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Can we get the stunbreak on firebrand f3 fixed already for WvW?


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> @Seasniffer.1763 said:

> It stunbreaks on tome close.


Indeed it does, but there's no way that this was their intention seeing as this would be one of the most useless stunbreaks in the game (you already are going to have oodles of stab coming out of f3).


I think Anet is well aware of this bug. Lets give them the benefit of the doubt and assume the balance patch this next week will catch this bug! If not, then we riot :)

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Been beachin' about this issue more than the rest of the player based combined over the past 2-3 months. About 3 weeks ago, I submitted a ticket about this issue and heard back from two separate GMs that the issue has been passed on to the relevant department and that they were working on a fix.


Just thinking about how coding for certain skills work, and how far more complex issues were fixed very quickly, it's obvious that this issue is not that complex and could be fixed in a week if they just had 1 person really look into it. It's not fair that this issue goes unfixed JUST because the meta FB builds in all 3 game modes don't use the virtues traitline.... I run a build that does use the virtues traitline and I really REALLY notice that lack of stunbreak in wvw. Exasperation with this issue is one of the reasons I've been on hiatus from this game. Anet, fix pls.

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