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Suggestion for DC's, Leaver, ect... 4 v 5 motivation


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Sometimes players get disconnected at no fault of their own, but sometimes players leave of their own accord(rage quit), or perhaps mom turned off the router...who knows.

But sometimes 4 players have to face off against 5 players, and many times they just give up. The game can become a brawl/slaughter at the spawn point.

Sometimes though, you get some players that can overcome the odds and defeat their foes, but even if they don't win, they try hard and push the other team to the limit.


These are the scenarios, and here are my suggestions:


* For the team of 4 after the "we are sure they are gone" countdown expires, they recieves a 15% damage bonus and 10% speed boost.


If not, how about this:

* If a team of 4 prevails against a team of 5, or are within 50 points of the final winning score they recieve 75% reward track bonus.

* The prevailing wins are counted towards an achievement (maybe 25 - 50 wins of this type), with the reward being a title "I prevailed"...or something like that.



What does this do? hopefully give slight incentive to stick it out and go all out regardless of odds....or maybe not.....


Any ideas? Help me out friends.

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> @Dyfinz.2348 said:

> Sometimes players get disconnected at no fault of their own, but sometimes players leave of their own accord(rage quit), or perhaps mom turned off the router...who knows.

> But sometimes 4 players have to face off against 5 players, and many times they just give up. The game can become a brawl/slaughter at the spawn point.

> Sometimes though, you get some players that can overcome the odds and defeat their foes, but even if they don't win, they try hard and push the other team to the limit.


> These are the scenarios, and here are my suggestions:


> * For the team of 4 after the "we are sure they are gone" countdown expires, they recieves a 15% damage bonus and 10% speed boost.


> If not, how about this:

> * If a team of 4 prevails against a team of 5, or are within 50 points of the final winning score they recieve 75% reward track bonus.

> * The prevailing wins are counted towards an achievement (maybe 25 - 50 wins of this type), with the reward being a title "I prevailed"...or something like that.



> What does this do? hopefully give slight incentive to stick it out and go all out regardless of odds....or maybe not.....


> Any ideas? Help me out friends.


Just implement a surrender button. No time wasted.

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> @sephiroth.4217 said:

> How about a working report feature?


> That might stop people from afk/rage quit if it meant they couldn't queue for a while


Thats a Myth like the monster from loch ness.Still see players who should be banned for intentional trowing games and going afk playing since last year not a single day banned.

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