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Wedding System


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Giving a title to a married couple wouldn't be so bad, but mechanical benefits are big no no.

If you add any kind of mechanical benefit to being married then players will use alt accounts to get married to themselves in order to get those bonuses.


I can imagine raiding if the bonuses are any good: "Married couple looking for 4 other couples to do VG!"

And what would happen in 5-man content when one person won't be able to bring their partner :dissapointed: They'd need to increase party size to 6!

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Let me ask this question first. What kind of people want this system? Are you married irl and playing with your spouse? Are you single? If you want to get married you can already since there's chapel and wedding attire in the game so what's stopping you? Why does there have to be perks? I mean if this would be a thing with some of the perks listed marriage would be mandatory for everyone. Why do you need to have kids in the game? I'm just trying to understand the reasoning!

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> I am not a fan of transferring certain real life experiences into a computer game. It's different to play out romantic relationships in a pen&paper role-playing game, because you are playing in a circle of friends, looking them in the eye, know their current mental and emotional state etc. But online that's a different story as it can have all sorts of negative psychological effects on a player (especially if they are underage and/or lonely in real life). I do not believe that to be a good idea.


Hadn't thought of it from that angle. I'll say up front that I'm no expert in regards to psychology, but what little I do know does make me agree with you, beyond my admitted bias against the concept.



Hate Is Fuel


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> @GhostStar.8706 said:

> First of all, excuse me for my English. As the text is a bit large, I turned to Google Translate, so you will encounter several errors, but I believe you will understand.


> **Status: submitted for review**


> With the marriage system, two players, whether of the opposite sex or the same sex, can unite for each other.


> Players will be able to adopt two children who would be a kind of mini, but you could send commands to them, like dancing or sitting. Each child would belong to one of the two, but they could exchange the time they want.

> In the field the two players, if they are within a maximum distance of 2,000, they would get bonus of:



In my opinion, letting the game aspects aside, implementing such thing will insult a lot of players. The marriage between individuals of the same sex is a controversial subject on many country. The idea with the kids as minis seems also something ..... not normal. MINIS? C'mon! To follow you into battle? And to dismiss them when you don't want them anymore? To use them as toys who dance and sing? This is your idea about the responsibility for the childs?

I can understand Kasmeer and Marjory being together - as a(n unofficial) couple. I will not be able to understand the two raising a request to Queen Jennah for an official marriage. And then to adopt two child under the reason the fate was cruel and they cannot have children . This no more is individual preference for a certain person - this is pure hypocrisy.

The bonus system seems (at least for me) to be not a good thing - if the bonuses add even an infinitesimal plus for the players, the marriage will become a "meta".







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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> Giving a title to a married couple wouldn't be so bad, but mechanical benefits are big no no.

> If you add any kind of mechanical benefit to being married then players will use alt accounts to get married to themselves in order to get those bonuses.

Unless someone can use an alt account and play them simultaneously then I don't see the harm.

* The OP offered buffs to married couples when they're within range of each other.

* I offered spousal-healing self-sacrifice ("In Sickness And In Health") and utility abilities that teleports players to each other ("Til Death Do Us Part") that only work on your spouse.

* I also proposed that these buffs/abilities not be available in instanced PvE content or PvP/WvW, meaning it would only be available in non-competitive open-world play.

* I suggest the content be gated behind a "quest" where each player has to complete wedding attire (5-piece crafting at 400 level), rings (Rare Gold Ring, 200 Level), and a wedding contract (could put this behind a quest or crafting process, too).

* It was proposed that players get mini "children"


Even if someone used an alt account to marry themselves, the fact that there would be an investment in the process and no real advantage over other players makes it a moot point. If someone had an alt that pushed out a buff (let's say a 2% increase to base stats -- but just theoretical and not a real proposition) to a main character, if that buff doesn't affect the competitive aspects of the game, would you really care? What advantage are they getting? They can do more damage in a world boss encounter?


> @zarak.2314 said:

> Let me ask this question first. What kind of people want this system? Are you married irl and playing with your spouse? Are you single? If you want to get married you can already since there's chapel and wedding attire in the game so what's stopping you? Why does there have to be perks? I mean if this would be a thing with some of the perks listed marriage would be mandatory for everyone. Why do you need to have kids in the game? I'm just trying to understand the reasoning!

Because it might be a fun system for some people if they want to go through the steps? This game has content gated behind all sorts of things -- raids aren't easy if you don't have the gear, dungeons are gated until you're a certain level, PvP/WvW rewards are gated behind levels, mastery abilities are gated behind mastery points. I didn't need to focus on getting Nuhoch Stealth Detection for Treasure Mushrooms but I wanted to participate in content that was otherwise not necessary for me to enjoy the game. I see the wedding idea as much of the same. Arena Net could make the wedding system and people could participate if they want. It would be another unnecessary thing added to the game but some people enjoy unnecessary stuff.


The people who might enjoy the content: Real-life spouses, Real-life/In-game friends, or lonely guy with several accounts.



> @Cristalyan.5728 said:

> In my opinion, letting the game aspects aside, implementing such thing will insult a lot of players. The marriage between individuals of the same sex is a controversial subject on many country. The idea with the kids as minis seems also something ..... not normal. MINIS? C'mon! To follow you into battle? And to dismiss them when you don't want them anymore? To use them as toys who dance and sing? This is your idea about the responsibility for the childs?

