


> Courtyard was a half finished project that still had the same respawn timers, and game duration as conquest with no effort involved with the rules surrounding it other than the map, literally. Go play baseball in a swimming pool and let me know how well it turns out for you.


You are right. Courtyard wasn't perfect. But I'm pretty sure it was a test to try introduce Deathmatch to the game, and it was pretty ill received by the majority of people.


Funny enough the complaints I used to see about Courtyard weren't actually about the respawns or the game duration, but about "How the map was meant for zerging" (Since when 5 people are zergs?), "How it was bad for fights oposed to conquest" (Wut?) and "How this map was made to appeal WvW players who cannot play conquest for shit" (This one made me fall off my chair the first day I read it).

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Thing is, they implemented/dropped in the 2v2 map and didn't give us a queue for it. WHERE IS THE LOGIC? Seriously, what was the point of that? Do they expect players to go to HoTM or use the LFG: 2 players LOOKING FOR 2 other players to fight. Come on... what is this shit...

Edit: constructive part: give us an unranked 2v2 queue & add a daily 2v2 match win. There we go, that wasn't so hard and will keep a lot of players interested for quite some time. EZ.

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> @Trigr.6481 said:

> > @Griever.8150 said:

> > You guys really don't know what you're asking for lol. The MMO genre is absolutely not built for Deathmatch gameplay.


> https://go.twitch.tv/videos/186465492


> Tell that to wow, they recently had a 3v3 tournament with 24k viewers.





That's one of my characters. Been there done that. WoW tournaments have viewers because they have a Blizzard-Money fed hypemachine behind them, not because the gameplay is good, specially not in Legion. WoW Arena died with Mists of Pandaria.


And even then, it was still an utter balance mess, even when it was in its prime.


I stand by my opinion, MMO isn't a genre meant for Deathmatch gameplay. I'd be actually curious to see what this game would be if it had Blizzard money/fanboys behind it. Or even better, if instead of introducing Arena, Blizzard actually worked on Rated Battlegrounds from the beginning and actually paid attention to them instead of leaving them to rot post-Cataclysm.


Edit : Some quality Legion gameplay footage as a bonus, keep in mind this European Regionals at gamescom, so at a pro level. Death Match game ended in 15 seconds flat.



Mind you, if games at a pro level don't look like that, you get the complete reverse scenario of every team being Lock/Rsham/X caster cleaves running around pillars for 15 minute every game until someone finally runs out of mana or dampening kicks high enough.


For your viewing pleasure, Blizzcon 2014's Grand Final !



This is why Deathmatch doesn't work for MMOs, if you pace it too fast, it feels cheesy, if you pace it too slow, people stop playing to win and start playing to not lose (i hope i don't have to explain the difference between both mindsets), managing to nail a balance between both in an MMO setting is incredibly hard to achieve, Blizzard only managed to do so during very specific patches about 3 times or so in the 10 years that WoW arena has been a thing (namely Season 8, Season 10 and Season 15 if you take out of account Lock/Shaman teams).


While in objective focused game modes, you can keep the game fast paced since a single death doesn't make or break a game most of the time.

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> @Griever.8150 said:

> You guys really don't know what you're asking for lol. The MMO genre is absolutely not built for Deathmatch gameplay.


gw1 really defies the law of mmos if thats the case. gw1 made me have a sad feeling when a game didnt have arenas. it made it not only seem to be a feature but a staple to mmos from my point of view. A must have or be inferior.

maybe it doesnt work well in wow or for the wow clones but wow is inferior to gw1 pvp ;). wow clones like rift had bad support which is not as good as a monk in arenas its just inferior in gameplay.



Looking up a video I seen many people I remember in some of these vids. I'll just choose this one for now its not that interesting but does go back and fourth as to whose dieing.


For every wow failure I raise you a gw1 success story.


> This is why Deathmatch doesn't work for MMOs, if you pace it too fast, it feels cheesy, if you pace it too slow, people stop playing to win and start playing to not lose (i hope i don't have to explain the difference between both mindsets), managing to nail a balance between both in an MMO setting is incredibly hard to achieve


Anets more than capable if they choose to go that route they seem to have chosen a different path... They balanced 8v8 and 4v4 at the same time with the same set of skills both tdm. They can manage one version of tdm alone if they wanted to. Please note it takes a monk to achieve this kind of balance. However I heard one of the main guys from gw1 left during the making of gw2 I have a feeling its the guy that made the mesmer.


> @Razor.6392 said:

> I heard compelling arguments on why TDM would be just as bad with meta builds and the so called toxicity.

Some things I wouldnt like in my tdm however firebrand does give hope to the format.

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