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Elite Specialization: Spectral Vessel


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After life all souls are forced into the underworld, the domain closest to grenth. Sometimes faint hues, weak manifestations of the spectral energies of the domain of death crawl into tyria. With the rising conflict between humans, gods and elder dragons these spectral manifestations are increasing, posing an envious threat to all living beings on tyria. Necromancers started to learn to deal with these spectral manifestations, containing and using them for battle.


**Class Mechanic: Spectral Demons**

Spectral Vessels are permanently accompanied by various Demons from the underworld, fighting for them. By entering Shroud the Spectral Vessel improves the bond with that demon, becoming a powerful manifestation for a limited time. The Demons available are tied to F2 – F4. F1 Enters the shroud. Demons are switched with F2-F4, but doing so causes a 5 second cooldown on all of them. Each Demon has an active ability and passivly improves stats for the Vessel.


**F2: Contain Aatxe** – Increases Thougness and Vitality, Ability Charge: Charge towards the vessel, knocking foes down and applying a barrier to the Vessel if they connect. Leap Finisher, applies effect to the vessel at well.

**F3: Contain Dryder** – Increases Condition Damage and Duration, Ability Corrupted Storm: Causes corrupted shards of spectral energy to fall down onto the area, causing poison and weakness.

**F4: Contain Grasping Darkness** – Increase Ferocity and Power: Ability Frenzy: Causes the next strikes to affect a bigger area and shadowstep between foes, healing the vessel in the process.


Shroud Lifeforce does not decay, instead its used only to absorb damage. The Shroud is limited to 15 seconds at maximum, and goes on a 10 second cooldown per form after leaving. Leaving early costs 50% of the remaining life force. Needs 50% Lifeforce to activate


**F2: Spectral Aatxe**


1 AA Chain AOE – Cripple, Cripple, 1/4s daze,

2 Leap towards the area, stunning foes on impact, Blast and Leap finisher.

3 Gain Protection and Retaliation and Taunt nearby foes.

4 Pulse harsh spectral energy around yourself, giving stability to yourself per pulse and damage enemies, Whirl Finisher.

5 Charge slowly towards a far away location, reflecting projectiles, enemies attacking you take massiv damage.


**F3 Spectral Dryder**


1 AA Spit, bounces 3 times, causing poison.

2 Cause a spectral shard to erupt from the ground, briefly crippling enemies and causing a field that pulses poison and torment.

3 Cause a cascading wave, fearing enemies and increases duration of all conditions on them.

4 Fire a high arcing projectile that devastates an area after a time, causing weakness and torment, uses a charge mechanic, Blast finisher.

5 Leap to an area, causing a pulsing poison field, and root enemies. Stunning enemies instead of rooting when they are above the poison treshold, Leap Finisher.


**F4 Spectral Grasping Darkness**


1 AA Chain, single target, Vulnerability and Damage, Vulnerability and damage, Shadowstep and steal life.

2 Shadowstep to a location, causing blind. Your next attacks become unblockable.

3 become a pure spectral being, ignoring all damage and conditions for a time.

4 Strike around you multiple times for massive damage, steal life from enemies hit, Whirl Finisher.

5 Shadowstep behind your foe and cause a massive attack, damaging and stunning him. If he is under 50% life deal extra damage and heal a large amount.


Spectral Vessels use rifles to channel and controll the spectral powers, these fire out in massive, hard to controll bursts with long range. All skills have 1500 range. All skills are skillshots, none of them allow regular targeting.


**Weapon: Rifle**


1 Fires a piercing spectral bullet at your target location, dealing damage. Fires at your cursor location along the ground, can be hold down to increase power and AOE. Projectile Finisher

2 Channel and Fire 3 piercing shots in succession at your targeted location, bonus effects if multiple shots hit the same target: 1 hit cripple, 2 hits immob, 3 hits knockdown. 3x Projectile Finishers

3 Fire a ground target spectre at a location, causing damage and poison, you gain quickness per foe hit. You can activate again to manifest at the impact location.

4 Create a location that deals damage to enemies over a period of time, displaces you backwards, leap finisher,. Enemies inside the field are damaged and gain stacking vulnerability and take extra damage from your rifle attacks.

5 Channel and fire a massive and slow spectral wave at a targeted direction, dealing massive damage, fearing and immobilizing foes hit.


**Skills: Teachings** Communing with the spectral powers of the underworld put you into contact with the reapers of grenth, granting some of their secrets to aid you.


Heal: Heal yourself and conjure a hidden shard at a location. If an enemy triggers it you get healed again, for a short period of time you heal for 100% of the damage dealt onto that target

Utility 1: Conjure a spectral scythe, dashing to a location, blocking attacks in the process. You stun enemies hit by this skill and leave a chilling field in your wake. Leap finisher

Utility 2: This skill uses charges. Conjure a spectral shard at a location, a short duration after it gets triggered enemies are being pulled together and are imobilized.

Utility 3: This skill uses charges. Shadowstep to a location. You gain quickness and superspeed for a short time. Stunbreak

Utility 4: Stealth yourself, your next few attacks deal increased damage and are unblockable.

Elite: This skill uses charges 7: Channel the aspect of a reaper of grenth into a chosen direction, after 0,5 seconds you fire that aspect. Enemies getting hit taking massive damage and are debuffed with reapers expose, increases the damage from this skill by 25%. This stacks up to 6 times.




* Minor: 1 as usual.

* Minor 2: Rifle skills generate lifeforce on hit. Increased damage and condition damage to foes suffering under cripple, chill or immob.

* Minor 3 Gain boons and lose conditions when connecting with a Spectral Demon: Aaxte: gain protection and stability, lose Vulnerability, Blind; Dryder: Gain Resistance and Fury, lose Bleed, Confusion, torment, Burn and Poison; Grasping Darkness: lose Weakness, cripple chill and imob, gain might and quickness.


* Adept: 1 Increase the passive Stat Bonus of your Spectral Demons by 33%

* Master:1 Enemies hit by Spectral Pet abilities are briefly rooted, you daze nearby enemies when containing a demon

* Grandmaster: 1 Deal damage when you start containing a demon. Summon 2 lesser versions of the same demon.


* Adept: 2 Rifle skills gain reduced recharge, daze and remove a boon when hitting foes with a rifle skill. icd per target.

* Master: 2 Teachings gain reduced cooldown, after using a teaching your next weapon skill has reduced cooldown.

* Grandmaster: 2 Deal increased damage when hitting the same target again. Up to 40 stacks, 0,5% increased damage per stack. You gain Aegis, Evade and invulnerability on certain tresholds.


* Adept: 3 Siphon Life and cause torment when causing a condition or a CC (Bigger siphon for CC)

* Master: 3 Your finishers corrupt a boon and cause additional poison.

* Grandmaster: 3 Increases your poison damage and duration by 20%. Your Torment and Poison damage now additionally scales off of power and ferocity.


The general concept here is to use the utilize the Teachings to reposition yourself to make the best use of the rifle skills, as these hit very hard but are much harder to hit with compared to any ranged weapon up to date. Teachings itself can also be used without the rifle for overall increased mobility. The Shroud mechanic ensures that you can bring an adaptable second playstyle to negate damage or to finish and terrorize low health opponents you weakened with your rifle. The condi part is there for an alternate playstyle. The elite is there to further manifest the inteded playstyle: high effort, high reward. The overall intention is to get a nice combination of meele and ranged gameplay, but its much harder to make potent "hard to hit" meele skills than it's to make ranged skills.


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