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Wedding System


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First of all, excuse me for my English. As the text is a bit large, I turned to Google Translate, so you will encounter several errors, but I believe you will understand.


**Status: submitted for review**


With the marriage system, two players, whether of the opposite sex or the same sex, can unite for each other.

In order to get married, the player will be required to have some expansion.

Players will be able to celebrate through a party, which would be an instantiated map where only guests could enter. In this instantiated map, they will have drinks, food, music and other things to entertain the guests

Players will be able to adopt two children who would be a kind of mini, but you could send commands to them, like dancing or sitting. Each child would belong to one of the two, but they could exchange the time they want.

In the field the two players, if they are within a maximum distance of 2,000, they would get bonus of:

1. speed;

2. experience;

3. magic f.;

4. gold.

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I played International Ragnarok Online over a decade ago and they had a similar system. I like the idea of marriage but dislike the idea of children.


To add more to the OP, it should be an experience that puts some investment into the marriage...

1) The players should have to create a set of "wedding attire" that includes feet, pants, chest, hat and gloves. Make it a 400 crafting recipe.

2) The players should have to create a wedding band. The band would be a ring a gold ring with a gem set in it.

3) The players need to buy a Wedding License. Make it like 100G or something.

4) Players must wear the crafted items and go to Deverol Gardens [&BCIEAAA=] in Lions Arch with a squad of at least five other people. This puts them in an instance where they have a wedding. While in the instance, all other players in the squad get "celebratory" skills like throwing petals, rice, cheer and other things. Everyone will be wearing their town clothes.

5) Married players get an extra heal skill called, "...In Sickness and in Health" where you transfer 50% of your HP to the other player. Married players get a utility skill called "Til Death Do Us Part" where you can teleport to your married player from anywhere in the game.

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Tyria online (skyrim) had a system like this that uses the ring of Mara. It was implemented almost exactly like the op posted (minus the children). My biggest problem with it was the constant shifting of loyalties and guilds would make this a issue. Arenanet would have to put divorce lawyers in lions arch and all major cities. Then you get into the problems with a 12 or 13 year old role playing house with someone who is 40 (I can see the warrants for information every time a child explains to a adult what is going on). I am not saying these things would happen but why would arenanet take the chance

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> @darkkrus.7382 said:

> Tyria online (skyrim) had a system like this that uses the ring of Mara. It was implemented almost exactly like the op posted (minus the children). My biggest problem with it was the constant shifting of loyalties and guilds would make this a issue. Arenanet would have to put divorce lawyers in lions arch and all major cities. Then you get into the problems with a 12 or 13 year old role playing house with someone who is 40 (I can see the warrants for information every time a child explains to a adult what is going on). I am not saying these things would happen but why would arenanet take the chance


Rift has a full on marriage system and I havent heard anything about lawsuits and stuff regarding that. There IS dangerous territory whenever teens can play with adults of any age, but that has nothing to do with marriage systems and everything to do with the predators themselves.


I'd love a simply cosmetic marriage system. Not that I have anyone i'd marry in game, but I'd still enjoy it's existence (and that marriage outfit would finally have a secondary use).

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5) Married players get an extra heal skill called, "...In Sickness and in Health" where you transfer 50% of your HP to the other player. Married players get a utility skill called "Til Death Do Us Part" where you can teleport to your married player from anywhere in the game.


OMG. This right here would make it so cool. Granted...chances are the HP transfer would be way to overpowered and could potentially cause havoc, I still love the idea. But the 'Til Death Do Us Part" I'm 200% in support of.

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> @Zephyria.6103 said:

> 5) Married players get an extra heal skill called, "...In Sickness and in Health" where you transfer 50% of your HP to the other player. Married players get a utility skill called "Til Death Do Us Part" where you can teleport to your married player from anywhere in the game.


> OMG. This right here would make it so cool. Granted...chances are the HP transfer would be way to overpowered and could potentially cause havoc, I still love the idea. But the 'Til Death Do Us Part" I'm 200% in support of.


That was well thought out, I would have never hit on it, unfortunately my brain does not work like that.

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@Zephyria.6103 said:

> 5) Married players get an extra heal skill called, "...In Sickness and in Health" where you transfer 50% of your HP to the other player. Married players get a utility skill called "Til Death Do Us Part" where you can teleport to your married player from anywhere in the game.


> OMG. This right here would make it so cool. Granted...chances are the HP transfer would be way to overpowered and could potentially cause havoc, I still love the idea. But the 'Til Death Do Us Part" I'm 200% in support of.

I think 50% is sufficient. The idea is that you're making a sacrifice for your loved one. You're not HEALING your spouse but rather giving them half your health, meaning there is a huge risk to using it since you lose your health to heal them. Also, it takes up your healing skill so you're at a disadvantage there, too. You can't heal yourself or other players -- just one person. The idea is that you're make a huge sacrifice to help your spouse. With that explained with more detail do you feel it's still overpowered?


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> @GhostStar.8706 said:

> First of all, excuse me for my English. As the text is a bit large, I turned to Google Translate, so you will encounter several errors, but I believe you will understand.


> **Status: submitted for review**


> With the marriage system, two players, whether of the opposite sex or the same sex, can unite for each other.

> In order to get married, the player will be required to have some expansion.

