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Upcoming Balance Update

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> @Razor.6392 said:

> Here's hoping damage is toned down.


> 9+ burn stacks in 0.5 seconds from firebrand

> 15+ confusion stacks in 0.5 seconds from mirage

> Full bar of conditions ft. 4 burning and 12 torment from scourge

> 10-20k damage death judgment

> Holosmith requiring every single photon forge minimal cooldown abilities to be dodged or lose upwards of 4-6k health in 1 hit.

> Spellbreaker being immortal, and by far the most forgiving, autopilot, easy mode spec / class ever released in the history of gw2


> Weaver, Renegade and Soulbeast hold onto their buffs until these are toned down first.


^ this.

With regards to how these profs play out in WvW:

The general consensus I get from renegade players are how dissapointed they are with it

Not sure what needs to happen with Soulbeast and weaver but I do feel like they just sit very averagely when compared to the other elites out there.

I mean, I personally really don't feel threatened or too bothered when I see a Weaver, renegade, or Soulbeast alone or even in a small pack, you can even almost avoid most of what they have to throw at you or simply shrug it off. But Deadeyes and mirages can now do what theyve been doing before but better and wipe you out in literally a second. If they dont oh well they can just dissapear and be so far gone its like you got slapped by a ghost. Spellbreakers can do whatever they want - its their world were just living in it. Scourges are pretty bad-ass to be fair and can throw condi's left and right like its nobodies business. Constantly. Holosmiths have the most intimidating arsenals available to them and if you get them down to kill range the go auto invuln then pop a heal to get right back up to business - rinse repeat.


I might be wrong but my 2 cents.

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> @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

> > @psizone.8437 said:

> > That's disappointing considering PoF and the new elites came out over a month ago and there's a good deal of bugs and broken skills in game.

> >

> > Is it possible to get a preview of some changes for each class in the profession forums? Including expected bug fixes and balance changes so players can debate and provide early feedback if needed.


> No kidding. Does the team realize this glacial approach is not good? I sometimes wonder but we never hear from them about such things. Guess I expected to see a little more urgency in dealing with issues in PoF skills, some of which were discovered during the demo weekends. It's truly mind-boggling to me that we aren't really getting it. If anyone from A.net reads this thread then you all really need to be faster and more agile with this stuff than you are now. Taking the wait and see approach doesn't work in all cases and all cases should not be treated as if it does. It's not working for the player base... it's okay to take risks sometimes, put down the spreadsheets and try to be faster.


Looking at what happens every time after an expansion I can tell honesty that I am ready to pay for them not to release the next one.


What a nice business model... get paid for doing nothing... as obviously nothing is what they can do the best.

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> @Darknicrofia.2604 said:

> What an absolute joke.


> Balance batch once per quarter, no balance patch with expansion, new balance patch same day as new pvp season.


> Are the balance team seriously patting themselves on the back for "5 sec cooldown reduction" "balances" every 4 months? Job well done, let's go grab a drink for the next 16 weeks?


I think they are trolling us...well at least this they do well.

Finally it is refreshing...

Nice joke Anet... keep on laughing... we love it. ?

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> @Antroz.4908 said:

> Let us see what this patch will bring us..


I can tell you this already:


Nothing but the usual Bug Fixers of Skills by "fixing" some skill texts and doing the usual change numbers game on just only skills and traits, while ignoring 90% of the rest of this games combat system to balance as well.


That will happen.

This patch will change not really something, as long Anet doesn't have the guts to make finally a bigger proper balance update, which actualize some of the more important core aspects of the game balance that are long overdue to get rebalanced:


* Conditions

* Boons

* Upgrades

* Health System

* Attribute System


are the 5 Main pillars besides of Skills and Traits, which need to be kept close on eyes as well and need to receive at least every 6 to 12 months an overlook as well to make sure, that these core elements stay adapted and actualized to all the made changes to Skilsl and Traits as well in the meantime.

But these pillars of the game are still partwise so massively outdated by not, sitll using mostly unfitting 2012er balancign states, that by far aren't good anymore for the game by today, that makign any changes on just only Skills and Traits wil lalways feel like a tiny drop of water onto a hot stone, going instantly on release of the patch POOOF into thin air, so frelevant are Anets balancing patch since years in their value..

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Thanks for the heads up. While I'm sure extra info is probably a no-go it would be nice to have been given a rough draft of what the balance patch prioritises. Either way, I'm expecting nerfs and minute buffs to traits, skills etc... one part of me is really hoping certain _core_ skills that are redundant or never picked get a makeover.

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As if Anet would ever dare to touch anything that is "core" in this game, lol, they havent done this for a single time in 5 years ...

They don't have the guts to merge if neccessary core skills, to maekover them into somethign better, to use the created new space to add new better skilsl which provide the this way the classes better build versatility.


The community is providing since 5 years very good ideas how to merge and improve the games core skills that are underused, because of how useless and underwhelming they are by Anets core design which these skills have since day one. Do you think ANet would change anything on these skills? nope.

Underwater Skills for example haven't seen since release of the game a single rebalancing...just saying, but its so denotive for the situation in which GW2 is into right now.


And I tell you why, because reworking skills costs precious ressources, money, time ect. that could be spent elsewhere in the game rather than for new content, than to "waste" it on old content like core skill content to improve that instead.

