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Underwater combat?!

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> @LUST.7241 said:

> > @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> > I'm still pondering wether I should account-bind a TP-purchased Kraitkin. The weapon looks great but the amount of usefulness is close to zero.

> >


> I haven't made a legendary weapon, and have no intention to (5+ years)...but I've told my former guildmates, if I ever do: It would be an underwater legendary...even if it is just for the Underwater Fractal.


> That's how much I enjoy/prefer/like underwater content. Land isn't worthy.


My man! Made the precursor for "The name we shall not be able to pronounce" just because the shark looks awesome> @Microundeas.4530 said:

> I don't mind with underwater battles, but as a guardian i jut fell my spells are... useless. (Ele is awesome btw xD)

> I actually just think that the underwater spells needs a small revamp to fix it :)


Some change and balancing would be needed to make underwater combat better for all professions yeah..


> @mowljo.2376 said:

> Im more for underwater exploring than fighting, or just do something with the endless sees and underwater spaces, maybe let us fly our mount, the squashed one, use there.


That's also one thing, some underwater areas feel rather empty.

That spot with the seaweed in mount maelstrom, thought I just found an awesome hidden cave or something... and then it's just a bowl of nothing hidden under a bunch of seaweed..


> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> I am sorry, I am not thrilled at the idea of an underwater content.


> I am maybe an exception,but I dislike very much to go underwater. Or to be more precise, I like to go underwater swimming and farming, but combat underwater is something very difficult to me and I do not enjoy it at all.

> In combat underwater, the 3D is a killer to me. I feel lost, regularly lose my target with big difficulty to catch it again, I also have difficulties to move up and down during fight, losing time, moving badly... Never knowing where I am exactly... Let's be honest: In underwater combat, I am more an iron than a graceful siren...


> Due to that, I have nothing against a bigger part of underwater content, but then please, not something mandatory to progression, otherwise, players like me, we will be left aside or forced to be carried out by others, what is not a good feeling for me as I don't want to be a leecher.


We can agree on some things then, they should add more idk mini-dungeons and puzzles underwater.

Should be a lot of interesting concepts for a 3D maneuver puzzle etc.


And skills need to be changed to somehow work under water.


Had to giggle a bit at that graceful siren bit..

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> @Majic.4801 said:

> > @Yamazuki.6073 said:

> > Underwater combat is most likely intentionally avoided by the developers. The issues with it isn't a numbers issue, they have to redo all classes as well as how the combat itself functions underwater. I personally do not enjoy underwater combat and prefer it be used only for easy casual stuff in the open world for exploration. Currently underwater combat has the drawback of requiring additional gear and sometimes you would need two sets of gear, such as if you're condi on land but you have nearly 0 condi under water in addition to 70% of your abilities being disabled, you would then need to swap to power setups for underwater; and the game doesn't provide a quick way to swap between entirely different builds quickly either.


> ^^This.


> I love underwater combat and I think GW2's is the best of any MMO I've played, but a lot of players don't like it and it's not where it needs to be in terms of mainstream gameplay.


> ArenaNet has made it clear enough that what we have is what we get, and though I consider it regrettable, I do understand why.





While I personally don't mind underwater combat (I don't particularly enjoy or not enjoy it, but the lack of balance and clearly dated design concept and skills makes it even more unfun) I do believe a majority of the player base did and does not enjoy it.


Reason enough for me to keep it as is without further developer resources sunk into it.


Besides the huge amount of work which would have to be done both balance and update wise for any serious content (let's face it, no one gives a s**** about open world, but if this were to be added into competitive content where classes and skills mattered, the amount of elitism would be huge) you are essentially facing scrutiny by a big part of the player base for not investing these resources into content which is desired. A risk not worth taking I believe.

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This is just heresay, but my friend here who has always had reliable info, and knows every tiny tidbit it would seem about GW1 and 2, said there had been a planned expansion focusing on underwater experience and was canned due to the overwhelming hate feedback about people disliking water fights.. I have to side with those people about it, heh

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> @Zionka.6897 said:

> This is just heresay, but my friend here who has always had reliable info, and knows every tiny tidbit it would seem about GW1 and 2, said there had been a planned expansion focusing on underwater experience and was canned due to the overwhelming hate feedback about people disliking water fights.. I have to side with those people about it, heh


Here's my take on it. I would love an expansion or feature pack that overhauled underwater combat in some way. And I really do believe that we will only get a proper overhaul in an expansion due to the amount of work it would require. I really would love that. BUT, I still don't like underwater content as much as I like above ground content, simply because of the 3D environment. On ground, its 2D in the near range, or close enough. And you can choose to go 3D whenever you want by finding a high place and jumping off with your glider, or using your griffon if you have one. But the important thing is you can choose. You can't choose that in UW, you are forced into a 3D environment (which also btw removes jumping puzzles, since there is no jumping.....). For me, this will make UW content always inferior to on land content, and therefore I would be very unhappy with an expansion that focused around UW content.


In short, I want the work put in to revamp UW combat and make it fun, but I also don't want an expansion devoted to UW content. I don't think I would be happy if any more than ~10-20% of the content was UW content

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As it currently is, end game it's so neglected it really just makes for a frustrating experience. Most elites don't work underwater with most or all their unique skills. Weapons and skill are neglected, for it to be playable for any amount of time, they need to actually need to overhaul the skills and weapons for many classes.

