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Ascended sets (weapon + trinkets + armor) for karma or other currencies


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> @maciora.9542 said:

> Would be great to get Ascended like Exotic, legendary can stay being elitist but ascended could be get by running fractals/events etc.


You can already get ascended running fractals and as super rare drops from champ bags in open world. Just do your dalies, save your money, and pick at it over time. I don't understand how people play MMOs without being at least a little patient. I do think that they should issue another round of ascended stat-select trinkets in the PoF maps though using the trade contracts and karma.

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It be just happy, if ANet finally removes the idiocy, that is the time gatign for ascended weapon/armor relevant materials.

If this woudl finalyl get removed, then woudl prices for ascended equipment finalyl normalize a bit, cause peopel coudl craft then slightly faster the needed materials, offer of those materials will grow, and so mroe the offer grows, while the demand eventualyl stays the same, so cheaper wil lthe mateirals bcome and thus also craftign these thigns wil lbecome then again cheaper...


Aside of this, Anet should add into PvP and WvW Reward Tracks that let you earn ascended equipment, or chances to get rewarded with ascneded weapons7armor parts shoudl get increased for gainign WvW Ranks/Pvp Ranks

ALso Fractals need to become more and faster rewardign in regard of ascended weapons/armor, you should be able to earn there mostly only ascended accessoires, when you could use the currency there also to buy ascended weapon/armor chests with it instead. Anet needs just to add only the option to buy these chests with fractal, pristine fractal relics as well...


Players in pve shoudl also have the option to make via the mystic force out of an exotic weapon an ascended weapon, only the the results from the mystic force should be by random, if you throw in 4 exotic weapons, you should also have the chance to receive in return instead of an expotic item also as well as result an ascended item.


Then theres also the option that anet should add more achievements and meta achievements, that should reward us with ascended weapons/armor, instead of always only stupid ascended asccesssoire that nobody needs or wants.

Fort reaching every 1000 AP should give the reward chests also a guaranteed option for either an ascended weapon ,or ascended armor part of choice , so that actually AP huntign becomes more rewarding and worth all of its efforts. this should be rewarded then also retroactively in a time gated way.

So people who have for example like me 28k ap, woudl receive then time gated retroactively every week 1 ascended chst of choice for a total of retroactive 28 ascended chests.


Stuff like this actualyl would make playing then with many alt characters also fun, if you get rewarded for all your efforts and your time spent more oftenly with actualyl useful and rewsarding items, that jhelp you gear all your alts quicker, so that they become quicker and quicker competitive as well and same as powerful, as liek your main character with that you spent your most time in the game, while the alts just collect meanwhile dust for you in the background ...

personalyl I want play for sure alot more with my alts, if gearign them all into compelte ascneded items, wihtout by so extremely time consuming and expensive.

So more characters you have, it should actually become over time eadsier and easier to gear all your alts into BIS equipment as wll.

Its enough for player,s that gettign a first complete set of ascneded items should be expensive and time consuming, but from that point on it should become easier for the playe,r not stay same as hard, or become even much harder, due to changes of the games economy balance, see leather right now ... turning crafting medium ascended equipment into a financial nightmare for players!!!


I really hope, anet wil lrealizes this finalyl soon, that gettign ascended equipment shoudl become more accessible, gettign your hands on a complete set has become way too difficult over time and too expensive, than is good for Guild Wars 2 with its majority beign a community of casual players, not asia grinder experienced and resistant hardcore gamers, who actualyl like this kind of extreme gear grind...

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