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[PvP] Holosmith newbee - Looking for advice


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I recently started playing Holosmith in PvP (Zan's rifle build) and try to get it to work somehow. I never played classic engineer, only some matches as Scrapper when HoT came out so I have very little knowledge of the class itself. So far I can utilize the build's mobility to help my team by decapping and +1-ing, but when it comes to even fights - either 1v1 or group fights - I'm absolutely lost. I know I have to pratice my mechanics with the class/build a lot more, but I suppose I'm doing things simply wrong right now, like using the wrong skills for certain situatiuons or using them in a bad order.


My auto Elixir S usually procs way too soon into a fight, so I guess I'm playing too aggressively and don't care for positioning, dodging, cleansing enough. But at that point I usually still havent really pressured the opponents, which tells me that I'm just doing it wrong. Then once Elixir S runs out I'm usually dead 8 out of 10 times, only sometimes I can get away with Rocket boots. I tried to lay down a water field with Regenerating mist before using the boots for the blast finisher healing, but very often that little delay means I'm dead before I can make the distance. If I don't use the boots and try to just run/hide and heal up with Healing Turret I'm usually getting focussed down easily. And if I stealth up I'm still dying to AE and condis.


I could try to stay off point in teamfights to avoid getting pressured, but with 300/600 range of PF attacks and Blunderbuss/Jump Shot also requiring close range I don't see how I can be a threat to anyone without getting into melee at some point. And if I do conditions on me stack up so fast I can't really do any damage but have to start cleansing and leave the point asap.


Any advice on how to set up a burst, when to enter/leave PF, how to sustain when pressured (especially after Elixir S runs out) and matchups I should be looking for would be appreciated.






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