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Anyone else feel like Ranger build diversity,....


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with SB in PVP/W3 get's pigeon holed into Wilderness Survival if you want to stand a chance against Condis.


Don't get me wrong I like WS but every SB build variation I can think of seems to need it. As a Class we have some good cleanse but WS is almost a must, The facility of Condi reapplication makes our other options unable to "keep up" and the synergy with Muddy Terrain on Heal and Lesser QZ on Pet swap makes it even more compelling.


Druid has some options but I am more thinking of SB builds which makes Druid moot in this discussion


We need another reliable source of Cleanse in a Core line other than WS or give Stances a trait/rune set...or replace spirits (lol) in order to unlock more build variation



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> @Sarlack.4096 said:

> with SB in PVP/W3 get's pigeon holed into Wilderness Survival if you want to stand a chance against Condis.


> Don't get me wrong I like WS but every SB build variation I can think of seems to need it. As a Class we have some good cleanse but WS is almost a must, The facility of Condi reapplication makes our other options unable to "keep up" and the synergy with Muddy Terrain on Heal and Lesser QZ on Pet swap makes it even more compelling.


> Druid has some options but I am more thinking of SB builds which makes Druid moot in this discussion


> We need another reliable source of Cleanse in a Core line other than WS or give Stances a trait/rune set...or replace spirits (lol) in order to unlock more build variation


> Thoughts?


That's not even it. All the viable builds are power based. LOL. That says something. Imagine being locked to LB/X.

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Very True...maybe changes could actually make power builds more diverse/viable and not just pew pew ....there so much potential with some small changes but we have to stay locked into a few select builds if you want DPS/Cleanse/Speed/Stun Break..,I spend days in the builder (cries)

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> @Aceofsppades.6873 said:

> I think most classes suffer from this problem.


Yes and No




Mesmer can be power or condi

Guard can be power or condi

Engie can be power or condi

Thief can be power or condi

Weaver can be LR or Sage condi


All of which can be viable even high plat in ranked.


Never seen a condi soulbeast/ranger at that




Classes are somewhat locked into mandatory traitlines like mesmer to inspiration




With my example above, the new especs provide that freedom for mirage, I don't even think the meta runs inspiration

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Ranger condi build celestial amulet lead with torch 4 then elite to snare then stick them in torch 5 then torch 3-2 switch to shortbow then quickness spam 1 for bleeds you can also lead with quickness if you want. This build pre hot was killing pretty much everything its still decent and on top of being condi for the last post before mine its also core ranger. Sometimes you get two or three people snared in your fire and its glorious. Sic em can replace sharpening knife if you want I think it was the original build.

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> @"R E F L H E X.8413" said:

>and on top of being condi


It's not optimal. Nor that good in the first place once you climb the ranks. Better off with zephyr's speed and soften the fall. Mainhand axe AND shortbow with no invuln on the utility bar means you're dead more often than you should be. You got one stun break, no stab, one evade on shortbow. And once you start switching those things to better stay alive, the damage drops off. Not like ranger ever was that good with cele amulet anyways.

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> @Lazze.9870 said:

> > @"R E F L H E X.8413" said:

> >and on top of being condi


> It's not optimal. Nor that good in the first place once you climb the ranks. Better off with zephyr's speed and soften the fall. Mainhand axe AND shortbow with no invuln on the utility bar means you're dead more often than you should be. You got one stun break, no stab, one evade on shortbow. And once you start switching those things to better stay alive, the damage drops off. Not like ranger ever was that good with cele amulet anyways.


pre hot ranger was pretty dominant with celestial I just think most didnt even want to try it probably including yourself it took me about two years or longer before i even started trying celestial i didnt get to post the build at the time from being banned on forums or else it woulda gotten popular right now its substantially weaker than it once was


meta longbow ranger meta d/p thief many meta builds were easy kills really easy kills pre-hot it felt unfair good in almost all 1v1s and excelled in teamfights I mained ranger for a while it was really really strong powercreep kinda made it where its at right now condi removal wasnt as important as it is right now and you could also run it with support for the teamfights celestial gives decent defense. if you landed the elite in 1v1 you pretty much won it pre hot almost no matter who it was. cele ele i think was one thing it may have had struggle with one thing.

