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Ranger 1v1 build help


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Ok im doing 1v1s with a friend and im nit entirely sure how to build. We are doing same class 1v1s so he'll be on his ranger as well. I just need a base line of gear (3 stat as its much easier to get) and traits and skills. If you have a main build and an annoying as crap build thatd be awesome :D. This is in our guild hall arena so no pvp stat based builds

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This is the build thats been on my ranger (main build) since pre-hot and never wanted to change it because it used to be more viable than longbow even while lb was meta. however if both of you arent using the same builds im not sure where to rank it atm with soulbeast and druids playing against it however the pve celestial is the proper celestial so it should stand its own ground.




Celestial amulet/armor which isnt the easiest to get.


Snare him with elite and then put him in the fire ring and then hit him with the fire torch and other skills before shortbow to spam bleeds. This build used to be way up there and noone knew about it. I used to feel nearly immortal.

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