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Wedding System


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I like the core idea quite a bit. Something inconsequential to the game, interesting, not necessarily lore breaking. Definitely have to be careful that players then don't feel like they *have* to get married in order to receive some sort of tangible benefit. Goes back into other games that have things like a Family name tied to their account branching out into an entire lineage. You can do some interesting things with legacy accounts in this manner. It can also have a lot of negative connotations too and is much harder to put in five years after launch.

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Guild Wars 2 Devs stated their concept and creation of GW2 was to be different from other MMO experiences etc. They got rid of the dreadful trinity (hoorah!) and made a great game that is still progressing and drawing in players. To add something as daft as weddings, fishing etc is pure idiocy. People want that kind of an environment then by all means go play 1 of the many games that use those systems. Guild Wars 2 should stay off limits.

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My version of a marriage system:


- Only doable by Characters of same Race

- Grants married Players 1 new Healing, 1 new Utility and 1 new Elite Skill, they are all of the same power as like Racial Skills (not useable for Revs, thank your silly Class Design for this that turns you into the Black Sheep of all Classes)

Healing Skill: **Until Death Parts Us** - Heals you and your married Partner. Revives your married Partner. Has significantly longer CD, than usual Healing Skills.

Utility Skill: **Forever Together** - Teleport to your married Partner from anywhere

Elite Skill: **I Will Always Love You** - Your Partner sends a flying kiss to you and the Partner who received it receives temporarely for a few seconds all Boons.


- Married Characters receive a "Marry Aura", if they are standing near each other based on floating hearts and sometimes little flying cupids circulatign aroudn them shooting Love Arrows at them, as a little visualization, so that people can see when two characters are married with each other

- Married Characters will receive a personalized Title, called "Married with "Partner Name""

- Married Players unlock a Collection Achievement with that they can earn an ascended Marriage Weapon if they fulfill together in a Group all of its requirements

- Married Players unlock a Collection Achievement with that they can earn an ascended Armor Set if they fulfill together in a Group all of its requirements

- Players receive Marriage Outfits temporarely for the Marriage if they don't own already that Outfit

- Marriages are a Gold Sink, each player has to pay for being married to a marriage NPC which starts the whole thing a fee of 50 Gold

- Marriage Party NPCs will sell all kinds of fitting Marriage Stuff, from Cake, to Fireworks and so on

- Before the Marriage starts, can invite the two players each up to 50 People to join the Marriage as Guests, so the Marriage Instance that starts then can have up to 102 People.

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> @Zephyria.6103 said:

> 5) Married players get an extra heal skill called, "...In Sickness and in Health" where you transfer 50% of your HP to the other player. Married players get a utility skill called "Til Death Do Us Part" where you can teleport to your married player from anywhere in the game.


> OMG. This right here would make it so cool. Granted...chances are the HP transfer would be way to overpowered and could potentially cause havoc, I still love the idea. But the 'Til Death Do Us Part" I'm 200% in support of.


Given that world-wide it is more culturally accepted [even though not practiced as much] to be polygamous than monogamous, I propose that polygamy be allowed. With the above suggested marriage skills [which I wholly endorse] I would imagine this would become appealing to WvW guilds who wanted to maximize their META. This means that many of your ESports guilds would have to succumb to sister-wifery in order to ensure best outcomes in zerg fights. Let's make this happen!

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> @GhostStar.8706 said:

> First of all, excuse me for my English. As the text is a bit large, I turned to Google Translate, so you will encounter several errors, but I believe you will understand.


> **Status: submitted for review**


> With the marriage system, two players, whether of the opposite sex or the same sex, can unite for each other.

> In order to get married, the player will be required to have some expansion.

> Players will be able to celebrate through a party, which would be an instantiated map where only guests could enter. In this instantiated map, they will have drinks, food, music and other things to entertain the guests

> Players will be able to adopt two children who would be a kind of mini, but you could send commands to them, like dancing or sitting. Each child would belong to one of the two, but they could exchange the time they want.

> In the field the two players, if they are within a maximum distance of 2,000, they would get bonus of:

> 1. speed;

> 2. experience;

> 3. magic f.;

> 4. gold.


This kind of thing i see a lot in games made for the Oriental market. But its not really a thing suitable for gw2.

This kind of idea has an inherit "have to be married or lose out on buffs" thing to it. Which is a big no-no for GW2.

I don't understand by the 2 mini's. since marriage doesn't automatically also mean kids. Also there is the question of those mini's being soul bound or account bound or sell-able. (And if sell-able there is a bit about "selling your kids, really?)


two thing: One, this idea and variants of it have been proposed in the past and A-net has a firm "never going to happen" stance on things that can cause discord in group-play.

Two, Lions Arch already has a spot where if you do want to "marry" your partner in the game. you can use. there's even an npc that sells a environmental item that lets you throw flowers around. So for rp or for a real wedding with an gw2 thing to it. those are your options.


