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Re-releasing the Guild Wars 1 & 2 Original Soundtrack?

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As many of you may know that the music in Guild Wars 1 & 2 are the most beautiful pieces of work ever created and most of us just can't stop listening to them.


But sometimes you don't just want to listen to them in game, sometimes you want to go out doors and keep listening to it.


Which brings me to my point on why have they not re-released the Guild Wars 1 & 2 Original Soundtrack?


We got the new Tracks that came out with the newest content so why not treat the old community members with the Good-old soundtracks?


Would like to hear what you think.

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The signed GW2 Collectors Edition soundtracks from DirectSong have been a disaster as well.

Back in the days I downloaded the GW1 special edition and collectors edition soundtracks there without any problems tho. But these were still in WMA format back then. I still have them linked into the game via GW1 DirectSong support.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Purchasing, or actually any kind of interaction with, DirectSong is to be approached with much caution. They don't have the best track record. (Still waiting after 10+ years for my download.)


I had no trouble back in the GW1 days to purchase and download music via DirectSong. Haven't used it since, though.

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Like Fox above, I had no issues with DirectSong back in the GW1 era. Once they updated their website after GW2 launch they have been nothing but a pain. The one item I got to work was so loaded with what I assume to be DRM that it wouldn't play on anything other than my PC. Given I'd purchased it for my ipod for gym usage it was a total waste of money.

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DirectSong's approach to the signed 4-disk set of Soule's GW2 work in the summer of 2012 went past the line of shoddy and into flat-out unethical reportable shadiness. And I say that as someone who actually -did- receive her paid for copy, albeit in twice the promised time. ANet is well shut of that business connection.

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I had a lot of problem with them also.

When I bought GW1 music, it wouldn't be playable on anything else than windows media player because of their DRM. I could also only download the album 3 times from their website. I found that out after I had to change computer and it told me I only had 2 download left.

The bonus battle music pack never worked for me in GW1. When I sent a ticket about it to anet, they said directsong was to blame, and when I contacted directsong they said it was anet's fault so it was never resolved.


Then I was foolish enough to try buy the Skyrim soundtrack. I contacted them 3 months after my purchase because I hadn't received it yet and they told me there was delay because of popularity and Jeremy Soule had to sign every album. I waited another 3 months and they told me the same. I said I didn't care about the signature and only wanted the CD and they instead offered me Digital download of Obivion OR Morrowind soundtracks, not even both. I told them I didn't want either of them and that I paid for Skyrim and they told me that I would need to be more patient. They never replied to further messages I sent them. I still never got my Skyrim soundtrack.

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