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The Hunt (Tournament Style Survey)


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**The Hunt**


**Preface:** This is not another thread requesting for a “Tournament” but more to research and refine as to

what type you would like to see in WvW. The **Poll** portion is whether or not you like or dislike this

type. Please post any recommendations and try to keep it from digressing into a “Match Up” thread

about server stacking as we all know this is an issue and nothing is going to be done about it.

This one is to be based purely on the PvP aspect of WvW and interactions between players. No PPT

or PvE participation is to be factored into the scoring.

I want to keep this as simple as possible to prevent a lot of coding/programming to implement.


**1: Length-** Tournament will last one week starting from reset and terminate at the end of the match.

The Tournament will start on reset when server relinking occurs. This is to help prevent server stacking

and match manipulation.

No prior announcement of when Tournament will occur except at the end of the match prior to the reset.

“Maybe an announcement on the WvW panel when matches are being reset”.

No transfers will be allowed for the duration of the Tournament.


**2: Scoring-** Will be based solely on “Stomping”. This method is to discount any kills due to the use of siege or

the “Pirate Ship” meta. If you “Alt+F4” it’s counted as a stomp.

Normal scoring for server ranking will continue.


**3: Bloodlust-** Bonus remains intact for the Tournament.

Hopefully these areas will attract a lot of combat…


**4: Leeching-** This is going to be the hardest to control. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

What is considered participation as the Tournament is server based?

Do we implement a “minimum amount of stomps to qualify?


**5: Farming-** No points will be awarded if a stomp returns “no drop” or a “trash drop” is awarded.

This will need some discussing to see if it’s feasible to track.



**6: Rewards-** Open for discussion.

1st Place- Choice of Ascended Gear or Weapon chest plus 1000 Skirmish Tickets.

2nd Place- Choice of Ascended Gear or Weapon chest plus 500 Skirmish Tickets.

3rd Place- Choice of Ascended Gear or Weapon chest. The reward for this placement is purposely

kept low to prevent leeching and other forms on Non Engagement on a PvP level.


**7: Skirmish Chest-** Will be suspended for the duration of the Tournament.


**8: Outnumbered:** The bonus will be suspended for the duration of the Tournament.

The buff icon will still be placed on the map when affected.


**9: Guild Claiming Auras:** Will be suspended during the Tournament to keep everyone on an equal

footing statwise.


**10: Tactivators:** This can be discussed if they are to be allowed or not.

Use of banners.

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> @Swamurabi.7890 said:

> Whatever tournament rules you come up with that "stack to win" is the meta is going to repeat the past.


> [Red post on tournaments and WvW population](https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/wuv/Whens-the-next-WvW-tournament/first#post6162034)


Did you actually read any of it or just saw "Tournament" and voted No?

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> @Loosmaster.8263 said:

> > @Swamurabi.7890 said:

> > Whatever tournament rules you come up with that "stack to win" is the meta is going to repeat the past.

> >

> > [Red post on tournaments and WvW population](https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/wuv/Whens-the-next-WvW-tournament/first#post6162034)


> Did you actually read any of it or just saw "Tournament" and voted No?


I read it. Do you know now 10 can beat 50 or has something changed with PoF?

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Anet already has plenty of inspiration for a server/guild based, automated tournament in the old Heroes' Ascent from GW1 (https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Heroes%27_Ascent). Just pop up the mode to like 20 players instead of 8 (or a full squad? that might work too), adapt arenas to a WvW-style of combat, and replace that with the basically cut content of Obsidian Sanctum.


You can't make "open" tournaments because the zerg will always prevail. What _can_ happen and would be very nice is for Anet to actually support the GvG events players already promote by themselves, whilst also allowing pugs to join up on these matches. WvW is fine as is, as far as tournaments are concerned, and whatever attempt to do that should be done as a separate instance (therefore also solving the problem of GvG's being trolled by roamers sometimes).

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Not really a tournament if you just do it for one week and only face two opponents, it's just an event like golem week.

I understand what you're trying to accomplish by taking out ppting and hoping players won't burn themselves out with just ppk. But whomever is leading a match will just be encouraged to turtle a match, that means more hiding in structures.


Don't know how much work it would be to switch off ppt, skirmish, participation, guild auras, outnumbered, but it might be more effort than it's worth to run an event once every eight weeks. I don't think the outnumbered buff should be disabled.


