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Everyone says Spellbreaker or Scourge are OP?


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Personally I dislike Weavers in WVW. Yes they have high DPS, but its just cause now they have more nuke skills. All their other utilities compared to the tempest go down the drain. Their aura-share goes to drain, their healing goes to drain. Try to get big water from weaver that is now in Fire/earth... GL... and they lack the gamechangers like spellbreaker and scourge.


What are these game-changers, well the boonrip and CC off course. Any big fight can be instantly won if you have boonrip and mass CC bomb at the same time. Be it stun, be it fear be it any form of hard CC if enough people bomb at that time alongside with it the enemy is dead.


That is why speelbreaker and scourges are way OP now. Spellbreaker just excels in the boonrip and as a war he can still go full zerk and survive solotrip trough the enemy blob alone. And the scourges provide range boonrip + the dreaded range CC + tons of other condi + damage. Basically the current state of affairs is that is they play well and are well synchronized, scourges win everything cause they scale with numbers. You have one of two, hmm, you have 30? GG, doesn't matter what the other team has except if they also have 30. ATM, having any other class is usually worse option than having "just more scourges". Hey I can play range and do... dunno what, I can play Rev, and I can provide some reistance, boons, but that is irrelevant anymore it will all get ripped and I also can bomb but boom necors do it better.... I play guard, hey be stabbot do little else and gets blames for not giving stab when it all get ripped. Be anything, the more you add of it the worse your blob gets if you do it instead of adding more scourges.


Thats simply it, the power of range boonrip + range CC combined with damage ATM beats everything else and scales better in high numbers compared to anything else.

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> @Coldtart.4785 said:

> I can guarantee you there is no such thing as a weaver build with high damage and high sustain.


I disagree. Sustain comes in many forms. You can crank out some great total damage while still shedding conditions, generating lots of regeneration, and frequent heals -- all from attunement switching and dual skill usage. I have beat glass weaver DPS in many fights (probably because they drop if focused, or they make one too many positioning errors). Much of the DPS comes from good positioning and rotations.

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You just show your spike damage. Firstly you have no stealth so that's already one down from comparing yourself with broken mesmer and deadeye builds. Secondly you only show shots where you opportunistically blink in to burst them down but you will spend much of your time running around like a piece of glass. Maybe showing a video of yourself in proper blob wars will be more impressive.

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> @Roxanne.6140 said:

> You just show your spike damage. Firstly you have no stealth so that's already one down from comparing yourself with broken mesmer and deadeye builds. Secondly you only show shots where you opportunistically blink in to burst them down but you will spend much of your time running around like a piece of glass. Maybe showing a video of yourself in proper blob wars will be more impressive.


You didn't watched the video then to the end. Look it again, think and repeat. This guy insta downed peoples with fucking 2 skills! This is even worser than thief back in the days at rls time! And lol Spike damage what are you talking?

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i said it on another thread i'll say it on this. other than condis a necro has literally nothing to bring. even scourge kinda sucks when you get into the nitty gritty of it.every class can do what a necro can do only better. its like necro you can have "a" and a little bit of "b" but not "z" but every other class can have "a" "b" and "z" just dont tell the necro.

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> @Flarre.4850 said:

> You can outplay a weaver,you can t with a spellbreaker.The amount of bad spellbreaker i met in wvw that i can t even beat is crazy.




You're funny,


Spellbreakers are easilly countered.


Kite, look at how they cant do anything, laugh, rince and repeat.

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> @Grebcol.5984 said:

> Weaver is broken you need a proof?



> So we have one shot mesmers, one shot weavers ect. GG Anet Balance!

I already fought a few of these and died exactly one time (the first matchup) because I did not know the build. After I have seen it and knew what to expect I can say:


The burst is super easy to avoid as it has a huge telegraph (= channel - good to see at 0:45 in the video) and the weaver is so squishy that you can even interrupt/kill him the second while he is channeling - at least you can dodge/block him or blink out of range and counterburst him afterwards.


Classic one trick pony newbie troll build. Every class has at least one of these builds in wvw.

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> @Grebcol.5984 said:

> Weaver is broken you need a proof?



> So we have one shot mesmers, one shot weavers ect. GG Anet Balance!


Broke build ? That he focus on paper ppl ... and also factor of surprise, try that against somebody who goes into you, and its not pve dude lost in wvw daily... i saw few ppl trying this... and it was all the time suicide attack... they never escaped from fight... so its more fun build than broken powerful meta like spellbreaker..

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> @Leolas.6273 said:

> > @Roxanne.6140 said:

> > You just show your spike damage. Firstly you have no stealth so that's already one down from comparing yourself with broken mesmer and deadeye builds. Secondly you only show shots where you opportunistically blink in to burst them down but you will spend much of your time running around like a piece of glass. Maybe showing a video of yourself in proper blob wars will be more impressive.


> You didn't watched the video then to the end. Look it again, think and repeat. This guy insta downed peoples with kitten 2 skills! This is even worser than thief back in the days at rls time! And lol Spike damage what are you talking?


Glass builds are still glass builds at the very least classes like ele must go super low def and hp to do real dmg where other classes have so many builds in tanklyness that they tend to get a free ride such as rev. You need to wach what a power rev can pull off hehe. That or worst condi dmg letting players build both high dmg AND high tanklyness if any thing builds like this should be the way dmg classes play in wvw.


No one said a thing about the "what about" logic ppl are using here and its shameful. And the compel lack of the though that spellbrakers and scourge are the classes that lets weaver do such high dmg due to weaver it self having no boon strip or unblockables making boon strip from the spellbreaker and scourge that much more important.


So yes please nerf spellbrakers and scourge boon strip its making ppl to week to find counter play to power dmg and realty condi dmg too.

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