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The lore has a sea dragon as well, I think it would be cool to add a water-focused expansion in the future.

With player controlled ships, cannons, underwater mounts etc. Also a playable largos race. Maps would look like the WaterWorld movie. Some spooky deep sea minions with tentacles etc.

I think it's a good idea for the fourth expansion.



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In all the years and MMO's I have played, as well as a few SP games... GW2 has by far the best looking, most fun underwater side to its game.

My only frustration is that they just haven't bothered to expand on it.

A few more challenging quests a few more puzzles and some re-working of weapons, maybe adding a few new ones along the way.

I would love for an underwater mount to added as well.. personally I wanna ride that all teeth and no bite shark outta Harathi and chomp a few sardines whilst doing it.

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Underwater Combat is fun, so is exploring. But that being said I don't think a total rework on UW Combat is needed. We need more variety of utility skills that work under water, maybe give each class a new set of UW skills. 1 heal, 3 utilities and 1 elite to help with build variety.

As for classes.... Rev's need to have at least one more Spirit fixed for UW Combat.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> The underwater combat needs a complete redone job. At the moment it's horrible.

> Until they do that, I rather they keep that underwater stuff as minimal as possible.


It's really not **that** bad. It has issues, don't get me wrong. Plenty, actually. But it also does a lot of things right:


* It's atmosphere is pretty damn good.

* The 360° nature makes it inherently more difficult to fight underwater, which just adds further to the claustrophobic atmosphere if you're caught in a big fight.

* Separate weapons for underwater would - in theory! - make balancing it compared to land combat damn easy. Some movement options cannot works so it helps to have a separate set of skills.

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> @Carighan.6758 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > The underwater combat needs a complete redone job. At the moment it's horrible.

> > Until they do that, I rather they keep that underwater stuff as minimal as possible.


> It's really not **that** bad. It has issues, don't get me wrong. Plenty, actually. But it also does a lot of things right:


> * It's atmosphere is pretty kitten good.

> * The 360° nature makes it inherently more difficult to fight underwater, which just adds further to the claustrophobic atmosphere if you're caught in a big fight.

> * Separate weapons for underwater would - in theory! - make balancing it compared to land combat kitten easy. Some movement options cannot works so it helps to have a separate set of skills.


The atmosphere is fine which is why the areas I like with underwater is the ones with 0 hostile enemies. I'm perfectly fine with no hostiles. The fighting needs to be completely reworked.

The 360 nature isn't the issue either. I've played games where you had to play in a 360 ranged area and fight. Whether it's air fighters, Dragon Ball 3D fighting games, certain 3D shmups (okay there's very few of those) and so on. The problem is they never polished the fighting in there. Even now, it seems that PoF F-skills are like the strongest underwater and the reason being that they're the same thing on land that they just decided "We can't be bothered and it will just work like it does on land". When your skills are outdoing your weapons (and I've got "decent" exotic gear) and outclass by simple skills... something's wrong.


Also, if anything... they should've just made the Trident and spear land and underwater weapons. Neveer made the harpoon gun and just allow all weapons to be used underwater. The only change they would have to do between land and underwater in that case would be to have the lower body animate as swimming (which is already done so no change there) and for certain classes with marks like Guardian and Necro change it to a sphere marking underwater that you generally mark in a certain area.


The sphere markings WOULD be very tricky to set down though which would be the problem, unless they set them once again while underwater to at least "target an enemy and set circle there. I know there's an option for that, but I mean that should be the default while underwater to not allow too much problems with setting them down.

After that, underwater would just be the same as on land but a bit more clunkish and slow due to the force of the water upon you.. which makes sense.

Either you fight on land at the default speed but only can fight in a X/Z plain (and a bit of Y for ranged) or underwater with more movement freedom to look all around but slower and slightly more sluggish.


I think that would've worked well.

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I bet the bloodstone-crazed sharks are the ones that killed the most players so far and the ones that even get ignored entirely by players the most.


I got neither love nor hate for underwater combat. I rarely dodge, although it's possible and makes combat easier, but to dodge underwater doesn't feel right so I often forget about it.

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> @ChasingDreams.3250 said:

> I'll just start off straight away by saying gw2, might have the best ever underwater combat in games so far. From release and still holds its crown.

> But for me it seems in the early maps of gw2 when they were still hyped on underwater combat, there is some content and bosses to go for.



I don't know, I found gw2 having weird underwater combat. Not many games have good sea/water based content, except BDO (imo, lower those pitch forks), the sailing and fishing coupled with exploring random islands is fun. Not to mention the underwater graphics are amazing in bdo, in gw2 its just kinda there.


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Yeah i think they missed out on what was one of the key points of the game at launch.

But for it to be a target of focus they'd need to redo all the underwater content. Especially combat for some classes, a lot of them are just useless underwater.

I mean look at fractals... Every time that Underwater fractal comes out everyone cringes because it.

Scourges are useless underwater, so are most of the Revenant legends, chronomancer has a major part of their rotation disabled, and right now there's probably as many underwater disabled skills as there are underwater capable ones.


They took the dislike of the system as cue to ignore instead of an incentive to improve it. Just like they did for dungeons.

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