Also, please don't get dishearted by all the downvotes. Its simply that you came with an old idea that was already proposed a lot and A-net has said they weren't going to do that.

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I'd love a marriage system in the game. I don't like gating, quests or scavenger hunts though, I just want an NPC to register a marriage.

And I'd want multiple partners too.


I don't think any bonuses are necessary, it'd just be fluff and optional nice wedding ceremony for the people who like ceremonies.

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> @HiTandMayhem.1378 said:

> > @Zephyria.6103 said:

> > 5) Married players get an extra heal skill called, "...In Sickness and in Health" where you transfer 50% of your HP to the other player. Married players get a utility skill called "Til Death Do Us Part" where you can teleport to your married player from anywhere in the game.

> >

> > OMG. This right here would make it so cool. Granted...chances are the HP transfer would be way to overpowered and could potentially cause havoc, I still love the idea. But the 'Til Death Do Us Part" I'm 200% in support of.


> Given that world-wide it is more culturally accepted [even though not practiced as much] to be polygamous than monogamous, I propose that polygamy be allowed. With the above suggested marriage skills [which I wholly endorse] I would imagine this would become appealing to WvW guilds who wanted to maximize their META. This means that many of your ESports guilds would have to succumb to sister-wifery in order to ensure best outcomes in zerg fights. Let's make this happen!


I didn't even consider WvW, PvP or Raids but I would be opposed to any marriage buffs from being added to that content just because of potential balance issues. Teleporting and stuff, in my perfect world, would only be in PvE open-world content (ie. nothing in an instance or behind some queue/lobby).

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Hey they could honey-do list quests similar to heart quests.


Then there would be an opportunity for new achievements associated with consuming alcohol.


Hmm, a title that says Im with stupid.


All sorts of possibilities. Perhaps allow the couple to build up BLTC debt and have high interest bills to pay...and argue over.


A new crafting profession: civil attorney could craft prenups and divorce agreements.


Dont forget the new bloated body types only accessible for married characters that have let themselves go.

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What's wrong with the players just doing this stuff themselves? With whats already in-game, including wedding attire, people with enough creativity should be able to do this stuff _without_ _forcing_ _it_ _on_ _the_ _rest_ _of_ _us_, wither directly or indirectly. Also,even if some kind of virtual marriage was put in, Arenanet **WILL** **NOT** put actual mechanical bonuses into the game derived from this sort of thing.



Hate Is Fuel


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I reverse the question above..


Whats wrong with the players which can't just accept that theres a demand by players which want to show others, that they belong together and want to express this also by some funny ingame mechanics which visualize that fact? Be it either through some funny skills, an Aura Effect, Titles or some unique Skin Equipment that you have earned together, which can't be earned alone solo, to show, that you both were together on a journey for the items you wear (Legendary Wedding Ring is also a nice idea, kudos for that hehe ^^ that one could be basically combined with my Aura Idea :D)


Its not so, that anybody would ever force you ingame to do this stuff. All the mentioned stuff by me is just visual fluff mostly (Title, Aura, Skins) which give players no advantage over others.

Also the 3 mentioned Skill woudl be no player advantage if they get handled like Racial Skilsl that have even extra long Cooldown Times to make sure, that these Skills are used just for fun and not in any competitive gameplay scenarios, as liek in WvW or PvP (could also simply be made sure by just deactivating these skills outside of PvE, that you can use them only in PvE)


Can only laugh over this here especially


**without forcing it on the rest of us**


Like said, nobody forces anything here on you... you either do this content, or you just completely would ignore it and continue playing the game, like everyday, as if nothing has changed at all.


Nothing of the suggested things are "mechanical bonuses" as like getting some kind of increase in Stats... the addition of the fun skills is also completely optional, its no must have at all, just a nice to have thing for the flavor and for the expression of love between two player characters.

If really adding 3 fun skills would be too much work for Anet, then they can simply let it be at leavign them out. Title, Skins and Aura (Legendary Wedding Ring) alone would do the job too, if Naet adds also an other Legendary Ring as alternative.. and that Legendary Rings will come somewhen, is now just only a matter of time, as its needed to make legendary accessoires complete together with legendary earrings, now that we have already legendary back items and legendary amulets with Aurora)

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> I reverse the question above..


> Whats wrong with the players which can't just accept that theres a demand by players which want to show others, that they belong together and want to express this also by some funny ingame mechanics which visualize that fact? Be it either through some funny skills, an Aura Effect, Titles or some unique Skin Equipment that you have earned together, which can't be earned alone solo, to show, that you both have together on a journey for the items you wear (Legendary Wedding Ring is also a nice idea, kudos for that hehe ^^ that one could be basically combined with my Aura Idea :D)



In a perfect world where Arenanet has endless resources, time and money? Nothing. You should be able to have those small things that otherwise don't have an impact on the majority of players. However in reality Anet has failed to deliver on promises they've already made. Before the game ever launched we were promised an array of mini-games that the places for were even put into game, yet the games themselves never made it. The shooting gallery in Divinity's Reach stands as a monument to this fact. They did eventually manage to work in mini-games with HoT's adventures, but it wasn't in the original form and was only available to those with HoT.


