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Condition Soulbeast - PvE - High damage, efficient and fun build


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Hey I was looking around for a new profession to pick up for fractals and another HOT Playthrough and your build seem to check all boxes. One Question though.

for Open world i value mobility very highly and by that i dont mean just a high switfness uptime, but shortrange teleport skills and leaps.


From my limited Ranger knowledge i know that it can have incredible mobility but with the GS. From your own statement you almost never switch to D/D, would it make sense to equip a GS for exploration and just slot in Daggers for harder bossfights?

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I'm interested on a ranged build, and I have a few questions:


1) Don't you miss having a cleaving weapon sometimes? I understand traps are AoE, but on a high cooldown. Piercing also is good, but not an effective cleaving source. What you do against larged numbers?


2) Since you pretty much don't use dagger, what about another ranged weapon? Maybe axe for more bleeds? Or even a weird condi choice: longbow?


3) I have a mix of Rampager+Carrion gear. Can this work?

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> @Tankvieh.5796 said:

> Hey I was looking around for a new profession to pick up for fractals and another HOT Playthrough and your build seem to check all boxes. One Question though.

> for Open world i value mobility very highly and by that i dont mean just a high switfness uptime, but shortrange teleport skills and leaps.


> From my limited Ranger knowledge i know that it can have incredible mobility but with the GS. From your own statement you almost never switch to D/D, would it make sense to equip a GS for exploration and just slot in Daggers for harder bossfights?


I see no point in seeking mobility after we have mounts....

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> @leasm.1279 said:

> I'm interested on a ranged build, and I have a few questions:


> 1) Don't you miss having a cleaving weapon sometimes? I understand traps are AoE, but on a high cooldown. Piercing also is good, but not an effective cleaving source. What you do against larged numbers?


> 2) Since you pretty much don't use dagger, what about another ranged weapon? Maybe axe for more bleeds? Or even a weird condi choice: longbow?


> 3) I have a mix of Rampager+Carrion gear. Can this work?


1) Poison Volley is a decent "cleave" on short cooldown. There is also Primal Cry to help. In the OP I explain how to combo several skills for AoE burst damage.

2) I don't sympathize with the Axe style, but it could work. LB has no condition at all, and even with Sharpening Stone and Refined Toxins, its slow attack speed would not make for it. (maybe only to Rapid Fire with it and go back to SB).

3) Don't know if this can work for your purposes, but for my build, you need a lot of Expertise.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, so this post quickly went from "Hey, I found a fun way that enjoy playing" to a measuring contest simply because some wantabe elitists are convinced that "their" way is the only correct way.

Marcaum you keep playing any build you choose simply because you enjoy it. I find that commendable. I also play the game to enjoy it. NOT because I feel the need to measure my build as "better than yours" and can distinguish the difference between "worse" and "worst".

It's amazing that you simply tried to share something that you found worked very well for you and some people instantly turned it into "YOU'RE WRONG!! MY WAY IS BETTER THAN YOUR WAY!!!"

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i also love playing d/d, is like a less squishy version of what used to be d/d thief. i also share your view about torch, they are ugly, it was the main reason for me declining the "meta" of condi soulbeast.


however just a couple of months ago we got this "torch" skin on hallowen, i think you might like it if you decide to someday give torch another go https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Touch_of_Madness

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I am playing the SB condi stance share build but with some custom changes. So I can do decent damage and provide a little support to my group - I use this for fractals. I am loving it, currently my favorite fractal build - you can get it on the qty site I just changed to more stances and a couple trait changes.

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I have to admit, as much as I loved being a ranger and a druid, I'm having a RIDICULOUS amount of FUN playing as a soulbeast! They should have called it SoloBeast! Finally, my ranger has double daggers and she's cuttin' up all over the Crystal Desert! I have ascended gear on her but I need to upgrade it to the Viper (right now she's running with Occam's which has condition damage and power along with vitality so it's not the worst thing to have on her.) The build I'm running is fun and survivable but I'm always looking at the forums for ideas to try out.


Thank you Anet!!! <3

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  • 1 month later...

Soulbeast condi is Not too good dps,i have tested and no good slow dps,iam return to power,precision,ferocity,LB + GS is best for open world,wvw,frac 40,dungeons,condi soulbeast is only good maybe for raid,i not see more much players with SB,see more much with LB,condi is not good build for rangers,druid suck and soulbeast suck with condi.