Rewards I think are way too high for something that only lasts a week. A set of tier 2 triumphant ascended cost 1310 tickets, you want to give away an ascended gear or weapon box plus 1000 tickets, which would normally take around 4 weeks to get. This is coming from someone who's on mag and think they would win this event no matter the opponent. Maybe a weeks worth of tickets would be good enough instead, and distributed evenly for all servers, some other visual reward should be used for the top server.


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Possible problems with your suggestion :

People stack in anticipation of the tourney

As soon as skirmish chests get suspended, alt accounts come in and find a corner of wvw and repeatedly stomp other accounts for score manipulation.

Rewards are meh, already have tickets and ascended gears/ weopons sets.

This tourney doesn't stop the pirate ship meta. I don't zerg a lot but when I do, I stomp a few here and there.

Interesting idea though, I don't think with the current pirate ship meta, plus the lack of pips there would be many people in wvw by the time devs implemented it. I can already see a serious culling happening to wvw commanders, guilds and players. Should call it a Roamers Tourney. I'd still load up a cheese build and play it though :)

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No : Reason : can you win a race in a Traban against a Ferrari. BG is Ferrari server like : and it's not about numbers. We would win again and other servers would complain AGAIN. So let's keep wvw civil and pleasant for all let's not have a tourney xD (let bags and tears flow to BG without contest and we are fine)

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> @Loosmaster.8263 said:

> **1: Length-** Tournament will last one week starting from reset and terminate at the end of the match.

> The Tournament will start on reset when server relinking occurs. This is to help prevent server stacking

> and match manipulation.

> No prior announcement of when Tournament will occur except at the end of the match prior to the reset.

> “Maybe an announcement on the WvW panel when matches are being reset”.

> No transfers will be allowed for the duration of the Tournament.


Tournaments usually intend to be competitive. Anything longer than the average players play time (like an hour or two these days) means coverage will decide the match. Which to the player wouldn't necessarily feel competitive. Not only that, ANET has already stated permanent burnout occurred, and that I can only suspect is because of match 24/7 persistence itself. Unsurprising, those players figured out that playing longer lead to them winning the tournament. And no. Stomping being the only way to get points doesn't prevent this, since efforts made by off time time zones will give the advantage to other timezone to get more stomps from the safety of captured objectives.


To quote shark tank/dragon's den. I'm out. D:

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> @Swamurabi.7890 said:

> Replacing a PPT tournament with a KDR or stomp event won't change how players acted from previous tournaments. Actions that lowered WvW population permanently.


> Tell us how CD can win against BG and I'll listen.


Again you are pushing the server stacking issue that is completely irrelevant to what I'm asking about!!!

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Since this only lasts for one week, a t4 server like CD wouldn't be facing a t1 sever like BG anyways.


As for OP and the stacking issue, how often are these tournaments suppose to be?


> Tournament will last one week starting from reset and terminate at the end of the match.

> The Tournament will start on reset when server relinking occurs.

> No prior announcement of when Tournament will occur except at the end of the match prior to the reset.

> No transfers will be allowed for the duration of the Tournament.


What you state here is the tournament will happen at the beginning of a "relink" from reset for a week.

Relinks are every 8 weeks or 2 months, players will have 7 weeks to prepare a bandwagon to a main server to gain maximum kdr, they could even pick a low population server the week before a relink to get ready for the "surprise" tournament. It won't matter what server they end up linked with as they will be stacked, especially if a lot of organized fight guilds do this.


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> @XenesisII.1540 said:

> Since this only lasts for one week, a t4 server like CD wouldn't be facing a t1 sever like BG anyways.


> As for OP and the stacking issue, how often are these tournaments suppose to be?


> > Tournament will last one week starting from reset and terminate at the end of the match.

> > The Tournament will start on reset when server relinking occurs.

> > No prior announcement of when Tournament will occur except at the end of the match prior to the reset.

> > No transfers will be allowed for the duration of the Tournament.


> What you state here is the tournament will happen at the beginning of a "relink" from reset for a week.

> Relinks are every 8 weeks or 2 months, players will have 7 weeks to prepare a bandwagon to a main server to gain maximum kdr, they could even pick a low population server the week before a relink to get ready for the "surprise" tournament. It won't matter what server they end up linked with as they will be stacked, especially if a lot of organized fight guilds do this.



The 3rd part "No prior announcement" and it's not required to be every relink. It can happen whenever they choose. Also on the stacking issue, they can see transfers happening and isn't this the premises for linked servers, to help populate main host? If this happens to a host, they could lose possibilities of links.


I'm not saying it won't happen but this is just for discussion purpose. KDR is not a scoring factor. You can bomb hell out of everyone if you want but you need to stop and stomp them before they die.

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