So for you to have your marriage content anet would need to take people, time and money from other content. That's how it hurts the rest of the game. Instead of working on content everyone can and will use, it would just be for the niche players that want a wedding. As an rper I feel your pain. I would pay money to have an emote that let me sit in chair. However, I also realize that the audience simply isn't large enough, that the majority of players wouldn't use it and so it just isn't feasible to implement. This is why anet won't and probably shouldn't give you your marriage system or me the ability to sit in a chair, there's more important things to work on. For instance that whole **unidentified gear** system.


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Firstly, I would like to apologize for my English. I'm using Google Translate, so you'll find many errors again. Anyway.

Guys, I understand what many want to say, especially in relation to the benefits system, which I do not wish I had more. I just do not understand why some users lack respect. If you do not like my idea, give it a constructive criticism, but you do not have to get stressed out and typing it in the head.

Thank you those who contributed for a better topic, without toxicity.

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I like the idea of a marriage in game, and cross species/gender/whatever is fine, it really should not be a big deal about who gets married.


However, marriage should make it so that working together helps each other. To this end, all boons should be both active and interactive.




20% increase in revive speed if you revive your spouse, with a +20% more HP upon revival.


Fields and Finishers grant increased effects, IE: One partner triggers a Light field, and other partner uses a Blast finisher, as opposed to removing one condition, it removes 2, etc, etc


I suppose a benefit from AoE's, should also be involved, like a 10% Boon duration or something. Nothing major.


But, anyway, This way "marriage" is only profitable to people that will and want to work together,. it also makes marrying an "Alt" is not beneficial, unless you are some epic dual boxer, and if you are.. Kudos, and congrats on the wedding.

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> @Zephyria.6103 said:

> 5) Married players get an extra heal skill called, "...In Sickness and in Health" where you transfer 50% of your HP to the other player. Married players get a utility skill called "Til Death Do Us Part" where you can teleport to your married player from anywhere in the game.


> OMG. This right here would make it so cool. Granted...chances are the HP transfer would be way to overpowered and could potentially cause havoc, I still love the idea. But the 'Til Death Do Us Part" I'm 200% in support of.


XD I LOVE THIS!! you get one vote from me!

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Hmmm..... I think divorce needs some refinement...:

- Married players who wish to divorce must pay 100 gold for divorce contract

- Upon initiation of the divorce contract, the couple will battle to the death for the custody of their two children minis

- At the end of the divorce, both receive titles "heartbroken" and "free tyrian walking".

- Your now (account bound) miserable children minis despise winning parent, blaming him/her for their failed marriage gives constant burn affliction (50hp every 60 secs), this last for a total playtime of 40 hours.

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> @MithranArkanere.8957 said:

> Maybe there could be other stuff in that line like gemstore items such as a series of "wedding rings" of different costs from a cheap 500 gem 'silver ring' to an extremely expensive 10000 gem "diamond ring" that can be bought as a gift and changes the hand texture to show a ring or something like that. Of course the diamond ring should come with a description that says "[Diamond rings are essentially worthless](

"Diamond rings are essentially worthless"), but you are going to pay us anyways! - Consortium Diamond Corporation ".

I see you've met General Manager DeBeers, too.


I'm going to have to join in with the group that says if a wedding system ever goes beyond a fun, cosmetic or convenience thing, it flies completely in the face of everything this game has tried to do so far. We have wedding outfits for sale, we have a perfect wedding venue added in Lion's Arch. Players can already meet up there and RP their wedding, whether it be one that reflects a real-life wedding, or one just for character building sake. Giving any perks, even the minipet children (which is, let me say, pretty creepy), starts giving people who weren't normally interested in such things a reason to do it just for the stuff doing it will give. The only suggestion I've seen so far that I like as a concept is a gem store item that'd be like a skin for the accessories, and applying it to an item transforms it into on that is visible on the character. It doesn't even have to be a ring that's the symbolic gesture. I used to play on a MUSH where the symbol of marriage is a wedding _necklace_, so one of the accessories could become the marriage jewelry, somehow. Like maybe there's a wedding brooch or a wedding pin. Just something different to make Tyrians foreign, yet still somehow familiar.

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I am not a fan of transferring certain real life experiences into a computer game. It's different to play out romantic relationships in a pen&paper role-playing game, because you are playing in a circle of friends, looking them in the eye, know their current mental and emotional state etc. But online that's a different story as it can have all sorts of negative psychological effects on a player (especially if they are underage and/or lonely in real life). I do not believe that to be a good idea.

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