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> @"Sanaosik.1573" said:

> Soulbeast condi is Not too good dps,i have tested and no good slow dps,iam return to power,precision,ferocity,LB + GS is best for open world,wvw,frac 40,dungeons,condi soulbeast is only good maybe for raid,i not see more much players with SB,see more much with LB,condi is not good build for rangers,druid suck and soulbeast suck with condi.


First of all, you use too much that kitten word s...k. Second, it is already proved that in PVE, condi build to more damage than power build, only for single target , maybe, just maybe power build do more damage, even usual mobs have more defensive skills vs direct damage and not vs condi damage.

So, I don't know why are you so ... let's say ... in rush with your words? In wvw yes, power build soulbeast is far better than condi build.


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> @"Sanaosik.1573" said:

> Soulbeast condi is Not too good dps,i have tested and no good slow dps,iam return to power,precision,ferocity,LB + GS is best for open world,wvw,frac 40,dungeons,condi soulbeast is only good maybe for raid,i not see more much players with SB,see more much with LB,condi is not good build for rangers,druid suck and soulbeast suck with condi.


Power over condi?

Condi is not good as a dps?


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I'm doing a bleed condi spec and things melt very fast. Much faster than any other class I played, even my Zerker P/P Daredevil spamming 3 all the time. The moment I got to 80, gave my old zerker gear to Ranger, changed it to Viper, put in Krait runes, shortbow has bursting/malice and my build is skirmishing, beast mastery and soulbeast. Sometimes I gotta use my Jaracanda to tank a champ I can't normally handle, but most times, I melt champs I meet up with unless they are universally considered hardmode.


I don't really do the "complete meta build" because it doesn't suit me. I prefer doing my own thing and sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. Honestly, I went condi for the shortbow because I own The Dreamer. Best reason to do that in my opinion and it worked out.

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Ah, I remember when this thread was new... ironically, even though OP liked the idea that this build wasn't meta, it's actually come a bit closer to meta now than it was when OP first opened this. With nerfs to bonfire, burning isn't quite the powerhouse for condi rangers that it used to be. Those changes finally freed me from feeling like I needed to take Quickdraw.


With stance share being a viable pve option, and with the upcoming pvp/wvw buff to Healing Spring, I feel like we have a lot more options now.


Currently running [this build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNEQNAoYVnE8Cd8idrA2sAs8iFDBLv62dDvNdgUXVjJAM6KdlMu5A-jRSAQBA4IAsudACo+gQq8zAPAgbqEMiq/ItTBgXWeAA-e "this build"). It gives 100% uptime on bleeding in shortbow, and 100% for poison on daggers. For soloing dungeons or open world stuff, I might replace Sharpening Stone with a stunbreaker (I find either Dolyak Stance or Quickening Zephyr work, with the latter offering some offensive use as well). The Jacaranda provides a safe healing margin on merge, while the Iboga on merge continues to be a great source of ranged condition application.



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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> Ah, I remember when this thread was new... ironically, even though OP liked the idea that this build wasn't meta, it's actually come a bit closer to meta now than it was when OP first opened this. With nerfs to bonfire, burning isn't quite the powerhouse for condi rangers that it used to be. Those changes finally freed me from feeling like I needed to take Quickdraw.


> With stance share being a viable pve option, and with the upcoming pvp/wvw buff to Healing Spring, I feel like we have a lot more options now.


> Currently running [this build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNEQNAoYVnE8Cd8idrA2sAs8iFDBLv62dDvNdgUXVjJAM6KdlMu5A-jRSAQBA4IAsudACo+gQq8zAPAgbqEMiq/ItTBgXWeAA-e "this build"). It gives 100% uptime on bleeding in shortbow, and 100% for poison on daggers. For soloing dungeons or open world stuff, I might replace Sharpening Stone with a stunbreaker (I find either Dolyak Stance or Quickening Zephyr work, with the latter offering some offensive use as well). The Jacaranda provides a safe healing margin on merge, while the Iboga on merge continues to be a great source of ranged condition application.




I'm a relatively new player, can you maybe help me understand the 'playstyle'?