> Players will be able to celebrate through a party, which would be an instantiated map where only guests could enter. In this instantiated map, they will have drinks, food, music and other things to entertain the guests

> Players will be able to adopt two children who would be a kind of mini, but you could send commands to them, like dancing or sitting. Each child would belong to one of the two, but they could exchange the time they want.

> In the field the two players, if they are within a maximum distance of 2,000, they would get bonus of:

> 1. speed;

> 2. experience;

> 3. magic f.;

> 4. gold.


If I can't marry my raptor in PoF, I don't want it.

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Personally I can't say I'm really interested in any marriage system, and I don't really get the point of children. But if it's something that's purely cosmetic / just a bit of fun for the people that want it then I'd have no objections. I agree with others that there should be no gameplay benefits in terms of buffs or boosts. I can already imagine the LFG full of marriage requests, or groups saying they'll only accept you if you marry them so you they can run with an extra 5% MF or something silly like that.


I could also see vendors selling 'divorce contracts' for a 100g as a gold sink lol

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I think, as long as it's for cosmetic and fun then sure. Once, things are added to give an advantage in any of the game modes, it shouldn't be added.

I would like to see it done with a bit of flair and work involved instead of a "800 gem buy and done" type of ordeal.


Cosmetically, I think it would be cute to add a small ring Icon or interlocking rings icon where the PvP/ Exploration Star would normally be located.

To appease those who do not want their affection publicly shown, there could be an option to have it hidden, similar to PvP's rank being hidden.


:p I do enjoy a lot of the ideas posted here though! <3

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This kind of RP should be left in the hands of players.


We got the love toys and the wedding attires. That's the kind of stuff players can use to RP their own weddings. So the best way to support marriages is more stuff on that line.


Maybe there could be other stuff in that line like gemstore items such as a series of "wedding rings" of different costs from a cheap 500 gem 'silver ring' to an extremely expensive 10000 gem "diamond ring" that can be bought as a gift and changes the hand texture to show a ring or something like that. Of course the diamond ring should come with a description that says "[Diamond rings are essentially worthless](

"Diamond rings are essentially worthless"), but you are going to pay us anyways! - Consortium Diamond Corporation ".


But nothing that requires new interfaces, frameworks and mechanics. Too much work for something with so little use.


And definitely nothing that gives combat bonus or advantages. People should not feel like they should get married for that kind of advantage.

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The idea of a marriage system should definitely be added, but not with bonuses that would make it a requirement to 'min max' everything.


We have Waypoints everywhere, so I don't think there'd be an issue having a skill that teleports you to your spouse (outside of PvP and new maps).


Definitely a big no no to % boosters such as Exp/Magic Find etc... Perhaps they could develop a system where playerhousing is introduced and then married couples can "apply/buy" bigger properties, it would be purely cosmetic and no benefits in-game that would require min-maxing.

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> @GhostStar.8706 said:

> First of all, excuse me for my English. As the text is a bit large, I turned to Google Translate, so you will encounter several errors, but I believe you will understand.


> **Status: submitted for review**


> With the marriage system, two players, whether of the opposite sex or the same sex, can unite for each other.

> In order to get married, the player will be required to have some expansion.

> Players will be able to celebrate through a party, which would be an instantiated map where only guests could enter. In this instantiated map, they will have drinks, food, music and other things to entertain the guests

> Players will be able to adopt two children who would be a kind of mini, but you could send commands to them, like dancing or sitting. Each child would belong to one of the two, but they could exchange the time they want.

> In the field the two players, if they are within a maximum distance of 2,000, they would get bonus of:

> 1. speed;

> 2. experience;

> 3. magic f.;

> 4. gold.


I like that Anet has put in a beautiul garden/point of interest in Lions Arch that is an amazing place to have a ceremony. You can provide food and drink from your guild to entertain any guests you invite there and they have Wedding Outfits to make you all beautiful for your wedding day. I think is is sufficient for players who want to marry in game :) The "adopt two children" is going a bit too far imo. Everything you need to get married is already in game.

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I kinda like the idea. Purely cosmetic, yeah. The 'Til Death Do Us Part' Skill is pretty awesome though - it's a very limited but endless Teleport to Friend skill. I can't see it being gamed all that much more than the TP to Friend already is. The whole 'divorce' thing does become a bit of a tricky subject, though. Maybe make it a gem thing (both marriage and divorce) or really spendy like commander tags...

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Yeah, no. This should be an RP thing only for those who absolutely want it, but I'm utterly against making it a game mechanic, _especially_ if it gives any kind of benefit.


Even from a RP persective, we cannot even sit in chairs, and the range of available animated emotes is tiny compared to say WoW. I can think of a lot more beneficial uses for dev time.

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While the idea is cute, I personally would rather see the resources it would take to put a system like this into place, instead put towards other game content that will have a wider use and more of an impact.


There's already wedding attire and a wedding pavilion for those who desire to have the rp element of characters being married. Adding bonuses or skills based on marriage would just inspire people to use it to have access to those skills or bonuses. Even a limited but endless Teleport to Friend would mean I'd feel compelled to marry of my characters to have access to that.

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Gem store item: marriage contract - 600 gems

Both players must have this item in their inventory to get married.

Take this item to the pavillion in LA. Grants 1 exotic wedding ring per player, 1 unique title X's husband/wife and 1 unique emote - blow kiss.


Pay 100 gold to get divorced, removes title and grants option to marry another player with a new purchased contract.


Option to bundle wedding attire with marriage contract in gem store.

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