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Best Class for Rifle

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So, I worked my way through the collection and received a Cursed Flintlock (ascended rifle, selectable stats, two sigils and two infusions) and I was wondering which of my characters would be best to use it.


Deadeye seems the most obvious choice, but I find I am doing more damage with P/P and using the Mark plus Be Quick or Be Killed than the straight up rifle. Previously, I had been using Mark, then P/P to run up Malice, then switch to Rifle, then using Death's Judgement to lay down high damage shots when Malice is full. But I pretty much just switched back to P/P after that, so it seems a little wasteful.


I have an ascended Berserker rifle with my Engineer, so if I doubled up on him it would just be to have different stats for the rifle.


My understanding is that the rifle was also pretty terrible with the Warrior, compared to the Longbow, but I used one for a long time for asthetic reasons.


Basically looking for ideas to see which class to use this rifle to build around. As a reminder, a Cursed Flintlock can be Berserker, Assassin, or Valkyrie.

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> @MinerBob.5312 said:

> My understanding is that the rifle was also pretty terrible with the Warrior, compared to the Longbow, but I used one for a long time for aesthetic reasons.


You are correct. Rifle warrior is still under powered to this day. I still use it anyways, also for aesthetic reasons (I main a Charr Warrior), and because I love me some firearms.



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I would say Thief, but I agree with your sentiments about P/P.


Holosmiths currently use Rifle because sword is garbage, they don't really use it for "DPS" though, it's more for utility movement and a bit of burst in PvP. It still blows arse in PvE


Rifle can be used as a burst weapon for Warrior in PvP but at that point you're really just using it because you "like rifles".

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I'm going to assume you would like to use rifle in a WvW/PvP setting.


I like to use my rifle on my full zerk _Berserker_ and pretend to look like a noob in WvW clad in starter gear skins. This generally lures the all-too-common abundance of squishy thieves/mesmers and certain druid builds thinking I'm an easy target. It's nice seeing a 12-15k+ _Gunflame_ 1HKO straight in the teeth rendering them forever downed into the depths of oblivion, probably drowning in their own tears for being fooled so easily.


Other than that your best bet would be a power _Holosmith_ build. I've tried full zerk _DE_ in PvP and it has the potential to shut down average Scourges or anyone who doesn't have blocks/reflects/dodges left.


I came across a very annoying DE in WvW the other day. At first I thought it was a joke troll nomad's build but he definitely was critting, albeit not dying to him since I kept my distance nevertheless I was left bewildered at how he could stealth and still teleport around without running out of initiative. Get near him and he tele's or stealths away. Try and leave and they're after you like a mad dog.


Anyway hope that gives you some insight.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> I've tried Rifle on Warrior, Thief, and Engineer.

> From what I've seen, it's either Thief or Engineer as Warrior with rifle was really a lackluster to me. Then... I didn't find rifle (or engineer) to be all that awesome as well so I would probably say Thief.


Rifle Holosmith is really fun.


But yeah otherwise i'd just give it to the Thief, i think the Rifle from Deadeye has a lot of potential if Anet tweaks it a little bit.

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