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Remove sky hammer from ranked

Faux Play.6104

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> @paShadoWn.5723 said:

> > @Vertep.2498 said:

> > > @Loop.8106 said:

> > > > @Vertep.2498 said:

> > > > > @paShadoWn.5723 said:

> > > > > > @Vertep.2498 said:

> > > > > > but you wont die in just 1-2 sec if you dont cleanse

> > > > > DPS maniac (cleanse does not do DAMAGES!!1!1) detected.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > lol? many skills with cleanse on utility can be instant without cast time but it have limited use.

> > > > I fought not only once with scourge and do you know what? once I used 1st cleanse then in next 1 sec got reapplied 20 stacks of 3 different condis, fast used 2nd cleanse and do you know what again? same, again ot in just 1 sec 20 stacks of few different condis, on most classes you have limited cleansing where you cant spam it like guardian while against spellbreaker just look on him and dont attack when he is in defensive mode (not attacking you also)

> > > >

> > > > to survive scourge you need literally a tons of cleasne which is maybe jsut on 2 classes with viable builds for this to not be useless in other aspects of pvp

> > >

> > > Condi cleanses are pointless vs Scourge. You need hard mitigation, in the form of either dodging / blocking the skills or having resistance up. Doesn't matter how many cleanses you have if you keep on face-tanking their shades.

> >

> > HA and this is it!

> > you are mostly jsut kitten y scourge if you arnt guard or warrior (the only classes with viable access to resistance) and then its pointless to even go close to scourge while against spellbreaker you still can fight/kite him without dying while with scourge just 1-2 seconds and gg


> Let me guess you do not run a secondary ranged weapon?


what have to this topic having ranged weapon in very small place where single scourge aoe will cover 90% of entire this place and also how about classes who dont have access to ranged weapons? or if have access its still very unviable against scourge

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> @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> Skyhammer is still a bad map to play on. If I had one choice of excluding a map from my roster it would be this one. The gameplay on it isn't bad, it is quite good. The problem is because the game camera is so bad in PvP you can can't see what what you are doing most of the time because of all the building obstructions in the way like pillars, stairs etc. I've find this map heavily favors classes that can fight blind, i.e. classes with ample massive aoe condi fields or direct damage aoe. Half the time is spent adjusting the camera and the other half actually playing.


Meh, Spirit Watch is worse. Also, Foefire is about as bad, with the lord mechanic causing everyone to lose their minds (it works with an organized team, but with a bunch of randoms it's painful). The biggest problem I've had with Skyhammer is getting shot through the columns by p/p deadeyes, and even that may be the erratic lag spikes I've been getting lately rather than a problem with their scenery hitboxes.

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