Thats likely Anet's answer you'd receive, as its the standard excuse you will hear from companys, that struggle with their ressources, due to a too weak gemstore not generating enough money income to ensure, that Anet can work on both - new content, while having also the ressources for working and fixing old content, which is why they always keep on nicely reminding us all, that if they serioiusly should work on fixing something old in this game, that this will slow down the progress on how fast we will receive any new content in the near future... nice, or?? as if we didn't knew this, that it would be the consequence naturally xD


I can priorize fixing old content, over making new content, if I know that the game is in the dire situation of fixing the old content over makign new stuff.

But Anet sadly priorizes always only on making new content, because thats the type of content, that is able to generate money income, while fixing old content is in reality only a money-losing business, which is the reason why I pesonally have given up the hope, that this game gets a more significant skill makeover ever.


This is maybe here only my 5 years of disappointment speaking out of me now however, full of pessimism and negativity, but it would really positively surprise me, if this game ever will see a proper full on balancing update with everything that belongs to it, before GW2 dies out, as long nothing does change on ANets financial situation first, to make sure that they can work on new and old content at the same time, so that not old content has to be permanently abandonded by Anet with only the focus on new content to make money, like they did that with Dungeons, like they did that practicaly with WvW for 3+ years now... and like they do this with 90% of this games combat system since release day practically.

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> @Lyger.5429 said:

> > @kKagari.6804 said: writing up the notes on patch day.


> Have you seen some of the changes in the past?? 10% physical damage on [fire bomb](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fire_Bomb "fire bomb") or reducing aftercast of a skill by 0.002 seconds (I don't even know how this makes a difference). Feels like they both make the changes and write them up just hours before the patch.


The funny part is that _'reducing the aftercast by 0.2 seconds'_ is the kind of fine tuning we expect from a game that has a delicate touch on the meta's pulse. The kind of thing that will raise or decrease the damage by a few milimetric %. This is -not- GW2 with disparities of 5-7k between specs or classes.

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Hello Gaile, representing the balance team? Good, hope you guys are reading the Necro Forums, so Fix this mess from a pve point please. Thats your last chance, the necro community is loosing their patience, nothing to blame them for doing nothing in the 5 years. Good luck and thank you.

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Deeply surprised that the pvp season is going to clash with this balance patch. The first balance patch after an expansion really should be a priority and something that doesn't seem to be jammed in edgeways at the last moment. The only way to make this right is to put up a decent preview of changes to allow for some discussion and preparation.


If that isn't possible, then seriously, what is going on back there?

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> I can wait. Already know the balancing won't help a core necro minion person like me and I have no other problem with my other classes.


Core necro has it's place and use on WvW. Maybe not on the current meta, but the meta itself is dictated by your server and classes your guild use.

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> @Razor.6392 said:

> Here's hoping damage is toned down.


> 9+ burn stacks in 0.5 seconds from firebrand

> 15+ confusion stacks in 0.5 seconds from mirage

> Full bar of conditions ft. 4 burning and 12 torment from scourge

> 10-20k damage death judgment

> Holosmith requiring every single photon forge minimal cooldown abilities to be dodged or lose upwards of 4-6k health in 1 hit.

> Spellbreaker being immortal, and by far the most forgiving, autopilot, easy mode spec / class ever released in the history of gw2


> Weaver, Renegade and Soulbeast hold onto their buffs until these are toned down first.


stop buthering firebrand their solo dps is shit. dont touch fb. Also Buff axe FB

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> I can wait. Already know the balancing won't help a core necro minion person like me and I have no other problem with my other classes.


I absolutely hate this kind of response. Just because the build you love to play isn't meta doesn't mean you can't play it. No amount of balancing will ever change that. If you want to play it, just play it, don't expect everyone to love it.

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> @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

> > @psizone.8437 said:

> > That's disappointing considering PoF and the new elites came out over a month ago and there's a good deal of bugs and broken skills in game.

> >

> > Is it possible to get a preview of some changes for each class in the profession forums? Including expected bug fixes and balance changes so players can debate and provide early feedback if needed.


> No kidding. Does the team realize this glacial approach is not good? I sometimes wonder but we never hear from them about such things. Guess I expected to see a little more urgency in dealing with issues in PoF skills, some of which were discovered during the demo weekends. It's truly mind-boggling to me that we aren't really getting it. If anyone from A.net reads this thread then you all really need to be faster and more agile with this stuff than you are now. Taking the wait and see approach doesn't work in all cases and all cases should not be treated as if it does. It's not working for the player base... it's okay to take risks sometimes, put down the spreadsheets and try to be faster.


They apparently don't, since it's what they've been doing for years now. Common sense tells you that balance updates need to happen more than once a quarter.

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> @Darknicrofia.2604 said:

> What an absolute joke.


> Balance batch once per quarter, no balance patch with expansion, new balance patch same day as new pvp season.


> Are the balance team seriously patting themselves on the back for "5 sec cooldown reduction" "balances" every 4 months? Job well done, let's go grab a drink for the next 16 weeks?


That's really how it feels. There's no way they don't spend way too much time in deliberation when things need quick tuning updates. This status quo has to change.

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> @Nord.1492 said:

> Hello Gaile, representing the balance team? Good, hope you guys are reading the Necro Forums, so Fix this mess from a pve point please. Thats your last chance, the necro community is loosing their patience, nothing to blame them for doing nothing in the 5 years. Good luck and thank you.


I am debating which was the greatest letdown for me among the new elites: necro or engineer. Right now my necro is basically the character I farm my home instance with. My engineer has not been the same since I lost the ability to throw turrets ... but now the primary mechanic can do harm to me if I were to use it too much.

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