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Wedding System


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I admit, Ragnarok Online was my first MMO and I do kinda miss the marriage feature. I liked the idea of helpful skills for each other. My friends and I are all writers, so we've mingled our characters together like this. I've been leveling a married asura pair with one. But I also don't need it to marry my characters, so I'm mostly in the middle on this one. If there's better things they could spend their time and money on...

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The idea to strongly link people together through a long quest, some special aesthetics, mechanic support for RP and some non game breaking utility? Yes, I like it.


However, the theme could be really hard to implement without becoming a hassle, because people is too diverse to begin with, and, lately, too easy to offend.

IF they were ever to implement this:

The link should be race and sex independent. This in itself would already rise debate and make a lot of sound for Anet.

The utilities should not give any advantage measurable in more rewards or superior builds. This makes the whole mechanic less attractive to some, and "wasted" development to others. More hassle.

The link should make patent a real level of commitment between the players. At the same time, it shoudln't be abuse-able by one of the partners, or an impediment for playing alone... truly hard to manage the correct sweet spot for this.


So, while I like the idea on its core, I think it would be too hard to develop without becoming a messy entanglement of arguments, unbalancing advantages and sheer awkwardness for Anet.

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I used to play the Korean MMO Fiesta back before NA got their own version of it and it had a marriage system not unlike this one, but it was much simpler.

1. Both parties had to purchase a marriage license. They weren't cheap either.

2. The marriage license would become tied to your account. If you wanted a divorce, you had to pay TWICE the cost of the marriage license. If I recall correctly, only one party needed to initiate the divorce, thereby canceling out the license on the other player.

3. Both players did in fact get boons for being married. When in proximity to each other, they got a purely cosmetic heart animation over them like the Harpy charmed effect buff. They also got a speed bonus and I think an exp bonus as well.

4. There was in fact a gift of one or two minis that came with marriage, but I don't remember what they were.


I know there was more to them than that, but I feel like it would honestly work if GW2 adopted that system.

1. A special vendor could be placed in the wedding garden in LA that sells the marriage license.

2. It should be a double-click item that makes it soulbound to the character in question. Putting in a player's name would allow you to become "married" to that player, and give you a special icon for it next to your character's name (You lose the icon when/if you get divorced).

3. Special cosmetic buffs when close to your spouse. Maybe a simple XvX boon or buff to go along with it too.

4. A wedding package could be sold in the gem store for purely aesthetic/roleplay purposes that include the wedding attire, one or two feasts, a box o' fun, and a party popper/fireworks/birthday blaster reskin.


There could be more to it, but I feel a simple and clean approach like this one would make a wedding/marriage system work really well in this game.

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> @rikilamaru.5842 said:

> i always like the idea of marriage in mmos, wow has a marriage system and i think ff14 does to.


if XIV has it, it's only because XI had it.

I remember it costed a lot of gil to have a marriage in FFXI, I think the one person I know that gotten married it costed like 400,000 gil or something.

I think the male get a suit while the girl get a dress and a ring which people usually sell as it was worth a good bit of money on the auction house.


It always seemed tacky though. I mean the marriage thing, not the dress.

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> @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

> NO. Why would you want MORE guild drama?


How would this system create drama? Actually, now that I think of it, I can't think of any guilds that I've been member to that have drama. You must be in some really shitty and immature guilds and a marriage mechanic in the game isn't going to change that for you, I'm sure.


> @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> Read the title and my answer was an automatic and solid "NO".


How come?

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> @Alatar.7364 said:

> _"Players will be able to adopt two children"_ -> Fell to Coma for a few minutes after reading this part.

> Now matter how Cute this idea is, it might be too (I am so sorry) hilarious to have a chance to come true.

> It is still nice though =)


Time for a round of Kick The Baby?

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> @PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

> Anyone who's married knows its never THAT beneficial.


> I kid, I kid.


> But seriously, the bonuses to those players are silly and would never happen. It would completely diminish what it means for people who do choose marriage if everyone is just doing it to get a boon of some sort.


Just like taxes are always EXACTLY the same in RL for 2 single people vs if those 2 people are married? Depending on your relative situations filing as one status or the other can be more beneficial (also like how some people have had to get divorced to be eligible for certain benefits they needed).


Marriage is pretty tied into economic status. That is not a good place for it to be but that is how it is.

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I think a permanent buff on the player to show the player is registered married in gw2 is pretty cool :)

so its like an addition system in the game, where player can choose to get married in whichever major city, sylari way, norn way, asura way, human way or charr way. after spoken to the celebrant (npc in any city) marriage ceremony will begin and at the end of the ceremony both married couple will receive a buff permanently on their nick.

and ofc this can be reversed too to remove the buff should the couple decided to discontinue.

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  • 10 months later...

> @"Chickenooble.5014" said:

> I played International Ragnarok Online over a decade ago and they had a similar system. I like the idea of marriage but dislike the idea of children.


> To add more to the OP, it should be an experience that puts some investment into the marriage...

> 1) The players should have to create a set of "wedding attire" that includes feet, pants, chest, hat and gloves. Make it a 400 crafting recipe.

> 2) The players should have to create a wedding band. The band would be a ring a gold ring with a gem set in it.

> 3) The players need to buy a Wedding License. Make it like 100G or something.

> 4) Players must wear the crafted items and go to Deverol Gardens [&BCIEAAA=] in Lions Arch with a squad of at least five other people. This puts them in an instance where they have a wedding. While in the instance, all other players in the squad get "celebratory" skills like throwing petals, rice, cheer and other things. Everyone will be wearing their town clothes.

> 5) Married players get an extra heal skill called, "...In Sickness and in Health" where you transfer 50% of your HP to the other player. Married players get a utility skill called "Til Death Do Us Part" where you can teleport to your married player from anywhere in the game.


I think the "'Til Death Do Us Part" thing is a bit TOO op, the other stuff though is totally awesome!

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