Currently at LV 80 but still progressing through open world / map completion / personal story. I'm running Core Ranger* LB / GS. I usually engage at max range, keeping distance with my LB. Yes, sometimes I'm just using auto-attack, but so long as I dodge projectiles / red circles, I avoid damage.


Based on how I understand this build to work, weapon swapping is a huge boost to damage, so that means to max my DPS I must enter in melee range? I guess start with SB and advance into melee for the finisher?


How do you handle AoE packs with Shortbow? With my LB I have barrage and pierce.


How do you handle AoE packs with daggers? On my current build when I'm surrounded I switch to GS and can hit up 5 targets with Maul. I know the damage of GS isn't great but it seems to do the trick. How do you handle 4-5 mobs in melee range with this build?


Forgive the questions, but I've played with LB / GS since day 1, never having used the SB or other melee.


Also, all my current gear is Berserker. Can I still use this build in open world while I start changing over to +Condi gear or should I wait? I'm in the ruins of Orr region, and things are pretty tough already in my current build.




* I haven't unlocked either Elite spec yet as I don't know how I want to progress my character from here.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> * I haven't unlocked either Elite spec yet as I don't know how I want to progress my character from here.


yes you'll want to be in melee range when fighting champs or bosses. with trash mobs ior open world stuff it's not as necessary or with world bosses as the slight increase in dps may not be worth getting that close to some of them.


shortbow can peirce if you trait for it. The other trait options are numerically better for dps but i like peircing. i do switch that when raiding or in fractals for more dps


daggers cleave and the shortbow will peirce so packs of trash mobs still melt quickly, you may also have traps or bonfire for aoe.


you could use rabid gear as a replacement until you get Viper gear, vipers is the best condi set ranger has access to.


here's a vanilla ranger condi build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAV3fjMqQ7K2tC2sAVLGMEKOAW3S/PgnNn7OIYr6SGXKA-jhSAQBA4gAEQdDeZfgbqEsDHBAK8AACpyvIq+z6WYwAXAASBsoYL-e


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> I'm a relatively new player, can you maybe help me understand the 'playstyle'?



AoE packs with shortbow: with the Light on Your Feet trait, all 5 shortbow skills pierce. It becomes a matter of using shortbow 2 on cooldown, as well as positioning. Lead the Wind on LB has already shown you about lining up shots for piercing, so you should already know what I'm talking about here.


AoE packs with dagger: admittedly daggers are awful for this. Only the autoattack cleaves, and it only hits 2 targets. In the stance-sharing setup I linked, I only swap into daggers if there is some penalty for projectile use (either a block or reflect). If I need to AoE with daggers on, I'll have to depend on the Iboga and Jacaranda pets (both merged or unmerged) for more meaningful AoE.


Frankly AoE is not the strength of this particular build. In contrast, the very first build I listed way up near the beginning of this thread has very powerful AoE thanks to torch 5 and traps, but higher mobility enemies don't always eat the entire trap's worth of damage if you're not placing them correctly. I'll link that AoE-heavy build again [here](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNEQNAV4fjMqQ7K2tCmrAVLWYEMmCwlLAkncjuX3mIQtKpdSRifE-jhSAQBB4gAAgHAQA1NESlfG4IAItLAw62B4mKBjo6PeZ5BA-e "here").


And yes, if you've heard that we do our best damage in melee range, you have heard correctly. However, for open world content or soloing harder stuff on your own, you can trade a bit of dps for a large amount of utility/survivability, and do just fine. GS can hit hard, but it's still less of a purely offensive weapon than your other melee options. I have a [core ranger LB/GS build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNEQJATRnUqAtCi9CC2CCctgh8gyL+zt53AoAW7vOWip+kz9uIA-jxRBQBOU9nXqE0jK/AwlAgK7PgynAg/0FAA-e "core ranger LB/GS build") as well, and I can solo dungeons easily with it. The playstyle for this one is going to be essentially what you described - begin at range, then swap to GS as needed to cleave packs of melee-range mobs or reposition with GS 3. The key is to maintain a high number of boons (you'll have perma regen and swiftness, so that's 2 already), as well as ready access to 25 stacks of might. It helps to generally know which mobs do what kind of attacks, so you know who to target, how to kite to bunch up the ones that need to be bunched, then using LB 4 judiciously, etc.