I wasn't a fan of introducing some weird child-aspect into the game. Mixed-races can't breed in this game so why would there be kids? Better to leave it alone.


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> @zarak.2314 said:

> Let me ask this question first. What kind of people want this system? Are you married irl and playing with your spouse? Are you single? If you want to get married you can already since there's chapel and wedding attire in the game so what's stopping you? Why does there have to be perks? I mean if this would be a thing with some of the perks listed marriage would be mandatory for everyone. Why do you need to have kids in the game? I'm just trying to understand the reasoning!


Well, let me ask you a question. What is a Marriage? If you boil it down, it is really two people opting to be there for each other, though the good times and the bad times, and while that seems simple enough, and it's easy enough to say that this could be carried out without any fanfare or wedding as it were, we are left to ask, What is Wedding ?


Well a Wedding, after remove all the free food an dress up, is a public legal promise of this vow to be there for each other, for the remainder of you days.


Now, anyone can have a relationship without a Wedding, but, without that legal binding contract, its' really just two people living together for the current moment.


Now the real question, what is a "Wedding" without the legally binding vow? Well it's a party.. and I have one of those every time I WvW, often including drink, food, and banners, outfits and even party boxes. It would be a crying shame to have a wedding not be more meaningful then an angry horde of players prepping to ransack some empty towers and keeps.

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I really do not think this is something I would want them to waste time with, with all the other things that could be (should be) added to make this game better. This really only caters to a specific group of couples who play the game, which I have to say "Roleplay it out" and just forget about it later on? I mean I doubt its going to bring any substantial things to the game, and is sure not going to get anyone to quit if its not touched on.


To top that off your asking a company who probably could care less, and would rather add things they can monetize( mounts, gliders ..ect) So if they DID do this be prepared to pay for it. And remember they might not make it an account thing just to pull that much more profit out of it, IT as well turns the game more toward a pay to win as alot of us dont have a significant other to game with. This then leads to friends getting it to benefit from it, but I feel like A-net would make it so each person has to have the little gem Item to be able to get married. So they could double their profit off of it, so be careful when your asking for this... because you might get something that is not as nice as you originally thought.

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I like the idea of marriage. I would want it to be account bound though and not character to character. They could sell a package where it could give you a permanent teleport to spouse, the roses, and the wedding costume. I personally wouldn't care about the children or buffs, there is no point in having those; like most people said it would just cause too much trouble.

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  • 1 month later...

This system seems arbitrary. If there's any tangible boost to being married, it be meta to be married always.


I don't think it's a good idea for anet to spend their limited resources on this. Can't you just roleplay you're married with someone? Anet did give you a marrying garden in Lions Arch and wedding attire in the gem store

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> we would like a wedding system. it would be really nice to see the character "grows" and fit more into the world of tyria.



> well, we can think about it. Some extra roleplay can't hurt anyway...



>Yeah! And also, why don't you make that if the 2 married players play together they share bonuses like Extra magic find, Extra karma, Extra tokens from the many currencies and...



> _Mad King's laughter_


Seriourly, why in the world everytime something is *requested* there should be bonuses related?


Though, actually, i could enjoy threads like



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> @PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

> Anyone who's married knows its never THAT beneficial.


> I kid, I kid.


> But seriously, the bonuses to those players are silly and would never happen. It would completely diminish what it means for people who do choose marriage if everyone is just doing it to get a boon of some sort.


Hey now, I'd totally marry my bro for boons. And when he protests, I'll just remind him that I get more karma _and_ more gold and that karma can be used during Wintersday.


And then he'll be all like...damn, hit me up with that proposal.

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> @"Vax Tezhme.7128" said:

> I kinda like the idea. Purely cosmetic, yeah. The 'Til Death Do Us Part' Skill is pretty awesome though - it's a very limited but endless Teleport to Friend skill. I can't see it being gamed all that much more than the TP to Friend already is. The whole 'divorce' thing does become a bit of a tricky subject, though. Maybe make it a gem thing (both marriage and divorce) or really spendy like commander tags...


While I like the idea of marriage, till death do us part / forever together sounds a bit OP especially for looted chests at the end of certain jps.

Like draconic mons and sirens landing, all of the unbound magic, not much hassle since its character bound.

Or the 1 out of every 2 tries that draconic mons gives a rare.

Its also incredibly helpful for gathering spots. Just plop an alt accounds 5 charcters near the high harvest nodes.


I dont disagree though that it would be a neat effect, use ring and be able to teleport to your partner.

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Hopefully along with the other ideas of ruining GW's with marriage, fishing, housing it will NEVER happen. Why can't people just leave this game alone and go play games that already incorporate this. You wont be missed and others will easily fill your spots if you want this kinda silly stuff so badly. SMH

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> @Tasida.4085 said:

> Hopefully along with the other ideas of ruining GW's with marriage, fishing, housing it will NEVER happen. Why can't people just leave this game alone and go play games that already incorporate this. You wont be missed and others will easily fill your spots if you want this kinda silly stuff so badly. SMH


marry me

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