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[Final Battle] "dead pls WP" vs. "sum1 rez pls"

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If players feel that dead players should waypoint and have sorted this out largely by themselves. But they don't want a system that forces you to WP.


I would say that that is fine as it is.


As for the argument that it causes conflict between player groups, then I have yet to see that that is so extreme that it needs a system to solve it. Theres also the issue with commanders claiming whole instances of one map and if you dont follow then theres alot of conflict there too.


You can design a whole system that calculates every possible friction behavior and tries to limit that. But its also a game. With a certain amount of freedom. Limiting that freedom just for the sake of policing player behavior.. most likely impacting on player enjoyment, is just a bad idea.


I sometimes find it (minorly) annoying that players use knockback skills on cooldown knocking stuff out of AoEs. Or that they put up a commander tag on simple events when youre only with 3 players. Or that commanders keep spamming the squad join invite.


Nothing of that is really in need of solving either.


In the open world, players dont always immediately waypoint. Thats just something you have to deal with respectfully and not something that needs a system.


Players will always play a little differently than you do. Some of it is optimal some of it is not. Cant handle it? Dont play in the open world.


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I'll try to pick players up if they're downed, but if they die in an AoE field, environmental hazard, or if the waypoint is nearby, then I will never make an attempt at resurrecting a dead player. It comes off as kind of rude to expect players to cease their participation in an event to save 1 silver, because through human error you got yourself killed, and you don't want to - "UGGGHH" - walk. God, it's like, all the way over there? Nah, I've already contributed enough to qualify for gold, so I'll just lay right here until the event is over, and someone else can pick me up after it's done.

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Just an hour ago I was at the Vinewrath event in The Silverwastes. We started the boss fight, people died as usual. I died, then used the waypoint on the other side of the map, and when I returned, the fight was ongoing. It was only me and maybe 2 other players who used the waypoint. 20 players just waited for some miracle to appear or that 3 people kill the boss while they roleplay a carpet. In this case, if everybody had used the waypoint right away, we would have the kept the fight going and maybe beat him in that attempt. With mounts there is really no excuse for not waypointing, it's pure laziness. Everybody in that group had the waypoint because it's the first one you auto-discover when entering the map. And yes, most people had a mount, because after the event finished we were a riding horde of Jackals and Raptors hunting down the champs. I tested it, it takes 55 seconds from Camp Resolve Waypoint to the end of the middle lane with a Jackal. Just 15 seconds longer than ressing, and without keeping other people from fighting.


There are cases though where some people are weird, like when it's the final phase of the Dragon's Stand meta event and they shout that dead players need to waypoint. Makes no sense in my opinion because most of the time you are standing on your platform and have lots of time for resurrecting people.


In most cases it makes no sense to stay dead and watch. Even if it's the end of the fight, you can't do anything wrong with waypointing. Imagine you return from waypointing and find everybody dead or downed and the boss is at 1%, and you kill it and save the day. You want to be that guy, not the one that was watching from the ground the last 3 minutes.

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I mean, you can stay dead there, I'll enjoy playing the game.


Downed is one thing, but if you get yourself fully killed, don't ask me to risk my own safety for over 20 seconds trying to rezz your p/v/t ass. I'd rather finish the meta because I do lotsa damage.


It's just inconsiderate and lazy to lay there hoping for a rezz. I could understand a special circumstance where the dude doesn't have WP's unlocked, or you cannot waypoint until the encounter ends. In every other case it's better to swallow your pride and just walk back.

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I often remind people before big events where the nearest waypoints are in plenty of time that they can get back if need be. For some events there are no good waypoints but others have multiple (Teq has 2) and if you have a mount getting back is even faster.


Getting a rez is often handy but there are some times I do not WANT to be rezzed. Hands up anyone who has hit the undertow with Teq and are not able to get to the surface because they are now under the map. The only way you can get out is via WP, and if you are aggroed ... well ....

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