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> @"R E F L H E X.8413" said:

> > @Lazze.9870 said:

> > > @"R E F L H E X.8413" said:

> > >and on top of being condi

> >

> > It's not optimal. Nor that good in the first place once you climb the ranks. Better off with zephyr's speed and soften the fall. Mainhand axe AND shortbow with no invuln on the utility bar means you're dead more often than you should be. You got one stun break, no stab, one evade on shortbow. And once you start switching those things to better stay alive, the damage drops off. Not like ranger ever was that good with cele amulet anyways.


> pre hot ranger was pretty dominant with celestial I just think most didnt even want to try it probably including yourself it took me about two years or longer before i even started trying celestial i didnt get to post the build at the time from being banned on forums or else it woulda gotten popular right now its substantially weaker than it once was


> meta longbow ranger meta d/p thief many meta builds were easy kills really easy kills


Before you go on with the "you probably didn't even try it", I tweaked around a lot on different celestial ranger builds. Then some more to see if the useless garbage trait Most Dangerous Game could give it some "umph" and more might. And then some more when druid came out. Druid was pretty decent with it. Then they removed the amulet.


You know, I wonder why the default answer of saying something isn't that good is always "you probably didn't even give it a chance". I wouldn't comment on it in the first place if I didn't try it out myself. And I'm not saying it is flat out trash, however your version of it has one stun break, one weapon evade, no stab, no invuln. That' wont cut it.


Only reason longbow rangers were easy kills is because they were stupid enough to get close to you (and apparently without any means of getting out).

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It did cut it. very well. and you can get close to the ranger yourself he doesnt have to be stupid you run fast and have superspeed on top of it. You normally only get close to anyone for elite and fire field anyways before you get distance and shortbow.


"it has one stun break, one weapon evade, no stab, no invuln. That' wont cut "


I dont think many ranger builds aside from druid have too much more than what this has. it really didnt need more to be extremely effective celestial as the amulet was enough. with support and i ran two supports on full teams it was amazing in teamplay. maybe your builds were worse because you wanted all the defense you could get. in organized both my necro support and guard support were dealing with condis and were on celestial as well.


you dont need all the defense in the world if you easily overpower them into downed state. it was a full stack of bleed in no time with earth rune.

Just like d/d ele its not as effective as it once was and used to be extremely strong.

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> @"R E F L H E X.8413" said:

> It did cut it. very well. and you can get close to the ranger yourself he doesnt have to be stupid you run fast and have superspeed on top of it. You normally only get close to anyone for elite and fire field anyways before you get distance and shortbow.


> "it has one stun break, one weapon evade, no stab, no invuln. That' wont cut "


> I dont think many ranger builds aside from druid have too much more than what this has. it really didnt need more to be extremely effective celestial as the amulet was enough. with support and i ran two supports on full teams it was amazing in teamplay. maybe your builds were worse because you wanted all the defense you could get. in organized both my necro support and guard support were dealing with condis and were on celestial as well.


> you dont need all the defense in the world if you easily overpower them into downed state. it was a full stack of bleed in no time with earth rune.

> Just like d/d ele its not as effective as it once was and used to be extremely strong.


Oh my, you had two supports to deal with condis on you. Jeez, it's like I have to spell it out for you even though you're just confirming it yourself.


A few trait changes and utility changes and your build would already be an improvement. Could handle itself in solo queue where you don't have other people to carry you. If you don't think many rangers run more than one stun break and one weapon evade (with no stab), you're seriously wrong. Well, except the really bad ones that just melts.

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Guys, when you talk about Soulbeast builds (even it's condi or power) you must make the difference between sPVP and WvW Roaming. Now for sPVP both condi and power build works ok for Soulbeast. Maybe we are not top 3 but we can manage good enough.

When we talk about WvW , well the situation it dramatically changed ... in WvW for roaming (usual in group of 2-5 players) the only build it works is Power Build! Everything you try with condi build you will not have any chance to survive or make it count for your group or for yourself.

I have 6 full ascended gear and another 3 full exotic gear, I tried every single build made by me or copied from forums, youtube etc. The only build who can face any class , most of the time wining, is power build.

So , please till next patch, when they make some changes, don't talk about any condi build for WvW, because is not good. And new players who want to play Soulbeast must know from the start what they should wear for have a chance in WvW, other way they will spend money for something which is not worth it.

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