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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > I'm a relatively new player, can you maybe help me understand the 'playstyle'?



> AoE packs with shortbow: with the Light on Your Feet trait, all 5 shortbow skills pierce. It becomes a matter of using shortbow 2 on cooldown, as well as positioning. Lead the Wind on LB has already shown you about lining up shots for piercing, so you should already know what I'm talking about here.


> AoE packs with dagger: admittedly daggers are awful for this. Only the autoattack cleaves, and it only hits 2 targets. In the stance-sharing setup I linked, I only swap into daggers if there is some penalty for projectile use (either a block or reflect). If I need to AoE with daggers on, I'll have to depend on the Iboga and Jacaranda pets (both merged or unmerged) for more meaningful AoE.


> Frankly AoE is not the strength of this particular build. In contrast, the very first build I listed way up near the beginning of this thread has very powerful AoE thanks to torch 5 and traps, but higher mobility enemies don't always eat the entire trap's worth of damage if you're not placing them correctly. I'll link that AoE-heavy build again [here](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNEQNAV4fjMqQ7K2tCmrAVLWYEMmCwlLAkncjuX3mIQtKpdSRifE-jhSAQBB4gAAgHAQA1NESlfG4IAItLAw62B4mKBjo6PeZ5BA-e "here").


> And yes, if you've heard that we do our best damage in melee range, you have heard correctly. However, for open world content or soloing harder stuff on your own, you can trade a bit of dps for a large amount of utility/survivability, and do just fine. GS can hit hard, but it's still less of a purely offensive weapon than your other melee options. I have a [core ranger LB/GS build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNEQJATRnUqAtCi9CC2CCctgh8gyL+zt53AoAW7vOWip+kz9uIA-jxRBQBOU9nXqE0jK/AwlAgK7PgynAg/0FAA-e "core ranger LB/GS build") as well, and I can solo dungeons easily with it. The playstyle for this one is going to be essentially what you described - begin at range, then swap to GS as needed to cleave packs of melee-range mobs or reposition with GS 3. The key is to maintain a high number of boons (you'll have perma regen and swiftness, so that's 2 already), as well as ready access to 25 stacks of might. It helps to generally know which mobs do what kind of attacks, so you know who to target, how to kite to bunch up the ones that need to be bunched, then using LB 4 judiciously, etc.




I'll give that 2nd build a try. I use the same specializations, but I haven't tried focusing on shouts. I really struggle with my utility abilities, as it's hard to find something that synergizes well with LB. Lately I've been using Heal as One / Sharpening Stone / Viper's Nest / Zephyr / Pack.


To be honest, I took my ranger into HoT, and after about 1-2 days of game play, ditched her and started leveling up my Guardian. I know there is a big jump in difficulty from core to HoT, but she is wearing exotic gear (either self found or off TP) and I'm just getting rolled. I don't know if it's because my build doesn't generate enough DPS or enough survivability, or if it's a L2Play issue; it may be a combination of all 3. But I died more times in one evening's playing than all the time I've played GW2 to date. Very frustrating. .


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partly its a learn2play issue but it's also that Anet really upped the difficulty with HoT mobs. They also apply a lot more conditions than in Core Tyria and PoF. slotting in some soldier gear helps to make you tougher when you need to be, you're definately not the only one who had trouble with HoT mobs.


Max dmg is less important that living through encounters

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If you're focusing on one condition, such as bleeding or poison, and using the relevant runes, such as Krait or Thorns, I would actually recommend running a majority of Sinister gear.


For those who don't know, it's Condition Damage/Precision/Power set from the LS2 map Silverwastes. The ascended trinkets do require one to complete all the story achievements, but the weapons and armor recipes are fairly easy to get.

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I wanted to thank the people who responded to my question for Market available gear. I gave you both thumbs up. I have been trying this build for a while now and it has more survivability than anything I have ever played across any profession. I am taking down Champions solo that I used to get squished for looking at them wrong. There are still some things I can't solo.. Bounties being a notable death for me, but this might wind up being my main use play character.


Oh, I did replace the off hand dagger with torch. While the dodge farms are nice on dagger 4, the third condition damage tick I found overall better.

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